Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. In the event that the player decides stowed away, the light in the room will go out, and the player has the chance to see his future casualty. So why wait? #cdl2023 #fazeup #atlfaze, YouTube Video VVVpLW5kNFk0VThEYnhiTzlTSlRZRzJBLmRWWnpNaG5talBj, Challenger Player Stats Modern Warfare 2. local t=string.byte;local M=string.char;local c=string.sub;local I=table.concat;local s=math.ldexp;local H=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local K=setmetatable;local r=select;local f=unpack;local i=tonumber;local function h(f)local e,o,a="","",{}local d=256;local n={}for l=0,d-1 do n[l]=M(l)end;local l=1;local function t()local e=i(c(f,l,l),36)l=l+1;local o=i(c(f,l,l+e-1),36)l=l+e;return o end;e=M(t())a[1]=e;while l<#f do local l=t()if n[l]then o=n[l]else o=e..c(e,1,1)end;n[d]=e..c(o,1,1)a[#a+1],e,d=o,o,d+1 end;return table.concat(a)end;local i=h('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');local n=bit and bit.bxor or function(l,o)local e,n=1,0 while l>0 and o>0 do local c,a=l%2,o%2 if c~=a then n=n+e end l,o,e=(l-c)/2,(o-a)/2,e*2 end if l0 do local o=l%2 if o>0 then n=n+e end l,e=(l-o)/2,e*2 end return n end local function e(e,l,o)if o then local l=(e/2^(l-1))%2^((o-1)-(l-1)+1);return l-l%1;else local l=2^(l-1);return(e%(l+l)>=l)and 1 or 0;end;end;local l=1;local function o()local e,o,a,c=t(i,l,l+3);e=n(e,58)o=n(o,58)a=n(a,58)c=n(c,58)l=l+4;return(c*16777216)+(a*65536)+(o*256)+e;end;local function d()local e=n(t(i,l,l),58);l=l+1;return e;end;local function h()local l=o();local o=o();local c=1;local n=(e(o,1,20)*(2^32))+l;local l=e(o,21,31);local e=((-1)^e(o,32));if(l==0)then if(n==0)then return e*0;else l=1;c=0;end;elseif(l==2047)then return(n==0)and(e*(1/0))or(e*(0/0));end;return s(e,l-1023)*(c+(n/(2^52)));end;local a=o;local function s(e)local o;if(not e)then e=a();if(e==0)then return'';end;end;o=c(i,l,l+e-1);l=l+e;local e={}for l=1,#o do e[l]=M(n(t(c(o,l,l)),58))end return I(e);end;local l=o;local function i()return{},r('#',)end local function N()local t={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};local f={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};local l={};local a={t,nil,f,nil,l};a[4]=d();local l=o()local c={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};for o=1,l do local e=d();local l;if(e==3)then l=(d()~=0);elseif(e==2)then l=h();elseif(e==1)then l=s();end;c[o]=l;end;a[2]=c for l=1,o()do f[l-1]=N();end;for a=1,o()do local c=n(o(),239);local o=n(o(),36);local n=e(c,1,2);local l=e(o,1,11);local l={l,e(c,3,11),nil,nil,o};if(n==0)then l[3]=e(c,12,20);l[5]=e(c,21,29);elseif(n==1)then l[3]=e(o,12,33);elseif(n==2)then l[3]=e(o,12,32)-1048575;elseif(n==3)then l[3]=e(o,12,32)-1048575;l[5]=e(c,21,29);end;t[a]=l;end;return a;end;local function s(l,h,M)local o=l[1];local e=l[2];local c=l[3];local l=l[4];return function()local n=o;local a=e;local I=c;local c=l;local C=i local e=1;local d=-1;local N={};local i={};local t=r('#',)-1;local J={};local o={};for l=0,t do if(l>=c)then N[l-c]=i[l+1];else o[l]=i[l+1];end;end;local l=t-c+1 local l;local c;while true do l=n[e];c=l[1];if c<=35 then if c<=17 then if c<=8 then if c<=3 then if c<=1 then if c==0 then o[l[2]]=s(I[l[3]],nil,M);else local n=l[2];local c={};local e=0;local a=d;for l=n+1,a do e=e+1;c[e]=o[l];end;local c={o[n](f(c,1,a-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;end;elseif c>2 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local c=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,c do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local c={o[n](f(a,1,c-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;else o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];end;elseif c<=5 then if c>4 then local M;local t;local i;local h;local c;o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=h;o[c]=h[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];for l=l[2],l[3]do o[l]=nil;end;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=(l[3]~=0);e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];i={};t=0;M=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,M do t=t+1;i[t]=o[l];end;o[c](f(i,1,M-c));d=c;else for l=l[2],l[3]do o[l]=nil;end;end;elseif c<=6 then if(o[l[2]]~=o[l[5]])then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;elseif c>7 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local c=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,c do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local c={o[n](f(a,1,c-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;else local n=l[2];local c={};local e=0;local l=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,l do e=e+1;c[e]=o[l];end;local c,l=C(o[n](f(c,1,l-n)));l=l+n-1;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;end;elseif c<=12 then if c<=10 then if c>9 then local s;local i;local t;local r;local h;local c;o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=h;o[c]=h[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];r={};t=0;i=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,i do t=t+1;r[t]=o[l];end;s={o[c](f(r,1,i-c))};i=c+l[5]-2;t=0;for l=c,i do t=t+1;o[l]=s[t];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=h;o[c]=h[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];r={};t=0;i=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,i do t=t+1;r[t]=o[l];end;s={o[c](f(r,1,i-c))};i=c+l[5]-2;t=0;for l=c,i do t=t+1;o[l]=s[t];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];else local n=l[2];local c={};local e=0;local l=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,l do e=e+1;c[e]=o[l];end;local c,l=C(o[n](f(c,1,l-n)));l=l+n-1;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;end;elseif c==11 then o[l[2]]=o[l[3]];else local n=l[2];local a=l[5];local l=n+2;local c={o[n](o[n+1],o[l])};for e=1,a do o[l+e]=c[e];end;local n=o[n+3];if n then o[l]=n else e=e+1;end;end;elseif c<=14 then if c>13 then local s;local i;local t;local r;local M;local c;o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];M=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=M;o[c]=M[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];r={};t=0;i=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,i do t=t+1;r[t]=o[l];end;s={o[c](f(r,1,i-c))};i=c+l[5]-2;t=0;for l=c,i do t=t+1;o[l]=s[t];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;else e=e+l[3];end;elseif c<=15 then if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;elseif c>16 then local n=l[2];local a=o[n+2];local c=o[n]+a;o[n]=c;if a>0 then if c<=o[n+1]then e=e+l[3];o[n+3]=c;end;elseif c>=o[n+1]then e=e+l[3];o[n+3]=c;end;else o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];end;elseif c<=26 then if c<=21 then if c<=19 then if c==18 then local n=l[2];o[n]=o[n]-o[n+2];e=e+l[3];else o[l[2]][o[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];end;elseif c>20 then o[l[2]]();d=A;else local e=l[2];local c={};local n=0;local l=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,l do n=n+1;c[n]=o[l];end;o[e](f(c,1,l-e));d=e;end;elseif c<=23 then if c==22 then e=e+l[3];else local e=l[2];local c={};local n=0;local l=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,l do n=n+1;c[n]=o[l];end;o[e](f(c,1,l-e));d=e;end;elseif c<=24 then if not o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;elseif c>25 then local d=I[l[3]];local a;local c={};a=K({},{__index=function(e,l)local l=c[l];return l[1][l[2]];end,__newindex=function(o,l,e)local l=c[l]l[1][l[2]]=e;end;});for a=1,l[5]do e=e+1;local l=n[e];if l[1]==11 then c[a-1]={o,l[3]};else c[a-1]={h,l[3]};end;J[#J+1]=c;end;o[l[2]]=s(d,a,M);else o[l[2]]();d=A;end;elseif c<=30 then if c<=28 then if c==27 then o[l[2]]=#o[l[3]];else local n=l[2];local a=l[5];local l=n+2;local c={o[n](o[n+1],o[l])};for e=1,a do o[l+e]=c[e];end;local n=o[n+3];if n then o[l]=n else e=e+1;end;end;elseif c>29 then o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;else o[l[2]]={};end;elseif c<=32 then if c==31 then o[l[2]][o[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];else if(o[l[2]]~=o[l[5]])then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;end;elseif c<=33 then local e=l[2];local c=e+l[3]-2;local n={};local l=0;for e=e,c do l=l+1;n[l]=o[e];end;do return f(n,1,l)end;elseif c==34 then do return end;else local c;local r;local c;local t;local M,i;local t;o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];M,i={o[t]()};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=M[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];r={};c=0;i=t+l[3]-1;for l=t+1,i do c=c+1;r[c]=o[l];end;M={o[t](f(r,1,i-t))};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=M[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;end;elseif c<=53 then if c<=44 then if c<=39 then if c<=37 then if c==36 then local n=l[2];local c={};local e=0;local a=d;for l=n+1,a do e=e+1;c[e]=o[l];end;local c={o[n](f(c,1,a-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=c[e];end;d=l;else o[l[2]]={};end;elseif c>38 then if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;else o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];end;elseif c<=41 then if c>40 then o[l[2]]=(l[3]~=0);else local c;local r;local c;local t;local M,i;local t;o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];M,i={o[t]()};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=M[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];r={};c=0;i=t+l[3]-1;for l=t+1,i do c=c+1;r[c]=o[l];end;M={o[t](f(r,1,i-t))};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=M[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];if o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;end;elseif c<=42 then o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];elseif c==43 then do return end;else o[l[2]]=o[l[3]]+a[l[5]];end;elseif c<=48 then if c<=46 then if c==45 then local c;local r,c;local i;local c;local h;local s;local t;o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];s=o[l[3]];o[t+1]=s;o[t]=s[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=(l[3]~=0);e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];h={};c=0;i=t+l[3]-1;for l=t+1,i do c=c+1;h[c]=o[l];end;r,i=C(o[t](f(h,1,i-t)));i=i+t-1;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=r[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];h={};c=0;i=d;for l=t+1,i do c=c+1;h[c]=o[l];end;r={o[t](f(h,1,i-t))};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=r[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];t=l[2];r,i={o[t]()};i=t+l[5]-2;c=0;for l=t,i do c=c+1;o[l]=r[c];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];else local n=l[2];local e=o[l[3]];o[n+1]=e;o[n]=e[a[l[5]]];end;elseif c>47 then if not o[l[2]]then e=e+1;else e=e+l[3];end;else o[l[2]]=(l[3]~=0);end;elseif c<=50 then if c==49 then local c;o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];o[c]=o[c]-o[c+2];e=e+l[3];else o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=a[l[5]];end;elseif c<=51 then local n=l[2];local e=o[l[3]];o[n+1]=e;o[n]=e[a[l[5]]];elseif c==52 then local e=l[2];local c,n={o[e]()};local n=e+l[5]-2;local l=0;for e=e,n do l=l+1;o[e]=c[l];end;d=n;else o[l[2]]=#o[l[3]];end;elseif c<=62 then if c<=57 then if c<=55 then if c==54 then o[l[2]]=h[l[3]];else o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];end;elseif c==56 then local e=l[2];local c=e+l[3]-2;local n={};local l=0;for e=e,c do l=l+1;n[l]=o[e];end;do return f(n,1,l)end;else o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];end;elseif c<=59 then if c==58 then local d=I[l[3]];local a;local c={};a=K({},{__index=function(e,l)local l=c[l];return l[1][l[2]];end,__newindex=function(o,l,e)local l=c[l]l[1][l[2]]=e;end;});for a=1,l[5]do e=e+1;local l=n[e];if l[1]==11 then c[a-1]={o,l[3]};else c[a-1]={h,l[3]};end;J[#J+1]=c;end;o[l[2]]=s(d,a,M);else local r;local i;local t;local h;local M;local c;o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];M=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=M;o[c]=M[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]={};e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=a[l[5]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h={};t=0;i=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,i do t=t+1;h[t]=o[l];end;r={o[c](f(h,1,i-c))};i=c+l[5]-2;t=0;for l=c,i do t=t+1;o[l]=r[t];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];M=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=M;o[c]=M[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];end;elseif c<=60 then local s;local i;local t;local r;local h;local c;o[l[2]]={};e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=h;o[c]=h[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];r={};t=0;i=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,i do t=t+1;r[t]=o[l];end;s={o[c](f(r,1,i-c))};i=c+l[5]-2;t=0;for l=c,i do t=t+1;o[l]=s[t];end;d=i;e=e+1;l=n[e];e=e+l[3];elseif c==61 then local n=l[2];o[n]=o[n]-o[n+2];e=e+l[3];else o[l[2]]=o[l[3]]+a[l[5]];end;elseif c<=67 then if c<=64 then if c>63 then o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=o[l[5]];else local n=l[2];local a=o[n+2];local c=o[n]+a;o[n]=c;if a>0 then if c<=o[n+1]then e=e+l[3];o[n+3]=c;end;elseif c>=o[n+1]then e=e+l[3];o[n+3]=c;end;end;elseif c<=65 then local e=l[2];local c,n={o[e]()};local n=e+l[5]-2;local l=0;for e=e,n do l=l+1;o[e]=c[l];end;d=n;elseif c>66 then o[l[2]]=o[l[3]];else for l=l[2],l[3]do o[l]=nil;end;end;elseif c<=69 then if c>68 then o[l[2]]=s(I[l[3]],nil,M);else o[l[2]]=M[a[l[3]]];end;elseif c<=70 then local M;local t;local i;local h;local c;o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];h=o[l[3]];o[c+1]=h;o[c]=h[a[l[5]]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=a[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=o[l[3]];e=e+1;l=n[e];for l=l[2],l[3]do o[l]=nil;end;e=e+1;l=n[e];o[l[2]]=(l[3]~=0);e=e+1;l=n[e];c=l[2];i={};t=0;M=c+l[3]-1;for l=c+1,M do t=t+1;i[t]=o[l];end;o[c](f(i,1,M-c));d=c;elseif c==71 then o[l[2]]=o[l[3]][a[l[5]]];else o[l[2]][a[l[3]]]=a[l[5]];end;e=e+1;end;end;end;return s(N(),{},H())(). Then its time to up your game with the best Roblox aimbot available and the best part? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Himmelmatt Expo HP/SND/CTL Breakdown. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 01/01/1970 Download 752 Breaking Point: AutoFarm Credits The AutoFarm script for Roblox is a game enhancer that automates the process of farming in-game resources, such as money . The breaking point script is a powerful tool designed for Roblox gamers. Games are also places where victory is paramount, where winning is everything. The script Breaking point script https://pastebin.com/ebMYG4y5SUBCRIBE FOR MORE SCRIPT #fyp#exploit #fluxusexecutor #hydrogen #fluxusscript #exploitg. | 0.23 KB, Java | Show hidden characters . close. The .dll file is hardened and protected, meaning safety. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze your movements and predict where your targets will be. Instantly aim and shoot at any enemy within range, Customizable settings to adjust aimbot behavior, Triggerbot option for automatic firing upon crosshair placement, Silent aim feature to avoid suspicion from other players, Advanced aimbot algorithms that ensure accuracy and precision, Customizable aimbot settings to suit the players playstyle, Easy to use user interface that makes it accessible for even novice players, Compatibility with a wide range of FPS games including Breaking Point. Some of the features of this script include aimbot, inf credits, and GUI. Open the Breaking Point; Paste the script into exploit and press the inject button of your exploit. Apr 2, 2019 Old Versions. Unfortunately, there is a chronic cheating problem in online multiplayer games. By using the Roblox aimbot, players can improve their aim and gain a significant advantage in the . Silent aim: This feature allows players to aim at enemies without their crosshair becoming visible to other players, giving them a stealthy advantage in combat. Re-Release but it works, not sure if it was ever brought to v3rm but it definitely was on youtube. Breaking Point is a simple of Russian roulette. And did we mention its completely free? Find and exploit exploitable game mechanics. It does not store any personal data. Feel free to edit any of the global settings inside the script. Here's some classic CoD series you should go back and rewatch ! You signed in with another tab or window. 1 hour ago To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. The aimbot works by locking onto an enemy player's body, legs, or head to ensure that the player's shots hit their target. In fact, if you think about it, the game cheats too when for example a players character gets defeated and then rejuvenated. If death does not mean death in a game, then is cheating really cheating? Use APKPure APP. Aimbot Script New Version. Even if you are not directly affected, it breaks the social contract. The Breaking Point Aimbot offers several benefits for gamers. Software product is free, but you have to pay for things like skins and other features. OK, I Understand It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Editable settings : This script also has FOV customization, circle color, circle filled, circle thickness, circle radius (fov or size), circle position and how many sides does the circle have (set to 64 for a circle, anything below 3 won't work). Download. #scump #opticgaming #CDL2023, YouTube Video VVVpLW5kNFk0VThEYnhiTzlTSlRZRzJBLnVwZEQzLVBPSGNZ, Is this the GNARILIEST hip-fire cheese OF ALL TIME? AimFury Aimbot is designed to provide players with aim assistance when they are playing FPS games like Breaking Point. AimFury Aimbot is designed to provide players with aim assistance when they are playing FPS games like Breaking Point. Our aimbot is completely undetected from anti-cheats. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. Woodys X-ray vision also lets him see how players are acting across the map, which very quickly gives away obvious cheats like aimcheating when he sees players kill one another with perfect shots through solid walls. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. todo-related-topics-no-data Maybe you feel that the work youve put into figuring out how to cheat makes the action valid. It also helps you improve your gaming skills and become a better gamer. | 71.48 KB, JavaScript | The Breaking Point Aimbot works by tracking your movements and adjusting your aim accordingly. This is on public servers against complete strangers with nothing tangible at stake apart from a few stats. By using the Roblox aimbot, players can improve their aim and gain a significant advantage in the game. All Credits Go To The Creators Of This GUI / Script.- [ Timestamps ] -0:00 - Intro + Tutorial0:37 - Overview \u0026 Showcase2:09 - Extra Features3:50 - Outro- Its easy to set up and use, so you can start enjoying the benefits of this powerful tool right away. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. text 0.10 KB . It contains a generic AIM library and a Bot which uses this library to provide such services as Offline Messaging, Lists, Weather, Headlines, Stock Quotes, AI chatterbot. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Its a particularly brutal game, as death often means losing everything youve brought in with you. With features such as aim assist, auto-aim, and wallhack, users can easily take advantage of their opponents. Not a member of Pastebin yet? We push new updates within an hour after a game update. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Get the Breaking Point Aimbot today and take your gaming to the next level. Unfortunately, there is a chronic cheating problem in online multiplayer games. Enable/disable the cheat features you want. To use AimFury Aimbot with Breaking Point, players first need to download and install the AimFury software. Breaking Point - FEATURES OF SCRIPT: Aimbot, Full Bright, Autofarm, Anti-Afk, Noclip, Trade Unban, Inf jump, Big Hitbox LIMITED DUPLICATOR: - /e rain (cost 3 credits/coin) - Candy Crown - Antlers - Royal Red CREDITS: Squidfan420 E. Open in GitHub Desktop Open with Desktop View raw . #CDL2023 #mw2, YouTube Video VVVpLW5kNFk0VThEYnhiTzlTSlRZRzJBLllnamNzR19ZZTlr, Do you think the COD League needs more LAN? Features of AimFury Aimbot. Why are people cheating this much? You signed in with another tab or window. Thank you Texas!!! That might be aimbots, which make it easy for them to shoot other players; wall cheats, which render walls invisible so players can easily spot their opponents; or speed cheats, which allow them to move much faster. Maybe you just feel like youre so dedicated and involved in the game that you deserve the win, even if you cant get it legitimately. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 1. ..:???? The moral rules of video game participation are complex and ambiguous. From the vantage of a cheater, its plain as day to spot one of your own. !join fr) - Fixes Cloudflare Ray ID: 7b9dda98be7d3821 It provides users with an easy way to gain an edge over their opponents in the game, allowing them to take full control of their gaming experience. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. First, get the script below. Report. Your IP: March 15, 2023. Download our free and undetected Breaking Point aimbot with tons of features. | 13.31 KB, C++ | Game developers are often too slow to respond to blatant cheating, or dont do enough to communicate with the communities frustrated most by the cheating issues. Also, with general society technique for homicide, the light doesnt go out, and you do likewise. You can customize things like sensitivity, zoom, more. The Link Is Below: Free Robux Site: [ https://up-to-down.net/82375/1F0robux ]- [ Extras ] -My Discord Support Server: [ https://1f0discordlink.weebly.com/ ]Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Advanced aimbot algorithms that ensure accuracy and precision [Breaking Point Hacks Script GUI Working Aimbot 2021 Pastebin Hack] [ Scripts ] Breaking Point Script #1: [ https://1f03.net/v/FsGCJP. Breaking Point Aimbot is the perfect cheat tool for any player looking to dominate the game. Download the aimbot now and start dominating the competition! It is a content that limits the most ridiculously agonizing impacts. how tobreaking point hacks 2021, breaking point hack 2021, breaking point hack, breaking point script hack, breaking point gui, roblox breaking point hack mobile, breaking point hack mobile, breaking point hacks mobile, breaking point hacks, breaking point kill all, roblox breaking point hacks, breaking point aimbot, breaking point silent aim . It is now read-only. With features such as aim assist, auto-aim, and wallhack, users can easily take advantage of their opponents. Thanks guys :D) [ Free Robux (Only Working Website) ] -The Only Working Free Robux Website That Gives You Robux Just For Watching Ads. It allows players to cheat their way to the top by providing them with a number of hacks and cheats. 1.0 by RadioKing. 52 min ago Tf2 aimbot is a cheat that allows players to shoot enemies in the head from a distance. One Of The Best Aimbot Scripts For Arsenal As Of Right Now! Edit Delete. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A good example from board games is Monopoly, where some families agree to stash all the money paid out in fines under the free parking square so that the player who lands there gets to keep it all. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Note: I, Exunys, have received a lot of feedback about this Aimbot project and by analyzing that a lot of people use this script, I have decided to rewrite this project entirely and implement my modern system for storing, optimizing and tracking. Download Java AIMBot for free. Aim smoothing: This feature helps players aim smoothly and steadily, reducing the chances of jittery or jerky movements. Plus, its easy to use and requires no setup. And the very structure of game worlds, with their hidden shortcuts and secrets, suggests to players that these are negotiable spaces, where law, morality and even geography, can be bent to the will of determined protagonists. 24 min ago Aimfury Aimbot with tons of features the game cheats too when for example players... Society technique for homicide, the light doesnt go out breaking point aimbot and wallhack, users can easily take of! Cheat tool for any player looking to dominate the game use permitted by copyright statute that otherwise... Used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category `` Performance '' better gamer as often! After a game update the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode.! Fluxusexecutor # hydrogen # fluxusscript # exploitg s one of the best Roblox Aimbot, players first need download. Few stats its a particularly brutal game, as death often means losing everything youve in. 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