I am not sure how many directors have made a X rated movie and also been nominated/won multiple Oscars, but this one did. He didn't want her throwing up in her bed, so dragged her out of the bed and dumped her on the floor so he could have the bed to himself. Entertainer/Performer who never got the acclaim you think they deserved. The former stripper turned reality star turned porn star turned celebrity has been showing off her new image and is also not talking to her wannabe celebrity mom anymore. At this point, you get the feeling the old permanent A list singer is trying to drag out a lawsuit until he dies. In fact, if you do the math and look at the timeline, they actually started hooking up many many months prior to her turning 18. That was the name bandied about as the mistress. Then again, it is not like his current girlfriend could communicate with him about it anyway. marcus by goldman sachs radio commercial; crazy days and nights jeans theory. At one point there was a topless scene in the movie. Spin King and Mr. Shazam raped Bayley Blue so badly and frequently that on one occasion he had a crippling attack of diarrhea at the premiere of one of his kids movies. The director wanted to see how a scene would work where the woman was forced to have sex with the lead actor's character and his best friend in the movie who later dies. They are both with other people, but that was them being very touchy feely at a lunch earlier this week. She needed to recruit young women. This foreign born former A list model/actress slept with a relative's wife before a wedding to make sure the new wife would be a great sex partner for the relative. Uh huh. Continuing the awful people theme, this A- list pro wrestler got divorced last year because his wife discovered he sexually assaulted a barely barely barely legal teen. Its like a game: In the comments, readers can guess who the celebrity might be. Apparently there was some behind the scenes drama from an executive's wife who holds a grudge against the actress for something that happened years ago. It was something she had done as a camper and this particular time she went as more of a counselor rather than just a camper. Once in 2017 during a tribute show, her wig nearly fell off while performing. The wrestler also has backing from the very very large Asian country, who has a company that wants to buy the organization. She's well aware of his pattern of behavior and the evidence of his ahem proclivity towards vulnerable and underaged girls. That is why the potential payouts I discussed a few weeks ago were so low. There is a sex tape for sale that features a closeted very big name Congressman with another man. The problem is the body double was not supposed to let anyone get close or take pictures, but the fame got to him. It was reported as being canceled due to a scheduling conflict. crazy days and nights jeans theorynow and then roberta and scott fanfiction. That one sounds like the more interesting version. Why? He didn't really do all those rumors about him any favors by groping and making out with a guy at a celebration this weekend. She has them all marked down on a calendar. And thats not particularly surprising to Enty, the name under which CDaNs creator publishes. Meanwhile, the big names and the leaders of this cult live in mansions and drive expensive cars. It is obvious no one will do anything. If you are 16-25 on the clock app and are female, and do dance videos and have a decent following, chances are one of three women have reached out to you to discuss partnerships and the opportunity to make millions. That is not the person who has been spending most nights at his house. I bet the A+ list singer is wondering if she can claw back that fake award she got her now ex. He is lucky that it is not the actress version, because she would have destroyed him for doing that to her. Late last year one of the top five members of this cult/church (Two By Two) was found dead in a motel room in Bend, Oregon. Enty, who purports to be an entertainment lawyer in Hollywood, started Crazy Days and Nights back in 2006. She is going to have to go the subscriber route in order to make money podcasting. Melissa Joan Hart/Nashville Covenant School shooting. A weird thing happened post-#MeToo where CDaN and old-school casting couch stuff, which has always been at the core of CDaN, crossed paths with QAnon, Troy McEady, cohost of the celebrity gossip podcast Beyond the Blinds, said. No one has asked about the child. The wannabe cannibal planning a comeback reached out to this foreign born B List actress famous for her contract relationships to see if she would be willing to be his girlfriend once her time is up with the foreign born alliterate superhero. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point, he told BuzzFeed News. Those involving male singers. This A- list journalist/host says that she was continually pressured for years to have sex with this former A++ lister from back in the day, who did her a very big favor. He thought it would be a great idea to get photographed dropping off clothes at a charity shop. It is not solely that this former A+ list singer recognized that a breakup song about the A+ list singer might be pushing things too far, it is that he knew she had just split with her boyfriend. In front of every one of those friends, kill one of the people and then flee back to the US before the police south of the border know what is going on. It is for sale. She needs to start eating. This A list singer turned A- list actress is complaining about injuries. Keeping with the theme of awful people, we can probably count down the days until this A list actor/writer/creator/showrunner sends a cease and desist to this A- list actor/singer/creator about his new project. Was her Japan move, a way for the hard to spell model to distract from the fact that her (technically) husband is a pedophile and that people are going to be asking her what she knew and when she knew it? I was a bartender during my time in University here in Toronto. The former wheelchair actor paid a whole lot of money to make sure his mediocre song made it to the top of the charts. Correction: Tara Giancaspro's name was misspelled and the title of the podcast Beyond the Blinds was misstated in a previous version of this post. They will probably need to keep going down to get any interest. Her pedophile husband? This late night talk show host is going out with as much disdain as he came into town with and at an event this weekend was a total tool. A couple of people who have managed to see the two month from release movie starring this A+/A list actor and helmed by this permanent A+/A list director, say it is awful and one of their worst movies. In fact, many people even bought tickets from the box office on Saturday, and not a reseller for that night's show. This foreign born A list singer says her barely there celebrity ex, once tried to kill her when he wasted on some drug. 1 . It isolated them. He obviously doesn't care about what people think with an argument that because he was legally in charge of a minor's well being, that he was legally allowed to rape her. This one-third singer is spending a lot of time away from his actress wife right now. The reality is far different from the dream. And an ongoing parade of posts describe Hollywood stars abusing minors. Considering how much filming and reshooting there needs to be, this is going to be tough for her to maintain such a low weight. This former A- list singer turned A- list actress might be seeing the former boy bander, but that doesn't mean she isn't texting and talking as much as possible to the rapper with the wrongful death issues. This foreign born A- list reality star in his country who is basically unknown over here, has been in and out of rehab for a solid decade. The Disney singer/actor has been in this space quite a lot as of late as he gets corrupted into a horrible situation. Apparently, she has not been on time to work the past few days, and the lateness is not measured in minutes, but hours. So, she found out another way to keep getting paid and drag out her return to the game for at least two years. It's a complicated tale of an online gossip site called " Crazy Days and Nights ," which may or may not be entirely fake, may or may not be written by a celebrity or a real "insider," but most certainly has caused some trouble. It is why the actor had to go back to being a predator in his own country. "I stopped reading when the Q stuff started," Annie Tomlin, a former CDaN fan, told BuzzFeed News. There is seemingly an endless supply of guys to date for this A- list singer turned actress, so why is it that if she has sex with her latest guy, that she will have slept with three members from the same group. They were being sent thousands of miles from their homes to places they didn't know. This is not about her or any of the director's most famous movies. The A- list singer turned A- list actress says that she has been meeting a lot of singers and producers about new music, but for whatever reason, there have been only two of those meetings that anyone has cared about. Lana Del Rey/Did You Know That Theres A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard/Judah Smith. The calls only last 20 seconds, but they are never ending. The wealthy farmer has some explaining to do with the latest revelation of where he donated $80M to and how he didn't have anything to do with the dead billionaire pedophile. The A- list actress/director has done a complete 180 when it comes to her kids moving. But Im willing to listen to the arguments. Those are his personal favorite. Whether or not the story making the rounds about the rapist soccer player hiding money from his ex-wife is true, the ex-wife has almost as much money as the rapist soccer player. Apparently this global health organization didn't like what this A list tech guy was going to say at a conference about his time working with them early on in the pandemic. What she didn't know is that leaders of the cult, were shipping these women across the country to different chapters of the cult. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. He got the message. After decades of bad men in her life, she is now living with a woman. It is from a college party and shows this A list royal who is not alliterate, lifting up a sweater and flashing for the camera. This A list actor who has a new movie debuting at that big film festival next month, says he is afraid for his life. Announces her engagement. So, she doesn't want to be on his show any longer. Then, here, the US will pass on prosecuting the killer or any other charges, and that is how you get away with murder. It was going to use some locations from a movie in which he starred. The guy can do no wrong when it comes to television. He has hooked up with multiple participants of the show he hosts. Create an account to get started today. Bi . Pictures and videos of you in compromising positions or naked or having sex, show up in your email. Speaking of drugs, this foreign born former superhero still wants a shot at Bond. One of those experiences they wanted her to have was summer camp. No one foreign born. This alliterate talk show host is moving to Los Angeles and a fresh start and to get away from her ex. It was not even two hours after the split, that he was talking about it on stage. The dates will of course be photographed and sold to tabloids like the good old days. And now they exist in the same world, so its become hard to navigate., Eventually the tone shifted from being silly blinds about celebs being awful on sets or partying too hard or cheating to child abuse, yachting, sexual assault, and QAnon, one former reader told BuzzFeed News. Unless the alliterate reality star who is AWFUL at hosting, starts sleeping with the executive producer or the head of the channel that airs it, there is no way she is going to get the hosting gig for a foreign competition reality show. The cleaning product actor has been "auditioning" actresses who would like to be his girlfriend as he slowly tries to rebuild his career. She is afraid they will do something to convince him not to marry her. They don't believe it, but they are superstitious enough, to not say that out loud. To do that, she decided to seduce this A- list actor and his much younger girlfriend in the hopes the much younger girlfriend would set up a meeting with the A+ list actor. Two months can bring a lot of changes, which are apparently needed. The Blind Item was right over here . Members. Enty insists hes not a Q follower, though he did admit to being familiar with Q lore. It was around that time that the religious leader for a large group of people and his assistant were spending so much time with the group. The only really good gig he got in the last decade disappeared because of his drug use. It is a pretty open secret at this point. Considering how hated she was among her fellow pro dancers, this new hosting gig for a multiple time reality star who has also tried her hand at acting, should be very interesting. I mean, her last celebrity client is sitting in jail right now. Vanessa Hudgens/Bongbong Marcos/Philippines. Models end up dead really easily, and especially as of late. No more cucumbers. Someone said she is 18 or 19. With that being said, that rumor has been a sort of an urban legend that everyone publicly discounts, but, there are those in the A list makeup influencer world, who always keep it in the back of their mind. The married A list actor has been hooking up with his co-star for the last couple of years and she wants a baby with our actor, not with her boyfriend. This three named actress is taking advantage of recent events to take her image in a completely different direction. This barely there celebrity offspring/reality star is HIV+ but never tells his dates, and always wants unprotected sex. The barely legal teen who made the accusation has not really been heard from since either. This is about to explode. Vanderpump Rules/Lisa Vanderpump/Jason Sabo/Ariana Madix/Summer/Winter House. The thing is, she doesn't really care. The hard to spell model was not getting cast for anything, so she quit. The one who was married for so long. Ever. It is a pyramid scheme of victims. He was an Oscar winner/nominee and the the show where he most recently starred, is still airing new episodes, although not for much longer. So she's effectively enabling his abusive tendencies. If he is hiding money, it is because he doesn't want his rape victims to be able to sue him and get money. This former A- list Disney actress was on a game show recently, and was so bad at it, they decided not to air the episode. This cable network is being played and is going to have to pay millions annually to a new host who won't get the ratings the network desperately wants, but will be forced to pay for a decade because of the way the deal is structured. The site has a well-earned reputation for being both prescient and endlessly entertaining, so it was hardly surprising that its devotees were irked by blind items that seemed to refer to QAnon, the collective delusion that (I cant believe Im writing this) a satanic cabal of Trump-hating, child-abusing, moneyed elites runs American politics and media. The tabloids might want this A+/A list actor to be with a foreign born A- list model, but she has a child so that is a big no. The other sister wants to do the same thing, but with her boyfriend. The fashion designer who was recently murdered in a very try to get away with it way, was also a friend of the woman who some say was murdered so the A list singer/actress could have a career. Megan Thee Stallion/Travis Kelce/CMT Awards. Maybe they can borrow someone from another reality show that needs ratings. Maybe one of the reasons he takes so few projects is that whenever he does, he always cheats on his wife like he is now. This former one-fifth had yet another plastic surgery procedure. It makes sense that the A- list comic actress who loves child p**n would hook up with a crypto scammer. This three named A- list actress who will never be the highest on the list in her family, convinced tabloids that the lawsuit filed against her had been settled. She essentially said she was too famous to stand in lines. The only reason anyone knows this is because of the enemy he made in a former friend co-worker who wants to get even for getting his pet project canceled. Which A-list actor was recently caught cheating on his wife with his co-star? Jenna Ortega/Darren Aronofsky/Jennifer Lawrence. The alliterate actress from the national park show should know that her significant other who she hooked up with while married, is talking and texting to another woman. This foreign born A- list actor from an acting family that all of you know, says he once was at a party with this married A list political person from a family of rich behind the scenes players/former convicts the whole world knows. This foreign born actor is having an A+ list year, but he is probably A list right now. This A list singer who got her start in acting, can't make it through more than 30 minutes of filming before becoming exhausted and needing a break. You are under constant pressure to sleep with the more famous members and if you don't, then you don't get to appear in videos and no one will do partner videos with you. So, off they sent her. This former late night actor says he is owed some money for getting tattoos for some PR campaigns. Who would want to buy it? The very first post I read here was about Gary Busey trying to use gold doubloons as legitimate currency and tbh I would just like more of that please., Posted to the celebrity gossip blog Crazy Days and Nights, the remark distilled the frustration many readers had been feeling as scandalous tidbits of Hollywood intrigue got crowded out by what another longtime reader described as ludicrous QAnon horror stories lifted from Twitter.. With all the new things being allowed for this trial compared to the first when they were not, don't be shocked if this former A- list actor looks for a plea deal. Gen Z discovered the blog through TikTok, where some creators have gone viral for discussing its blind item posts. In the past month he has been accused of molesting dozens of underage girls. Remember when the initialed cult that branded people first got their start, how they used to molest children and tweens? It looks like the checks the boy bander was offering to keep the multiple sex assault allegations hidden away forever, were just not big enough. She always does that when she is doctor shopping. The A- list celebrity offspring of someone much lower on the list had a stylist work 40-50 hours tracking down a look for the offspring who then decided she didn't like the look after all and went with a designer who would pay the offspring to wear something for this big event she was hosting. Apparently, if you want to get away with a murder, go south of the border with a dozen or more of your friends. There is a trial set to start in Phoenix next week about a software company owner and the stash of self produced and traded for child p**n on his laptop. But with QAnon, were seeing people say, OK, I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal.. This A list singer/actress never seems to learn that she should stop defending sexual predators. This one-half wanted to go solo in the worst way and even slept with someone to get a full album instead of a few songs. This foreign born A- list actress turned judge is in a feud with her actress former best friend who she accuses of stealing a sponsorship deal from our A- lister. Some get much more money than others, especially those that had lawyers. Obviously the questions from the interview that aired yesterday between the foreign born comic/multiple host and the bar star were prepared in advance by those closest to the bar star, which is why it is shocking it still didn't go better for him. This foreign born A- list actress had a huge movie franchise that made her famous. This actor struck it big not not once or twice with television hits, but four times. Posts Tagged. He probably even paid for the drugs. I guess we now know why. She was expendable, and she was used and discarded. The mom is headed to jail or rehab by the end of 2023. Attending with his ex. This foreign born A-/B+ list actress is cheating on her much higher on the list significant other. It was one night and so heavy handed that two of the three participants walked away from the night feeling used and betrayed by this former A list mostly movie actress. She hit it big pretty much, right away. For seven months he hid the laptop in his car, and refused to turn it over to the authorities until several of the victims went to law enforcement themselves. What is being reported in the news about the A listers current medical state is not true at all. The two were spotted getting cozy at a local bar after filming wrapped up for the day.. A big olive branch to the stylist, from the one named actress. #4 - One half of a brotherly singing duo. He would control who gets what. Killers of the Flower Moon/Leonardo DiCaprio/Martin Scorsese. Every year or two for the past five years, the sexual assault allegations of this A list author (now banned in several states)/creator/showrunner come bubbling to the surface again. 0. morgan city police department is erik palladino related to daniel palladino crazy days and nights jeans theory. I mentioned this comedian/actor/YouTuber a few weeks back about how he didn't care about any #MeToo movement and he is proud of what he has done to women and has doubled down and is now being even more aggressive with women and daring anyone to call him out. These include countries where they have already seen the damage he causes with his forced use of certain growing techniques and products and being forced to use seeds he provides. They have this perfect life and are always traveling and have lots of people they partner with for each video. For years, this foreign born A list singer has refused to discuss what happened when he was younger and under the "tutelage" of this one named singer. That is the one she posted. She doesn't show up when she says she will and has been known to be a week late and then yell at everyone when they gave up waiting on her. list of halal abattoirs in australia; Like Unlike Like Unlike Like This is the fan page for Crazy Days and Nights - a place to rehash old blind items, etc. Do, we think the big television streamer paid him off because they were just about to launch the new show our author/creator was helming? This foreign born A- list comic/actor/host is being accused of sexually assaulting a teacher in a class he was taking from her. The travel is just to places in a van or car and staying in motel rooms with three others. They report every video you make with the goal of getting you permanently banned. Why did I fall for that? But it gets even worse, because Spin King then sold Blue to none other than his BFF, Lion King, a notorious abuser, user and hot mess. The permanent A list legendary singer is off to a rocky start on her tour and is going to smaller venues for later dates, in an attempt to get more sellouts. If you find yourself listening to a certain YouTube pastor, he will tell you that he spoke to a "friend" who knew a big makeup influencer and they were convinced that it was actually demons that were hacking their phones looking for secrets. Since 2006, people have come to CDaN for blind items that run the gamut from true (Kaley Cuoco getting divorced) to ridiculous (Beyonc faked her pregnancies) to fantastical (Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together). The serial cheating alliterate basketball player is living with the alliterate reality star. The middle of the week streaming actress pushed her way to the front of a line of 100 people at the music festival this weekend. The only other person in the business she told she was pregnant was an actress who she worked with and her own pregnancy drama a decade or so later. No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. "It's really disturbing to see this right-wing conspiracy theory bullshit show up in gossip.". He is also engaged and is cheating on his significant other. This actor was A list for decades. No one had been buying any. It leads credence to the claim that she stole all the hit songs from a former lover. He is back up to his old ways. What bad movie would you like to see a good remake of? Our celebrity has tried to separate herself from all of this, but she can't say anything because she was recorded agreeing to recruit the women, so it will make her look awful. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point., Enty was the best until he got Q-pilled., I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal., Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together. We might as well keep it going today with the really bad people. This married actress with a really really good side hustle is hooking up with a venture capitalist who she met a couple of years ago, and they recently reconnected. 455 posts. He paid extra for private classes. Doesn't matter anyway because our actor had an extended on set fling turned serious relationship with one of his co stars (that pint sized it-girl you all would know) while they were working abroad. You can see pictures of her going in. I am sure it is a coincidence. #3 - This one hit wonder hit it big with an anthem type song. What he didn't mention in the apology are all the other times he cheated and all the other times his girlfriend caught him, but didn't ever say anything. She is more of a makeup professional rather than an influencer. If he does, he needs to stop having the coke and pill parties. Crazy Days and Nights (crazydaysandnights.net, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months.However, the site only recently came to my attention while I was following the outrageous behind-the-scenes drama of a reality show. He would only cast actors who would be willing to go along with these things. She earns that paycheck, even if it means supporting awful companies. Apparently the significant other of this former A list teen actor turned adult grifter is not having sex with him any longer, so he is trying to hook up with random women he finds on Instagram. Plus, to do what they want and live their dreams? It all looks so perfect and amazing and the newcomer thinks this will be their life too. He then promptly cheated on the girlfriend with the new girlfriend. After he had called the paps and done his bit of good, one of his PR team said he could have raised tens of thousands of dollars for the same shop, if he had sold the clothes online, instead of the few hundred they will get now. The more victims you get, the more money you make. There was only one thing she needed to do in return. Who do you think leaked the background report of his husband he had prepared, to the press? But with Q posts, you could go any direction with those.. It is also the only way she can get the podcast/show she wants. This closeted foreign born permanent A list athlete hooked up with someone from Grindr Friday night after getting wasted at a Coachella party. This former bar star cheats on his significant other every day. Crazy Days And Nights. And perhaps that's why CDaN seems to have collided with the QAnon delusion: Maybe the instincts that make for a compelling celebrity gossip site are the same ones that make for a compelling political conspiracy. I am sure she will deny this one too. The three women each have close to or more than 1M followers on the app and always look so happy in their videos. So, the three name singer/muse refuses to have a new version of a song released, even though it features a sermon by a guy who stole well over $1M from his employees, enabled a rapist, and paid the six figure entrance fee to join the megachurch cult which allows pastors to make big bucks speaking at churches who have also paid the cult initiation fee. They are assigned boyfriends because couples sell better they are told. 17 2565. The result? Would you have cast Ryan Gosling as Ken in the Barbie movie? This A list host/producer who recently left a gig, was texting friends all morning sharing clips of how bad his replacement is. 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