Shortly afterwards two more torpedoes were fired but none found their intended target. The Americans thought they faced a very powerful enemy, even heavy cruisers were thought to be present. The Shark was attacked and destroyed at the same time, adding 87 more Americans to the missing. On January 24, 1942 in the early morning during the Battle of Balikpapan four destroyers USS Pope (DD-225), USS Paul Jones (DD-230), USS Parrott (DD-218) and USS John D. Ford (DD-228) . We had fought the enemy from about 0800 until about 1350 hours. Pope was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 8 May 1942. Pius's relations with the Axis and the Allies may have been . Asashio and Oshio when went after them. They were steaming in column, on both our port and starboard sides. General John Pope then embarked another full complement of troops, including the 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, and sailed 6 April for Nouma and Oro Bay, New Guinea. United States. USS Pope (DD-225) was a Clemson class destroyer that served with the Asiatic Fleet from 1922 until she was sunk by Japanese aircraft on 1 March 1942. USS Pope (DD-225) was a Clemson-class destroyer in the United States Navy that served during World War II. Her 30 or so seriously wounded, including Goggins, were taken by train to the Dutch Petrinella hospital at Jogjakarta. The AWM caption suggests this is a "local modification" of Measure 12 camouflage (which no Asiatic Fleet vessel ever carried) or a locally applied scheme. Range to these ships was about 10 nautical miles. I should mention at the time the word was passed to abandon ship, one of the men was overly anxious to get over the side and jumped into the water. After earning two battle stars and ferrying soldiers and aircraft in the European and Pacific theaters of World War II, it was downed by Japanese torpedoes while transporting reinforcements to . By now it seemed that our only salvation lay in heading for the rain that loomed ahead. Industrial Parts Cabinet. These were identified as warships by their topmasts, as being cruisers or larger. HMS Encounter then tried to hide in her own smoke screen but the enemy ships soon found the range and soon all her guns, except 'B' gun, were out of action due to hits received. $2400.00., "Kudo Shunsaku and the Destroyer Ikazuchi",, "The Untold story of Captain Kudo Shunsaku and the Destroyer Ikazuchi",,,, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,,,, List of destroyers of the United States Navy, List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy, Articles incorporating text from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, World War II destroyers of the United States, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, 4 x 4", 1 x 3", 2 .30 cal, 12 x 21" (533 mm) torpedo tubes. During the Second Battle of the Java Sea, Pope and HMSEncounter were directed to escort the severely damaged British cruiser HMSExeter away from the action. HMS Encounter followed suit and the resulting smoke screen proved effective. However while leaving Tjilatjap in the evening of the 18th the Dutch destroyer Kortenaer grounded and was only able to get of at high tide therefore was no longer part of this force. Unfortunately commercial salvage divers had discovered Pope previously and save for a skeleton, little now remains of her wreck. After having completed our job, we also abandoned ship, swam away and watched as she sank by the stern. General John Pope reactivated 17 August 1965 to serve again as a civilian-crewed ship of MSTS, operating from San Francisco. There are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of "independence" the City of London, the Vatican City in Rome and District of Columbia. This collection of records was created by the Office of Naval Records and Library from various Naval components in an . [3] In the evening of 28 February 1942, Exeter and the two destroyers left Soerabaja and proceeded north. Two Japanese bombs had penetrated the main deck, one detonating 15 feet aft of the wardroom and the other wrecking the after steering house. His ship, the U.S.S. However the ememy soon resumed their original course and were out of sight shortly afterwards. The Allied ships therefore turned stern on to avoid being sighted. There was no pain connected with it, it was more like someone had touched with a hot iron; luckily it did not hit bone. Wasp, a United States Navy aircraft carrier, slipped beneath the waves 350 miles southeast of Guadalcanal. Sometimes the things that almost happened are as interesting as the things that did. Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel, William Cramp and Sons (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.). It was 50% thicker than the armored belts found on German and Japanese competitors. J.B. de Meester, RNN) and four US destroyers; USS Stewart (Lt.Cdr. All hands were alive, with the exception of one who had been killed instantly by shrapnel to the head. We had one 3.25" AA. Vintage Narrow Shutters. The third wave then entered the Strait. In the evening of 28 February 1942, Exeter and the two destroyers left Soerabaja and proceeded north. Pope was initially placed in reduced commission at Philadelphia and assigned to Squadron 3, Division 39 of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. Finally, Japanese air raids at Surabaya damaged destroyer USS Stewart and Dutch destroyer Witte de With. The Treasures from World War II US Navy Command Files consist primarily of records from the Pacific Theater. During 1921 she alternated between her winter base at Charleston, South Carolina and her summer one at Newport, Rhode Island and escorted President Warren G. Harding to Plymouth, Massachusetts 30 July 1 August. She remained in this area until her return to Manila 12 October for the Neutrality Patrol off the Philippines. As the Pope slid out of sight beneath the sea, we regretfully realized that we had not only lost a fighting ship, but also our home away from home. The attack force consisted of ships of the American, British, and Dutch navies; namely the cruisers USS Houston and Marblehead, the British cruisers HMS Hobart, Exeter, Jupiter, and Express. RSS. Now Tromp went in. The prospect of our being spotted by enemy spotter planes was great as we were steaming in waters where the enemy was out in force. Otherwise, photos courtesy of cited or linked sources. The other group was made up of the heavy cruisers Ashigara and Myoko and the destroyers Akebono and Inazuma. They sailed from Surabaya in the afternoon of the 19th. It was not until about 0935 hours that the topmasts of two enemy heavy cruisers were sighted bearing about 170 degrees, steering to the westward.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. She was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933. [5] Pope remained afloat long enough to be sunk about 2pm[6] by the sixth salvo of a Japanese cruiser arriving on the scene. They had on board part of the Imperial Japanese Armys 48th Infantry Division and had departed Makassar for Bali during the night of 17/18 February. United Nations Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Republic of Korea War Service Medal.[1]. Two throttlemen are assigned to each throttle during battle, at about ten or fifteen minute intervals, we would take turns going to the hatch leading to the main deck, undog it, and gulp in a few breaths of fresh air, while glancing at the action that was taking place above decks. . The Dutch cruisers were the Java, De Ruyter, and Piet Hien. From 15 July to 20 September 1938, she cruised in Chinese waters off Chinwangtao and returned 5 June 1939 with the South China Patrol force removing American consulates and nationals. September 2 1945 Location Europe Pacific Atlantic Pope manages to escape only to be bombed by Japanese aircraft which leaves her unmanouverable after a near-miss. We even had the safety valves lashed down, so they couldn't pop, in an effort to gain some speed, in an attempt to outrun them, all to no avail. Pope returned to Manila in late June on neutrality duty and remained on station there until 11 December 1941, when she got underway for Balikpapan, Dutch East Indies. The enemy took avoiding action and no hits were obtained. She received two battle stars and the Presidential Unit Citation for her World War II service. S. Kohama), Nenohi (Lt.Cdr. We also dropped our depth charges in an effort to lighten the ship, with the hopes of increasing our speed. She passed through the Straits of Gibraltar 3 July and transited the Suez Canal 1525 July. The POW Camps. The Pope was named after John Pope, a US naval officer in the early years of the American Civil War, taking part in the blockade of the Gulf Coast and the battle at Heads of Passes on 12 October 1861. Distant cover was provided by the light cruiser Nagara (Capt T. Naoi, flagship of Rear-Admiral K. Kubo) escorted by three destroyers Hatsushimo (Lt.Cdr. By the following evening, we had completed the necessary repairs and were once again prepared to return to action. Many of us found time to say few prayers of our own. USS POPE (DE-134) Crew Links. After the crew started to hit the water, Mr. Antrim, the executive officer, appeared on the fantail, and asked "who's going to volunteer to help me blow up the ship?" On February 3rd the cruisers USS Houston (CA-30), Marblehead (CL-12) and the Dutch light cruiser De Ruyter rendezvoused with nine Dutch and American destroyers off northern Java for another run at the enemy. Industrial Glass Top Table. Some records, however, date as far back as 1917 and some up to 1967. In the early fall, another voyage out of San Francisco 14 August brought General John Pope on a troop rotation run to New Guinean ports; and subsequently, after embarking 5,000 Army troops at San Pedro, California, she sailed via Melbourne for Bombay. Pope was sank by the Japanese. Unable to stop the spread of war, Piusthe first pope to use radio extensivelymade a series of Christmas broadcasts in which he returned to a number of themes raised by Benedict XV during World War I. The wreck of USS Pope, DD 225, was located and identified in December 2008 by the dive vessel MV Empress, approximately 60 nautical miles (110km) from the wreck of HMS Exeter, which Empress discovered in 2007. As fate would have it, the rain lasted only about half an hour, but at least for that length of time, we had a short respite from the heat of battle. At 0200 hours, course was altered to 345 degrees. The action was later the subject of a book[3][4] Our ship was considerably slower than any of their ships. : The U.S. Navy Destroyer's Service in World War II. USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60), USS Pillsbury DE-133, USS Pope DE-134, USS Flaherty DE-135, USS Chatelain DE-149, and USS Jenks DE-665. USS Pope (DD-225) steaming at high speed with her guns manned during short-range battle practice off the coast of Luzon, Philippine Islands, on 15 January 1924. Repairs however were under way and while at sea speed could eventually be increased to 23 knots. We had, of course, our main battery, four nests of three torpedoes each, two nests on the port and starboard each. USS John D. Ford and Pope sighted a Japanese transport vessel (this must have been the Sasaga Maru) and what they thought to be a Japanese cruiser but this must have been the destroyer Oshio. On May 15, 1944, antisubmarine task force TG 22.3, consisting of the escort carrier USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60) and the destroyer escorts USS Pillsbury, USS Pope, USS Chatelain, USS Jenks, and USS Flaherty, departed Norfolk for a patrol near the Canary Islands. This arrangement had been authorized for the Admiral W. S. Benson (AP-120) class but not for the AP-110 class. Gordon, MVO, RN), the British destroyer HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. Pope was heavily engaged in fighting in the Dutch East Indies in the early days of World War II. It had been intended to alter course to 290 degrees at 0400/1 but shortly before this three ships, two large and one smaller were sighted to the westward in the light of the setting moon. This page is not available in other languages. Welford Charles Blinn, USN) departs Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies on 28 February 1942 together with the British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter and the British destroyer HMS Encounter. (1). We had received a message from the C-in-C (commander in chief), with the instructions to "defend the isle of Java to the last". These two ships had been part of an attack force that had engaged a Jap fleet in the Java sea the night before. On 21 July 1967, she arrived in Okinawa to disembark partial elements of the 3rd Marine Regiment. They had their hands full like those of us below decks, and were sweating to keep up the pace. We now found ourselves in the water. On 1 November 1967, the General John Pope again departed Oakland Army Base with elements of the 61st Assault Helicopter Company, the 92nd Assault Helicopter Company, the 134th Assault Helicopter Company, the third packet of the 221st Signal Company (Pictorial) and the 45th Military Intelligence Detachment, arriving in Okinawa on 17 November 1967 for a 24-hour layover. A couple minutes later, I guess the Japs realized we were abandoning ship and they ceased firing at us. As long as we still had our main battery of "fish" intact, the enemy cruisers did not close with us. Heavy Cruisers Of Ww2 - The armament of the Des Moines class is relatively unchanged from that of the earlier Baltimore class cruiser. Later USAT General John Pope and USNS General John Pope (T-AP-110) USS General John Pope, name ship of a class of 19,650-ton (full load displacement) transports, was built at Kearny, New Jersey, to the Maritime Commission's P2-S2-R2 design. Three days later, on 15 December 1966 the 58th Field Depot disembarked the General John Pope at Qui Nhon. H.P. After two surprise encounters against two rather large Japanese fleets that had left her unscathed and with no casualties to the crew, it seemed that the Pope must certainly be leading a charmed life. They thought to have sunk a Japanese cruiser and have damaged two more cruisers and two destroyers. Framed stained glass panel. P. Schotel, RNN) was to have sailed with these ships ass well to try to escape but she remained behind with either damage to her propellers and / or an incomplete crew (shore leave had been granted, sources vary on this) and was eventually scuttled to prevent her capture by the Japanese. If you have a small window it would look really nice hung in it! In return the Japanese sank a Dutch destroyer and damaged the Dutch cruiser Tromp heavily. On 4 June 1944, a hunter-killer group of the United States Navy captured the German submarine U-505. ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London. Placed in ferry commission in July 1943, she was commissioned in . The final years of the General John Pope began when she was placed out of commission once again on 1 May 1970, transferred to MARAD, and laid up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet at Suisun Bay, California. As soon as the rain dispersed, we were spotted by their aircraft, they were on us like a bunch of vultures again. The Naval History and Heritage Command does not have custody of crew lists, nor do we have current contact information of former crew members. Course was immediately altered to 320 degrees to try to evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards. The US destroyers then set course to the east to leave Badoeng Strait. H. Kuboki) and Michishio (Lt.Cdr. (Map developed from Dull, A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy. 1,090. Doorman, RNN) and HrMs Java (Capt. The first part of the night of 28 February / 1 MArch was uneventful. We in the engine room were surprised when told that we were surrounded by enemy ships, thirteen to be exact, five cruisers and eight destroyers. HrMs TM-13 (?) The transport returned to Seattle 17 August following this long voyage, but she was underway again 11 days later via Ulithi, Cebu, and Leyte for Yokohama, returning to San Francisco 8 October with over 5,000 veterans. Stewart was then hit with gunfire. An enemy report was therefore made. Full-service research & records analysis. You can help improve our commands section Although the Japanese cruisers were evaded by a course change within the squall, Pope was rediscovered by aircraft from Japanese aircraft carrierRyj after she emerged from the squall. They loose a salvo that is purposely short of the target, increase their range, fire, increase their range, fire, until they finally hit their target. Our ship was designed with two engine rooms, one fore, and one aft. Abandon ship was ordered at 1135 hours. Pope fired all of her torpedoes and 140 salvoes of naval gunfire. Originally built in New Orleans by Higgins Industries, she was a critical asset for the US Navy during World War II, serving in European waters from 1944 to the end of the war. Around 1120 hours, HMS Exeter received a vital hit in 'A' boiler room which started a large fire and the boiler room had to be evacuated. During the action the enemy had spotter aircraft overhead the Allied ships. General John Pope debarked them at Nouma 23 December and returned via Pago Pago to San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans. With the odds being so heavily in their favor, we felt we were fighting a losing battle. Found to be too badly damaged to continue the fight, after emergency repairs Marblehead was ordered back to the United States. Either their gunnery was poor or we were damn lucky. Pound, USN) and USS John D. Edwards (Lt.Cdr. Our aerial gunners would return the fire but with no apparent success. Photo No. As the Dutch naval base at Surabaya was now under daily air attack it was deemed wise to sent the Tromp to Australia for repairs. We in the engine rooms had by now set the bilge pumps in operation. Very attractive oak framed stained glass window panel. G. Yoshii), Oshio (Cdr. Three tests were envisioned for Operation Crossroads: a Hiroshima-like burst (Able shot), a shallow underwater burst (Baker), and a deeply submerged explosion (1000-2000 feet below the surface). That, remember, was in the battle of Balikpapan, Borneo, in the straits of Makassar. The damaged British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter (Capt. From 19 October 1945 to 7 May 1946, four more Magic-Carpet and troop rotation voyages were made, two from San Francisco and two from Seattle, to the Philippines and Yokohama. [7][8] The survivors from Encounter and Exeter were to be more fortunate, as those that were not rescued right after the battle on 1 March[9] by the destroyer Inazuma,[10] were rescued the following day by the Japanese destroyer Ikazuchi, who picked up the last 400 odd survivors from those two ships on 2 March. Click here to Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel. $500.00. On December 23rd, Rear Admiral Abe Koki's two fleet destroyers ( Hiryu and Soryu) supported by heavy cruisers and destroyers (on the way back from Pearl Harbor) attacked. However, after a series of civilian career detours including service as a New . Cooper, USN) and USS Pope (Lt.Cdr. The transports were attacked unsuccessfully by the American submarine USS Seawolf. She is finally sunk by gunfire from Japanese warships in position 0400'S, 11130'E on 1 March 1942.only one rating is killed and 8 wounded which include the Commanding officer however 152 of the crew are Rescued by the IJNS Inazuma and Kawakaze and made Prisoners of war. Many was the time that I would look at the 3/8" steel plate that was the skin or bulkhead of the ship, and expect at any moment to see a shell penetrating it. During the course of our patrol, we spotted two ships approaching and were manned and ready to fire on them, when we recognized them as allied ships. Marblehead's rudder jammed full aport, sending the cruiser into a tight 22-knot circle. General John Pope was launched under a Maritime . The lights went out and Goggins was enveloped in superheated flash gasses that seared the exposed skin on his legs and arms and bubbled paint and linoleum. In addition to the motor whaleboat, we had our wherry (smaller boat), three cork rafts, and our life jackets to face whatever fate might bring. World War II Military Records. But its armament was still impressive: sixteen five-inch anti-aircraft guns, 145 25 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, and twelve multiple rocket launchers with 4 . Navy muster rolls from 1860 to 1939 are found in two different series in Record Group 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel: Muster Rolls of Ships, 1860-1900 (Entry PI-123 132; National Archives Identifier 563603 ) This series is arranged in three chronological segments (1860-1879, 1880-1891, and 1892 . This destroyer was then engaged with gunfire at ranges between 20000 and 14000 yards. As an Amazon Associate earns a commission from qualifying purchases. The second wave was made up of the Dutch light cruiser HrMs Tromp (Cdr. She was the first ship named for John Pope. The Dutch cruisers claimed heavy damage on the enemy but according to Japanese reports on the battle damage was only minor and after being initially taken by surprise the Japanese soon counter attacked. [4] This was to be the start of a long, almost 60 hour ordeal for the men in the water, as the survivors from Pope would not be rescued until almost midnight on 3 March by the Japanese destroyer Inazuma. When the two British ships were destroyed by gunfire shortly before noon 1 March 1942, Pope found temporary refuge in a rain squall. They launched torpedoes (Ford three, Pope - five) and turned away. USS Indianapolis, in full United States Ship Indianapolis, U.S. Navy heavy cruiser that was sunk by a Japanese submarine on July 30, 1945, shortly after delivering the internal components of the atomic bombs that were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Japanese surface and air forces launched an attack the next morning, midway between the islands of Java and Borneo. At each firing of the 4" guns, the reverberations woul be transferred throughout the ship. Pope was stationed off Swatow and Pehtaiho during 14 June 19 August, observing the Japanese Navy en route to Swatow and the subsequent bombing and occupation of the city. T. Chihagi) and Wakaba (Lt.Cdr. Two flights of nine bombers each approached Houston and Marblehead. They had arrived south of Bali around 0100/20. They were escorted by four destroyers; Asashio (Lt.Cdr. I would answer the annunciator from the bridge and adjust the throttle accordingly, giving the bridge the speed it was requesting. H.C. Underway again 10 December with over 5,000 troops for the Pacific fighting and 500 staff. Another shipmate by the name of Mathews and myself went with him to set off the charges. She was the first ship named for John Pope . We were assigned to patrol the minefields outside the entrance to the harbor of Surbaja. A line was then formed in the order, HrMs De Ruyter, HrMs Java, HrMs Piet Hein, USS John D. Ford and finally USS Pope. Their fire was immediately returned by HMS Exeter. After a few minutes the mistake was noticed and both Japanese destroyer retired up the Strait to the north. She then departed and arrived at Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam on Thanksgiving Day, 23 November 1967 disembarking all units. One group was made up of the heavy cruisers Nachi and Haguro with the destroyers Kawakaze and Yamakaze. Both destroyers then retired to the south-east to return to Tjilatjap. The Asashio turned a searchlight on which was quickly taken out by a salvo from the Java. Pope joined Squadron 15, Division 43 of the Asiatic Fleet at Chefoo, China 26 August and participated in fleet exercises off Chefoo until her departure 28 October for her winter base at Cavite, Philippines. After several rounds had been expended from our four-inch guns, I was told the enemy ship was seen to go down, bow first, and afire at the stern. It is 13.75 x 15.75 wide, although it could be hung vertically also. During the lull in the battle, my thoughts turned to the men topside, who were directly engaged in the battle: the gun crews, ammunition handlers, gun loaders, machine gunners, torpedo-men, the officers directing them, and those involved in directing the ship. Around 0600 hours course was altered to 290 degrees and one hour later to 280 degrees. Please note that we're still working on this section and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War. Seawolf herself was then counter attacked with depth charges by the destroyers but managed to escape. In the evening of the 19th they departed for Badoeng Strait. We were running a zigzag course and the shells fortunately fell harmlessly into the sea. The destroyer eventually turned away to the westward under the cover of smoke. Pope was transferred to Division 59 of the Asiatic Fleet 6 May 1940, and resumed patrolling off China during 11 May 24 June. Piet Hein then turned around towards the US destroyers with the intention to attack the Japanese again. Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Fleet Adm. C. W. Nimitz (3) Deputy Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Vice Admiral J. H. Towers (15) Chief of Joint Staff Vice Admiral C. H. McMorris (107) BB 38 PENNSYLVANIA (Flagship) Captain C. F. Martin (427) The Pope, Exeter, and Encounter were still steaming in column when they started firing at us. National Defense Service Medal (w/2 service stars), Korean Service Medal (w/6 service stars), Vietnam Service Medal, U.S. Military. USS Pope (DD-225) underway off Surabaya in company with the British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter, shortly before her loss, circa February 1942. Three hours after nightfall on Sept. 15, 1942, the U.S.S. This was attempted in a final effort to save the ship. In April 1967, she transported the 589th Engineer Battalion to Qui Nhon from Oakland. Asheville does not strike her colors, raise a white flag, jump into the lifeboats or scuttle . The Philippines were falling as outnumbered American land forces retreated down the Bataan Peninsula. By their aircraft, they were steaming in column, on 15 December 1966 the Field. Prepared to return to Manila 12 October for the Pacific Theater Moines class is relatively unchanged that... During 11 May 24 June Pago Pago to San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans Imperial! Were out of sight shortly afterwards operating from San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans a rain.. Sank by the destroyers Akebono and Inazuma through the Straits of Gibraltar 3 July and transited Suez! 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Bombers each approached Houston and Marblehead destroyer retired up the pace Division 39 of the Dutch light HrMs. At Qui Nhon an Amazon Associate earns a commission from qualifying purchases afternoon... The cruiser into a tight 22-knot circle then counter attacked with depth charges in an effort to the. And 500 staff East to leave Badoeng Strait two battle stars and the resulting smoke screen proved effective Java Capt! Turned around towards the us destroyers then retired to the harbor of Surbaja Pope Qui..., slipped beneath the waves 350 miles southeast of Guadalcanal rooms, one fore and... Followed suit and the two destroyers left Soerabaja and proceeded north after emergency repairs Marblehead was ordered back to north... And destroyed at the British National Archives at Kew, London they sailed from Surabaya in the of... Time to say few prayers of our own three days later, on both port... 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