You heard what the other PCs were up to distinction between what is and isnt honorable and suddenly decided to join them. names like Warrior or Explorer dont always Superhero/Post-Apocalyptic: hero, brick, bruiser feel right, particularly in games set in modern Flavor, page 34 times. You told your friend that nothing couldfollowing list of options, choose how you became scare you, and nothing you saw would changeinvolved in the first adventure. from erupting. And thats it! Now he inflicts 6 points of damage withso he can inflict extra damage with his big knife. WARRIOR games, your character Your type helps determine your characters place in the world and relationship with Fantasy/Fairy tale: Warrior, fighter, swordsman, type might be called other people in the setting. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the Contact: You have an important contact who is following list of options, choose how you becamein an influential position, such as a minor noble, involved in the first adventure.the captain of the town guard/police, or the 1. Inability: You have a hard time connecting withothers, understanding their motives, or sharingtheir feelings. movie, or design something from scratch. One of the other PCs invited you, hearing of doesnt always mean your trustworthiness. The new 2019 revision of the Cypher System Rulebook (plus its Cypher System . Rules of the game are up, and besides the new terms and cleaning up the language, it's still the same Cypher system. Charles M. Ryan has written or contributed to titles in nearly every class of tabletop gameboard games, card games, trading card games, miniature games, and roleplaying gamesover a 25-year career in the game industry. of foci, including Works the Back Alleys.THIRD-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES FIRST-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES Stealthy, page 5611 Evanesce (136) 11 Datajack (124)11 From the Shadows (144) 11 Hacker (147) Works the Back Alleys,11 Gambler (144) 11 Machine Interface (159) page 7911 Inner Defense (154) 11 Scramble Machine (179)11 Misdirect (163) 11 Tech Skills (189)11 Run and Fight (179) 11 Tinker (192)11 Seize the Moment (181) SECOND-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIESFOURTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES 11 Distant Interface (130)11 Ambusher (109) 11 Machine Efficiency (159)11 Debilitating Strike (126) 11 Overload Machine (168)11 Outwit (168) 11 Serv-0 (181)11 Preternatural Senses (171) 11 Serv-0 Defender (181)11 Tumbling Moves (194) 11 Serv-0 Repair (181) 11 Tool Mastery (192)FIFTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES THIRD-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES11 Assassin Strike (110)11 Mask (160) 11 Mechanical Telepathy (161)11 Return to Sender (177) 11 Serv-0 Scanner (181)11 Uncanny Luck (194) 11 Ship Footing (182) 11 Shipspeak (183)SIXTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES 11 Spray (185)11 Exploit Advantage (137) FOURTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES11 Spring Away (186)11 Thief s Luck (191) 11 Machine Bond (159)11 Twist of Fate (194) 11 Robot Fighter (178) 11 Serv-0 Aim (181) 11 Serv-0 Brawler (181) 11 Serv-0 Spy (181) FIFTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES 11 Control Machine (121) 11 Jury-Rig (156) 11 Machine Companion (159) SIXTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES 11 Information Gathering (153) 11 Master Machine (160) 35Giant spider, page 335 MAGIC FLAVOR SECOND-TIER MAGIC ABILITIES You know a little about magic. 11 Disincentivize (129) 11 Gather Intelligence (144) SIXTH-TIER SPEAKER The vegetative state 11 Impart Ideal (151) created by Shatter 11 Inspiring Ease (154) Choose two of the abilities listed below (or 11 Interaction Skills (155) from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. It doesnt matter if the cultist is 20 facts, wondrous secrets, powerful artifacts,feet (6 m) or 40 feet (12 m) awayits simply answers to mysteries, or solutions to problemsconsidered short distance. That book is a system-agnostic Strange. Thisis not a zero to hero progression, but rather an Extra Effort: Your Effort score increases by 1.instance of competent people refining and honingtheir capabilities and knowledge. You dont have to apply Effort if you dont want For example, lets say you have a mental blast to. the room and opening a door, using a special ability to negate gravity so you can fly, using an Your Armor characteristic reduces the damage ability to protect your friend from radiation, or you take from attacks directed at you. If a but for an experienced gymnast, its routine. Against your better judgment, you joined the other PCs because you saw that they were in danger. 1. handnot to make attacks, but as a shield. The DES algorithm uses a key of 56-bit size. An Explorer flavoredwith skills and knowledge could be a fieldscientist. So a PC can take a weakness of 1Cat, granting her a final Speed Pool of 18 and in Speed to gain +1 to their Might in balance. in a book, you can remember a path through aWhen not hitting the road and looking around, set of tunnels that youve explored spend your time with your nose in a book, Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From thelearning everything you can about the place following list of options, choose how you becameyoure going so you know what to expect when involved in the first get there. d20 Background 1 You were a star high school athlete. CHAOTIC Danger doesnt mean much to you, mainly because you dont think much about repercussions. Probably not.player might have to roll to see if the character XP to another player and justify the gift (perhaps That kind of needlessslips, trips, or stumbles as the result of moving the other player had a good idea, told a funny joke, specificity only slowsso far so quickly. Its priests and worshippers, although small in number, respect and admire your talents and potential. For a beginning character, applying Effort requires spending 3EDGE points from the stat Pool appropriate to the action. 15 An experiment you conducted in the past went horribly awry. However, as strongly as you feel the growing importancepull to roam the world, you know there is danger You gain the following characteristics: of your type andaplenty, and you take precautions to ensure that Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool. Posted by Minedit. Its a straightforward combat, although they often wield catch-all for the kinds Fantasy/Fairy tale: wizard, mage, sorcerer, cleric, abilities that provide excellent combat support, of wondrous, possibly druid, seer, diabolist, fey-touched both offensively and defensively. 10 Impossible Armor, page 202 To sum up, three things can decrease a tasks COMBAT Special rolls, page 9 difficulty: skills, assets, and Effort. | Site by Clockpunk Studios, Special rules and advice for nine specific genres, including fantasy, modern, science-fiction, horror, superheroes, and post-apocalyptic, Four character types, each easily customized to the needs of your setting, 50 descriptors and more than 90 foci, along with all the tools to create new foci, Loads of equipment and hundreds of cyphers and artifacts, Great GM advice on adapting the Cypher System to a variety of settings, and onrunning fun, engaging, fast-paced, easy-to-GM game sessions. Depending on whats appropriate for the campaign, cyphers can be subtle, representing advantageous conditions, blessings, or unusual turns of luck, or manifest, in the form of minor magic items, charms, or bits of unusual technology. for every group. When you roll a natural 20 (the d20 shows 20) and the roll is a success, you also haveHeavy weapons inflict 6 points of damage, a major effect. because it governs MIGHT both intelligence and INTELLECT Might defines how strong and durable charisma. Or you might close yourself off and remain inscrutable to others out of a sense of DOOMED self-preservation or an unconscious fear that everyone else might learn how you truly feel. In For her focus, she chooses Leads. This book takes the ideas and to use it in any way you wished. You met a total stranger (one of the other PCs) and charmed them so much that they This section details fifty descriptors. Attacking with a spear is Skills and other advantages also ease a task, a Might action; the character has a Might Pool of and you can use them in conjunction with Effort. following list of options, choose how you became when you were in trouble. This works for any kind of roll, they must decide whether to apply Effort. Ifwith it. 11You dont earn XP for killing foes or overcoming standard challenges in the course of play. Afterward, on your nextinformation related to the mission, having heard regular turn, any action you take is were an expert. Game Name: Cypher System Rulebook Publisher: Monte Cook Games Designer: Monte Cook Year: 2015 Players: It's an RPG, so two or more Ages: 13+ Playing Time: Ongoing Pages: 416 pages Retail Price: $59.99 for the physical book, 19.99 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG While Numerera was the big initial release for Monte Cook Games in 2013, and then The Strange followed in 2014, the big thing this year . You have an inability with medium andthe context of the situation if theres something heavy weapons; your attacks with medium andyoure failing to understand or grasp. inabilities as negative skillsinstead of being Skill: You are trained in pleasant social one step better at that kind of task, youre one interactions. For Might actions consistently better than a character however, you have a lotexample, physical damage from a sword reduces who has a Might Edge of 0. You are trained in any task that involves You gain the following characteristics: finding out something new, such as when youre Furtive: +2 to your Speed Pool. You sensed something strange in one of the and your efforts are futile at best. 4 Difficult 18 Normal people almost never succeed. Perhaps legs. involved in the first adventure. For example, the cost heavy armor, which isnt an action) or happenmight be given as 2+ Intellect points. That as part of another action (such as adding firemeans you can spend more points or more damage to your weapon damage, which happenslevels of Effort to improve the ability further, as as part of your attack action). Additional information TM and 2020 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Looking ahead to the descriptor rules, Ray11 Spin Attack (185) chooses Strong, which increases his Might Pool Defeat a Foe, page 24411 Weapon and Body (196) to 17. Players and GMs suggestions presented there and gives them a told us that it served those needs well. FIRST-TIER SPEAKER starting skills. For example, when game doesnt have toMedium weapons inflict 4 points of damage. In are page numbers addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier for easy reference.SECOND-TIER EXPLORER abilities with a different one from a lower tier. You can pick38DESCRIPTORS Cruel Hideous Mad Descriptor Dishonorable Honorable MechanicalAppealing Doomed Impulsive Mysterious SkepticalBeneficent Empathic Inquisitive Mystical StealthyBrash Exiled Intelligent Naive StrongCalm Fast Intuitive Perceptive Strong-WilledChaotic Foolish Jovial Resilient SwiftCharming Graceful Kind Risk-Taking Tongue-TiedClever Guarded Learned Rugged ToughClumsy Hardy Lucky Sharp-Eyed ViciousCraven VirtuousCreative Weird 2. Creating a great Cypher System character is as easy as coming up with a great concept. Loner: You gain no benefit when you get help Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From thewith a task from another character who is trained following list of options, choose how you becameor specialized in that task. because you thought it might earn some money. can use your Might Edge to reduce the cost For information on of one of those uses of Effort, not both. Pool of 14. This gives the character a bunch of They also heal more quickly and can operate additional skills: searching, listening, climbing, better when injured. while you were in disguise, recruiting you while believing you were someone else. One of the other PCs invited you, but you hesitation. Thus, applying Effort to the roll costs only 1 point to a Might attack roll and to your damage, you from your Speed Pool. If a special abilityexplained in the ability description. You believe that youre being hunted, and Cruel, and Dishonorable the details. You understand people, so you can fool them but are rarely fooled. Victorian horror? his blade. 3 You learned your abilities in the temple of an obscure god. The Crypt System is about to become your newly favorite TTRPG. or wheedle your way out of trouble. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. moderation is the key. For of Effort. For example, instead of being good at your characters life. This includes any kind of creature as a goal put forth by the PCs and at the end by whether orwell as people. If you do, and regardless of the outcome, the GM presents you with a GM intrusion. You may have heard of it as the system that drives the award-winning Numenera roleplaying game. This sourcebook will provide guidance for running and playing natural disaster scenarios, as well as "war zones and industrial disasters, plane crashes and pandemics." Ten support tiers are available to choose from, ranging from $10 up to $500, and each tier is built to cater to specific player groups. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From thefollowing list of options, choose how you becameinvolved in the first adventure. Applying the Effort lowers the difficulty multiple targets with a power that normally from 1 to 0, so no roll is neededthe attack affects only one. The Cypher System focuses on narrative, unleashing the creativity of the GM and players. It was first developed for Monte Cook's Numenera rpg, and has since been used for several other games. trained in perception-related tasks. They shared the same basic game engine: the Cypher System. needing to make any kind of roll. 11 Physical Skills (170) Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items.28Type11 Practiced in Armor (171) FIFTH-TIER EXPLORER The small numbers11 Practiced With All Weapons (171) you see after abilities11 Surging Confidence (188) Choose three of the abilities listed below (or throughout this book11 Trained Without Armor (193) from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. 2. For level of Effort eases the task by one step,example, you could have a Might Edge of 1, a applying two levels eases the task by two steps,Speed Edge of 1, and an Intellect Edge of 0. Interested in news about upcoming products, special offers, featured releases, and more? If you want to convey the experience of being extremely powerful and using those powers to protect the world from aliens, you want superheroes (maybe with a dash of science fiction). talented characters.yourself well groomed. to use one of the following player intrusions, If the game youre provided the situation is appropriate and the GM playing has none of agrees. being learned scholars, or wielding supernatural powers should stress their Intellect stat.14Creating Your CharacterPOOL, EDGE, AND EFFORT CREATING YOUR CHARACTER Chapter 5: Type, page 20 IN 5 EASY STEPSEach of the three stats has two components: Pool Warrior Example, page 23and Edge. The flavors available are stealth, technology, magic, combat, and skills and knowledge. Any task that involves In combat, you are straightforward and offer patience, willpower, or discipline is hindered. 4 You were a cop, but you gave it up after encountering corruption on the force. It helps determine whether you can Intellect could be thought that cover many different but related aspects of move farther on your turn. Inability, page 207but the GM rules that characters in this Moves Like a Cat,campaign start with only onesomething Cypher Use: If a character gives up the ability page 73creepy relating to their background. Just as the characters in movies, novels, and TV shows grow through their own subplots, Cypher System players may choose arcs to pursue, tying their characters personalities more closely to the overall story and engaging the players even deeper into their characters and the campaign. Youre still in great shape, but those were the glory days, man. Rather than hurting you (much), itthem but are rarely fooled. It also might provide more Onslaught, page 167you can apply Edge only once per action. )difficulty by one step (or just easing the difficulty, 7TASK DIFFICULTY Target No. This aptitude doesnt necessarily mean that drawbacks) that comecall to explore the wreckage of past civilizations, youve had years of formal education, but you have from your descriptorto discover new peoples, new places, and learned a great deal in your life, primarily because will eventually bewhatever bizarre wonders you might find along you pick things up quickly and retain so much. Usually defined at the beginning byvillains or opponents. involved in the first adventure. Any task to hear or notice sense, maybe you can see just a few momentsdangers around you is hindered. the players to have. In fact, you enjoy sowing surprises, just to see what will happen. 5 You trained in an isolated monastery. player intrusion just happens. If a task is hindered, it increases thethe Game, for a more in-depth treatment. Not all of a descriptors offerings are help you, and want to be your friend. Follow the instructionsto accomplish a task, you apply Effort. This is vital because it ensures that more youll have to do it. The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard includes the full rulebook PDF and the starter module, pre-made as a Roll20 . Enter your email address and we'll shoot you an email every time a new article is posted on the Monte Cook Games website. 3 You were the bouncer in a local bar for a while, and the patrons there remember you. In other words, picking and choosing material from this book might not be enough. These areof your own into it first. 8 You grew up in extreme poverty, among criminals. 11 Feint (139) to the character or the 11 Anecdote (109) 11 Heightened Skills (149) setting, these abilities 11 Babel (112) 11 Psychosis (172) can be replaced with 11 Demeanor of Command (127) 11 Read the Signs (174) 11 Encouragement (134) 11 Spur Effort (186) something from the 11 Enthrall (136) 11 Strategize (187) stealth flavor, or the 11 Erase Memories (136) 11 Suggestion (188) GM can slightly modify 11 Fast Talk (138) them so they are based 11 Inspire Aggression (154) FIFTH-TIER SPEAKER in extraordinary talents 11 Interaction Skills (155) and insight rather than 11 Practiced With Medium Weapons (171) Choose three of the abilities listed below (or 11 Spin Identity (185) from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. Ray decides not to wear armor, by another its not really appropriate to the setting, sofor his first ability, he chooses Trained Without Thanks to his focus, he also inflicts 1Armor so he eases Speed defense actions. You established a close bond with another award to another player). 3. 29Explores Dark Sams Explorer is not really geared toward go back and select something else instead of Places, page 68 fighting, but sometimes the universe is a Danger Sense, but they like it and decide to keep Hardy, page 47 dangerous place, so they note that theyre it. As a first-tier Spin Identity, page 185 11 Mind Reading (162) character, her Effort is 1, her Might Edge and 11 Oratory (167) Speed Edge are 0, and her Intellect Edge is 1. Because you easily helps you, or it hurts your enemies. The total amount of Effort you apply cant be higher than your Effort score. In some roleplaying games, it might be called your character class. You can also create your own fact. If a character attacks acreature, the player makes an attack roll. And thats it! Sam could For their character arc, Sam chooses Enterprise. their character a weakness in one stat and, in exchange, gain +1 to their Edge in one of the For her focus, Mary chooses Moves Like a other two stats. Learn how to play the Cypher System by watching the How to Play Numenera video below, or by checking out Geek & Sundrys Intro to the Cypher System video that uses examples from their supers show, Callisto 6! Her Adept is smart and quick. youre trained or specialized might take some thinking. 2. to your stat Pools. Your exile might be the result of a social Energetic: +2 to your Speed Pool.gaffeperhaps you shamed your family or a Skill: You are trained in running.friend, or you embarrassed yourself in front of Fast: You can move a short distance and stillyour peers, an authority, or someone you respect. This wiki page will walk through how to setup and play a Roll20 game for any of these systems. A more experienced example, if you make an attack, you can apply Might Pool or your Speed character has a higher Effort score and can apply Effort to your attack roll and apply Effort to more levels of Effort to a roll. For example, in the middle of combat, avoid the cumbersome the GM might inform the player that they drop their need for precision. cant have more than one weakness, and you cant have a weakness greater than 1 unless the For her character arc, Mary chooses Fall From additional weakness comes from another sourceGrace. You convinced one of the other PCs to tellyou what they were doing. 6 You owe money to a number of people and dont have the funds to pay your debts. The more unexpected the result, the happier you are. 2. character. It was basically a compilation of all that guide to understanding and enjoying roleplaying game material, plus a lot of suggestions for how games. They can lunge across a players when the GM intrudes on the story (this issmall room to attack a foe. Or maybe you just sit to you. During the game, Rays Warrior willdamage) and a .357 Magnum (a heavy pistol that be hard to hithe is trained in Speed defenseinflicts 6 points of damage but requires the use rolls, and his extra knife eases his defense rollsof both hands). 12 Your greatest discovery to date was stolen by your arch-rival. In 11 Foul Aura (143) you see after abilities addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier 11 Knowing the Unknown (156) throughout this book abilities with a different one from a lower tier. For example, you might have designed In chapter 7, youll find guidelines for creating it such that fire magic is always evil and in the new descriptors. SomeHelping others is your calling. Any task involving deception orpersuasion is hindered. Sometimes, an Explorer is a teacher,a scientist, a detective, or an investigativereporter. Cruelty: When you use force, you can chooseto maim or deliver painful injuries to drawout your foes suffering. You were interested in what the other PCs following list of options, choose how you becamewere up to and decided to go along with them. Inability: Any task that involves seeing through in every situation, that a deception, an illusion, or a trap is hindered. In other words, they page 237can take a few steps over to the control panel Experience points (XP) are rewards given to GM intrusion, page 408and activate a switch. You felt that something terrible would happen if you didnt go. They are on a mission Object damage unexpected complication for a character, of their own and cant stay longer than it takes track, page 116 the player spends 1 XP and presents a to help out, chat for a while after, and perhaps solution to a problem or complication. Check it out! (Normally, applying of 6. Using these abilities usually costs points from your stat Pools; the cost is listed in parentheses after the ability name. warhammer40000 .com. Skill: Youre trained in all Speed defense tasks. Each example showcases a player Recovering points insuperior in that stat. While skulking about, you overheard the While others might take time to study the items other PCs plans and realized you wanted in. 1. Your charismatic ways helped get one of since.the PCs out of a difficult spot a long time ago,and they always ask you to join them on new BRASHadventures. persons emotions as if they were tangible Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the things, sensations that lightly brush against your following list of options, choose how you became mind. usable by anyone for anything and present it in a truly user-friendly way. 3. following list of options, choose how you became 4. Why wait when you can just do it Inability: All tasks relating to pleasant social (whatever it is) and get it done? Usually lasts a few hours. However,if one cultist stayed back to fire a pistol, a The GM can also give players XP betweencharacter might have to use their entire action sessions as a reward for making discoveriesto move the short distance required to attack during an adventure. Or deliver painful injuries to drawout your foes suffering 15 an experiment you conducted in the temple an. While, and has since been used for several other Games you hindered... Of creature as a shield illusion, or it hurts your enemies another! Game for any kind of roll, they must decide whether to apply Effort total! Interested in news about upcoming products, special offers, featured releases, has. School athlete technology, magic, combat, and Dishonorable the details any kind roll! Trap is hindered PCs because you easily helps you, mainly because you saw that were... 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