Comm. Wells, Lysander (Maj.), (Lt.)/, , F.L. MILAM, COUNTY, TEXAS Comm. In mid-February he led a massive Mexican army across the Rio Grande, and after a 13-day siege of the Alamo, crushed the rebels in San Antonio. Wyley (Wiley), A.H. , At sunrise on Palm Sunday, March 27, 1836, the unwounded Texans were formed into three groups under heavy guard commanded by Capt. There is no remedy. McLasky (McLarky) (Lt., Asst. About 26 men were retained at Victoria as laborers, but 55 prisoners were marched into Goliad, on March 25th. History of Reagan Baptist Church History of the Reagan Methodist Church Reagan Homecoming Page We'll send you a couple of emails per month, filled with fascinating history facts that you can share with your friends. Fannin, who could not have done much else-Urrea had received reinforcements and artillery that would have devastated the Texan position in an open prairie on ground lower than the Mexican lines-accepted Urrea's proposals but did not inform his men of the conditional nature of these terms. Comm. [citation needed] After the executions, the Texians' bodies were piled and burned. Also spared were the 75 soldiers of the Miller and Nashville Battalion, who were given white arm bands. Barron (Barren), T.H., Another true life tale of life in Early-Day texas H. , Fassitt (Feassitt), G.A. (Maj.), This March 27 massacre by Santa Anna of the forces captured at the Battle of Coleto ten miles east of the town, including Colonel Fannin, occurred after their surrender and march back to prison, then housed in the Presidio La Bahia in Goliad. Tomahawks, Knives, Antlers, Arrowheads, Crafts, Horns, and Snake Skins , Nearly all were killed at the first fire. Goliad served as martyrs for the remaining forces in Houston's army. Liberty Hill, Williamson County, Texas Home Page END OF LIST. Pierson, J.G.W History of Thanksgiving. ), Craft, James A. Kosse Cemetery Listings. Lewellyn, Thos., Goliad's Passion Play: Historic Re-enactors Remember the 'Goliad Massacre'. The following letter from Captain Kennymore, who was among the survivors of the Massacre of the Georgia Battalion at Goliad, in 1836, gives assurance that the accompanying account of that massacre is correct, an have additional authority for giving the subjoined list of the killed, and survivors, as entirely correct. Edward (Col.), Three weeks later, the Texans sought their revenge. McLellan (Capt., Comisy. For more information go to: Burroughs, George H., , Republic of Texas. The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425445 prisoners of war from the Texian Army of the Republic of Texas were executed by the Mexican Army in the town of Goliad, Texas. Burnett, Wm. (Lt. Col.), Thomas, B.R., (Lt. Col.) Enlistment Aug 9, 1836, ), Smith, L. (Maj.), Robertson, Sterling C., In November 1835, Texan leaders proclaimed their resistance to Santa Annas dictatorship, though they stopped short of calling for independence. Lieutenants Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna et al., The Mexican Side of the Texan Revolution, trans. , Jean Kubiak Cundieff Memorial Page Swisher, James G., Robbless, Alexander Barron, Thos. FAMOUS TEXANS AND VISITORS Coca Cola, Disney, and related Collectibles He was a prosperous citizen of New Hanover County and a member of the North Carolina legislature in 1820 . His troops gathered the remains and buried them with military honors. Mr.), was as famous a rallying cry during the Texas Revolution as Remember the Alamo! Harbert Davenport and Craig H. Roell. State Representative Daniel James Kubiak (Lt. Col.), Nearly one month later, word reached La Bahia (Goliad) that Santa Anna had been defeated and had surrendered while trying to flee at the Battle of San Jacinto. Harreld, Wm. Within a short distance, the Mexicans opened fire on the weaponless soldiers and executed 342, of which 40 were too wounded to march. Pettus, Samuel O.,V Pedro (Luis?) Blair, S.C. , The exact fate of others captured at Refugio is not known. Allen, Thos. Woodhouse, M.P.(H.R.) accessed April 18, 2023, Durocher, Chas. [14] The 75 soldiers of William Parsons Miller and the Nashville Battalion were captured on March 20 and marched to Goliad on March 23. ", A more difficult situation confronted him on March 20 after James W. Fannin's surrender (see COLETO, BATTLE OF). Highbank Webpage and History Bellingsley, Jesse (Capt.) Blazeley (Blazely), Wm. They may have been added to the prisoners at Goliad and killed with Fannin on March 27. That afternoon, General Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna wrote the first official report of the battle and . This order was received on March 26 by Col. Jos Nicols de la Portilla, whom Urrea had left at Goliad. Elliott, W.J. , Carey, W.R. , General Urrea departed Goliad, leaving reserved by Leonard Kubiak. Sharp, John (1 Lt.), Colonel Jos Nicols de la Portilla, under orders from General and President of Mexico, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. In obedience to Santa Annas orders, on this day in 1836 Urrea ordered his men to open fire on Fannin and his soldiers, along with about 100 other captured Texans. Colerick, Charles , Texana Books, Republic of Texas Days Head, Wm. Lynch, Nicholas/ Lynch, N., The massacre in Las Vegas killed 58 people and wounded 489 who were crowded together into one . Geo. Reed (Redd) (Capt. On reaching Refugio, thirty miles below Goliad, Colonel Fannin learned through Major Morris, who had gone on to San Patricio with Johnson and Grant, of the advance, in force, of the Mexicans. (2 Lt. Swisher, H.H. Those not killed were pursued and slaughtered by gunfire, bayonet, or lance. John Crittenden Duval, Early Times in Texas, or the Adventures of Jack Dobell (Austin: Gammel, 1892; new ed., Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986). to Maj. Aug 17, 1836, Events Preceeding the The Goliad Massacre Hall (Lt.), Dickson (Lt.), Aug 31, 1836 Still, Fannin became cheerful and reported to his men that the Mexicans were making arrangements for their departure. Rabb, Thos. A version of this story ran in the May 2013 issue. You can navigate days by using left and right arrows. Walden (Waldon), Alfred P. , Ironically, rather than serving to crush the Texas rebellion, the Goliad Massacre helped inspire and unify the Texans. Scroggs, John Goliad, TX 77963. [4] At 3:00a.m. on February 27, Urrea's advance patrol surprised Johnson and about 45 men, initiating the Battle of San Patricio. Powers/McCaleb(Reagan)Cemetery Listing About a mile outside Goliad, Presidio La Bahia attracts both history buffs and ghost hunters, all drawn to the scene of the Goliad Massacre. Carlos E. Castaeda (Dallas: Turner, 1928; 2d ed., Austin: Graphic Ideas, 1970). Comm.) Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S. After repulsing one Mexican assault, Fannin realized there was no chance of escape. [17] Under a decree that Santa Anna had pressed and which was passed by the Mexican Congress on December 30, 1835, armed foreigners taken in combat were to be treated as pirates and executed. Because of the intervention of Francita Alavez (known as the "Angel of Goliad"), 20 more men were spared to act as doctors, interpreters, or workers. Meanwhile, the Guatemalan foreign. Edward (Col.), How Texas Got It's Name. It features an art deco relief sculpture and the names of the men who were killed.[32]. The guard on the right of the column of prisoners then countermarched and formed with the guard on the left. OLD WEST RELATED Co. C, Mabbitt, Leonard H. , Thornton, F.W./ Conrad, Edward , Here are all the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. Westover, Ira , ), Governor John Conally Harrison, Charles L. (Col.) Commission Apr 20, 1836, of the 1812 Louisiana killed in was cited.3,) Travis for DespWlier "Immortal 32" battle bravery. Infantry, Texas Army, King evacuate colonists at Refugio, were surrounded by Urrea's force. , , Holmes, James L. (Maj.) Commission Aug 27, 1836, ), Marshall (Capt. History of the Hesston Belt Buckle. DeWitt Clinton Baker, comp., A Texas Scrap-Book (New York: Barnes, 1875; rpt. , Becoming a Webpage Supporter [John Goodloe Warren] , Hill, Ben F. (Adjt Genl), Mar 25 2023 - 9:00am to Mar 26 2023 - 12:00pm. S. Commission Jul 27, 1836, Governor John Conally Former Residents of Reagan, Texas Artillery), [11], On March 19, Urrea had quickly advanced and surrounded 300 men of the Texian Army on the open prairie, near La Bahia (Goliad). (Capt. Graham (Capt. Texas Declaration of Independence (1836). The main article is Goliad Massacre. Grant, James (Dr), Gillen, Benjamin Y. Love, Palas Shivers, Offa L.(S.), Only the day before, Fannin himself, with his adjutant general, Joseph M. Chadwick, had returned from Copano, where, accompanied by Holsinger and other Mexican officers, they had tried to charter the vessel on which William P. Miller's Nashville Battalion had arrived earlier (these men had been captured and imprisoned at Goliad, also). Johnson (Reagan)Cemetery Listing , Officers and Men of the Republic of Texas Hughes (Capt.) Bennett (Burnett), Jas. Only twenty-eight escaped the firing squads, and twenty more were spared as physicians, orderlies, interpreters, or mechanics largely because of the entreaties of a "high bred beauty" whom the Texans called the "Angel of Goliad" (see ALAVEZ, FRANCITA), and the brave and kindly intervention of Col. Francisco Garay. Coe (Coel), Philip , History of Trains in Texas General Santa Anna Though not as salient as the battle of the Alamo, the massacre immeasurably garnered support for the cause against Mexico both within Texas and in the United States, thus contributing greatly to the Texan victory at the battle of San Jacinto and sustaining the independence of the Republic of Texas. 147148 gives the number of men killed with Grant as 11. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Harrison, (Capt. on behalf of Louisa Barton, the widowed sister of his wife. [15][16], The Mexicans took the Texians back to Goliad, where they were held as prisoners at Fort Defiance (Presidio La Bahia). Illustrations.$29.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-59114-843-2. At selected spots on each of the three roads, from half to three-fourths of a mile from the presidio, the three groups were halted. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. These lists were compiled sometime after the fact. ), McClure, John ), Abel Morgan, survivor and chronicler of the battle of Coleto and the Goliad Massacre, was probably born in 1792 at Bellecastle, North Carolina, the son of Abel Morgan. Battle of San Jacinto-Victory for the Republic of Texas Army At selected spots on each of the three roads, from half to three-fourths of a mile from the presidio, the three groups were halted. Lewis, M.B./ Ingram , INDIAN RELEATED HISTORY King's company, the others "one by one" (see REFUGIO, BATTLE OF). North Blue Ridge (Stranger)Settlement History and Cemetery , Secrests, W.H. White, Robert (Capt. Cowboys of the Silver Screen. Flores, Salvador , It was a military force that had been preparing for war for years, earning it the nickname "The Iron Fist". In 1930 some Goliad Boy Scouts found charred bone fragments that had been unearthed over the years by animals, and an excursion to the site by Goliad residents on New Year's Day, 1932, succeeded in attracting an investigation of the site by University of Texas anthropologist J. E. Pearce. Eye Witness Accounts of Busksnort and Marlin, Texas Shackleford, Jack , Though some managed to escape en route, most remained there until the Mexican government later released them. ), (Capt.) Chamberlain, H.P. Hooper, Richard, Kuykendall, Gibson (Capt. Walden, Alfred P. , Comm. Henry Stuart Foote, Texas and the Texans (2 vols., Philadelphia: Cowperthwait, 1841; rpt., Austin: Steck, 1935). Horton, A.C.,V Harbert Davenport, James W. Fannin's Part in the Texas Revolution (MS, Harbert Davenport Papers, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin). Every penny counts! USA TODAY. 0:00. James Antonio Ramrez, and first adjutant Agustn Alcrrica (a colonel in the Tres Villas Battalion in April 1836). (Sgt. Long accustomed to enjoying considerable autonomy from their Mexican rulers, many Anglo Texan settlers reacted with alarm when Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna proclaimed himself dictator of Mexico in 1835. Disagreements among the Texans had led to a division of the rebel forces. TEXAS HISTORY In the space below you will need to honor Colonel James Fannin and the Texans who died at Goliad by designing an original monument, writing a poem, or drawing a collage of events that took place on March 27, 1836. Millard, Henry (Lt. Col.) Commission Dec 15, 1835, This galvanized Texians and led to victory in their war for independence. Gorham, Clerk = William Kennedy, Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas (London: Hastings, 1841; rpt., Fort Worth: Molyneaux Craftsmen, 1925). History of the Hesston Belt Buckle. THE ALAMO Meanwhile, Fannin dithered over orders to relieve the Alamo. Comm. Alan Gomez Kaila White. Ware, Wm. Baker, Mosely , After capturing one of Fannin's messengers, who was carrying dispatches that told of the commander's plan to wait at Goliad and retreat after King and Ward returned, Urrea ordered the execution of 30 prisoners who he decided were mercenaries. Among those killed were commanders Colonel James Fannin (of the Coleto battle) and Lieutenant Colonel William Ward (of the Refugio battle). Texas independence day March 2 Fall of the Alamo March 6 Goliad Massacre March 27 (Palm Sunday - 1836) San Jacinto day April 21 Texas Ranger day August 5 Texian navy day 3rd Saturday in September Battle of Gonzales October 2 Stephen F. Austin's Birthday november 3 Aiden Barrett Shreve 40 Martha Sapp San Antonio, TX Austin Bradley Shreve 40 Martha [20] The soldiers took his belongings, shot him in the face, and burned his body along with those of the other Texians killed that day. York, John , Letters by Early-Day Texas Settlers. Lynch, J.P., Historic Liberty Hill Cemetery Listing. FALLS COUNTY, TEXAS [28] Nearly one month later, word reached La Bahia (Goliad) that Santa Anna had been defeated and had surrendered while trying to flee at the Battle of San Jacinto. [9] On March 14, Colonel William Ward and 200 men, who had been sent to help Captain Amon B. ), Santa Anna's main army took no prisoners; execution of the murderous decree of December 30, 1835, fell to Gen. Jos de Urrea, commander of Santa Anna's right wing. Lalanette (Salanette), Western Handbags Now determined to break completely from Mexico, the Texas revolutionaries. The Heritage Auctions web sites will not function without JavaScript, so we recommend enabling it. Texan sources specify the number of prisoners as 407, exclusive of Miller's men. Bell [?] At the same time, Mexican General Jose Urrea with some 900 troops, left Matamoros and followed a coastal route . Stiles, George , Twenty-eight of them were tried as pirates, convicted, and, on December 14, 1835, shot (see TAMPICO EXPEDITION). 19.5% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot. On March 19, Urrea surrounded the small column of rebel soldiers on an open prairie, where they were trapped without food, water, or cover. (2 Lt. Westover, Ira, The massacre at Porvenir was perhaps the most serious incident addressed in the 1919 hearings. Soverein, Jos , ), However, the rebel leaders remained deeply divided over what to do next, making them vulnerable to Santa Annas ruthless determination to suppress dissension. , misc) L. (Lt. Col.), Fannin and some forty (Pea estimated eighty or ninety) wounded Texans unable to march were put to death within the presidio under the direction of Capt. Comm. Published: 1952. Vintage Cowboy History of Trains in Texas The entire Texian force was killed, except for 28 men who feigned death and escaped. [5] Urrea had sent 18 of the 24 prisoners to Matamoros, where they were sentenced to death, but later released. [30] We have a supply of old Life and Post Magazines That Make a Perfect Birtday They had first given this account at a ranch where they had taken refuge after the escape. Wyatt, P.S. When the Goliad prisoners were taken, Texas had no other army in the field (see REVOLUTIONARY ARMY), and the newly constituted ad interim government seemed incapable of forming one. Fort Tumbleweed's Christmas Catalog M. (2 Lt.), Thirty-three Americans were captured in the course of the fighting at Nuestra Seora del Refugio Mission, half of them with Capt. Command Sep 21, 1836, ), The authenticity of the gravesite was further verified by historians Clarence R. Wharton and Harbert Davenport. It was also the site of blood and strife during the Texas Revolution. In 1836, Mexican president Santa Anna led a large force of Mexican troops to crush the revolution, and initiated the Battle of the Alamo. Hamilton, Wm. Duval's 1280 acre Bounty certificate for his service from December 25, 1835 to March 27, 1836 indicates that he "effected his escape from the Massacre of Col. Fannin's command at Goliad.. Smith, John (Capt.) In April 1885 a memorial was finally erected, in the city of Goliad rather than on the site, by the Fannin Monument Association, formed by William L. Hunter, a massacre survivor. [39] [40] Char1ea Private rode in as part. The largest group, including what remained of Ward's Georgia Battalion and Capt. (Lt. Col.), Teal, Henry/ Snively, J. (1 Lt. Cary, (Capt. History of Hamilton Chapel, Cemetery Listing Hobart Huson, El Copano: Ancient Port of Bexar and La Bahia (Refugio, Texas: Refugio Timely Remarks, 1935). The site saw much conflict and was captured twice during the Mexican War of Independence. L. Graham, Wm. [12] Led to believe that they would be paroled and released into the United States, they were returned to the fort at Goliad, now their prison. The TSHA makes every effort to conform to the principles of fair use and to comply with copyright law. He freed more than 20 others who he determined to be Mexicans or colonists, so he would not be hindered by taking prisoners along on his advance on Fannin's force. McFarland, Dougald Company B While the Texas rebels dallied, Santa Anna moved decisively. Marshall, Abraham , (Lt. Col.), Urrea detained about twenty of Ward's men to build boats at Guadalupe Victoria, and Seora Alavez intervened with her husband, Col. Telesforo Alavez, whom Urrea left in charge of this village, to spare their lives as well; they afterward escaped. Long, 1990, p. 280 states that Ward and 120 men from his Georgia Battalion were captured by Urrea's force. One and a half pages, 7.75" x 9.75", February 7, 1839, Washington. Co. D, (Lt. 2023 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved. 9:00 gates open 10:00 1st skirmish 10:30 living history at campsites 10:30 cavalry presentation at amphitheater 11:00 lecture in chapel 12:00 showing of video "presidio la bahia and its place in the history of texas" in chapel GOLIAD Generals Robert E. Lee and U.S. Grant We need your support because we are a non-profit organization that relies upon contributions from our community in order to record and preserve the history of our state. Swisher, H.H. FAMOUS TEXANS AND VISITORS Twenty-eight men escaped, and an additional 30 with . Murdered: Carmine "Cigar/Lilo" Galante, Leonard Coppola, Guiseppe Turano. 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