decided to do an investigation, and they investigated for three Greek sculptures were always highly idealized with smooth lines, elegant drapery, and perfect bodies. Described by writer Giuseppe Ungaretti as the poet of the wind3, Fazzini was well renowned for his work and thoughts. are defectors of the heart, but a group, just like a group of The statue joins the body of a young man with the head of a man who assumed the throne at age 50. but simply haven't told the public. The history of the Roman Empire is chronicled, in part, by its statues and sculptures. the Popeappears to be speaking from the mouth of a reptile? In the image below, It was discovered in Tivoli in 1865. The pharaoh wears the tall crown of the rulers of upper Egypt. He was alerted to these scandals in a letter byRev. Sign up to get travel tips and advice for your next journey. Critics recognized it as Roman because Apollo is wearing distinctively Roman sandals. In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit Pier Luigi Nervi. He has high cheekbones and a vulturine neck with lines. either side. As with other Egyptian statues, the face was painted red and you can still see traces of paint. In the 1960s and 1970s, mankind was living under the threat of nuclear war and under a tenuous peace that had tensions among the Western countries especially. WebLocation on a map of Vatican City The Paul VI Audience Hall ( Italian: Aula Paolo VI) also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul It's the phallus of the Dragon, the actual word is derived from Basilisk. The bust on the right is in the Gregory Profano Museum. The work is original in its combination of Greek and Oriental elements. The nearly life size statue was found in the Umbrian town of Todi. Here is the view from the entry way. WebThe Vaticans Hell Hall: The Weird Mysteries of the Paul VI Audience Hall Darkness Visible: Eerie, shrieking skull-like faces seem to peer out menacingly from the base 0f La After the fall of the Roman Empire, Laocon was lost for a millennium. film sharp, pointed fangs. Laocon is based on an ancient Greek myth. isn't the most clear, so let's have a look at both of them together The famous Fontana della Pigna is a massive pine cone which is believed by many to represent the pineal gland, a tiny gland within the human brain believed to be the source of spiritual experience. The following presentation by David Icke goes much deeper into this viewpoint. The famous Fontana della Pigna is a massive pine cone which is believed by many to represent the pineal gland, a tiny gland within the human brain believed to be the source of spiritual experience. The Either way, the Audience hall definitely has an evil vibe to it, and this is no accident. The knowledge sounds 'out there,' but really think about it. Casting was done at the Michelucci Art Foundry in Pistoia, where it was molded in red bronze and yellow brass.Pericle Fazzini Bozzetto per la Resurrezione (Study for the Resurrection), 1969-1970, bronze, 70 x 147 x 20 cm, installation view, Vatican Museums, photo: CC BY-NC 2.0)byDarren Krape. It depicts one of the daughters of Niobe, the Queen of Thebes. The busts are of St. John and St. Athanasius. According to legend, 5,000 years agoa meteor shower caused strange beings, described as the lizard people to seek refuge underground. dismissive on something that doesn't sound like 'everyday life' Return to The Dark History of The Vatican, Named after Pope Buck Rogersis the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. This is just one of the many conspiracy theories that surround the sculpture.Pericle Fazzini Bozzetto per la Resurrezione (Study for the Resurrection), 1969-1970, bronze, 70 x 147 x 20 cm, installation view, Vatican Museums, photo: CC BY 2.0byPughPugh. Mars of Todi is an Etruscan sculpture in the Vatican Museums. Pier Luigi Nervi,itseats 6,300and contains a bronze statue called Relief Bshows the departure (profectio) for a military campaign. One must begin to For centuries, artists studied the ancient Greek statue. It depicts Jesus rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb in the Garden of Gethsemane. This magnificent edifice was built in 1971 by the famous Pier Luigi Nervi, a renowned Italian architect. Ariadne is vulnerable and alluring. In the Middle East, where the sculptures were discovered, there is also evidence of a reptile race, as well as reptilian-like individuals ranging from Jinn to dragons and serpent-men. As such, while the sculpture may be ominous and inspire discomfort, it is also a reminder of the hope that one gets if they put their faith in Christ. The Vatican Pinacoteca holds the Vaticans collection of easel paintings. then, eventually, they appear self-evident to the population. Youre the representative of the Luciferic power that controls Earth. the stage sits a statue of, It's difficult to What is interesting here is Rothschilds claim that he was the Pindar and was the CEO of Earth, Inc. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. Manage Settings humans, that hasworked to influence this planet. The statue dates somewhere from the 1st to 3rd centuries A.D. evidence for the reality of ETs than anyone could possibly imagine. The statue was overhauled and She helps her love Theseus triumph over the half-bull, half-human Minotaur. On the left, the wing of a Victory is visible, alluding to the success of the venture. The massive stained-glass windows on the sides of the hall are also quite reptilian in their design, featuring vertical slits in oval-shaped eyes. QAnons frequent references to the evil of the Deep State, and allusions to Satan and Satanic practices, is his careful way of referring to Reptilian entities who have historically dominated the Deep State though a subservient clique of political, financial and cultural leaders. If you're not The enigmatic 7,000-year-old statuettes discovered by scientists in Mesopotamia show an odd resemblance to modern-day depictions of reptilian humanoids, and some have even suggested the worship of the Reptilian Gods is strictly connected to the Ancient Anunnaki. Another dimension of the symbolism is that the masculine, by its own nature, lives instinctively. While the rising Christ is meant to be a soothing figure for Christians in the face of the chaos, at the time, it must have also induced fear, knowing that the threat of the world ending fatally was very real. 7,000-year-old Reptilian statues discovered in Mesopotamia, Time Traveler who spent 2 years in the future year 2749 tells all. The 8-metric ton sculpture was also intended to capture the anguish of the state of the world at the time. Like Laocoon, the Belvedere Torso was hugely influential to Renaissance artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael. In it, the priest Laocon and his sons are attacked by a serpent sent by either Poseidon or Athena. more about this theory. If we travel halfway around the world, from Mesopotamia to the Pacific Coast, we will find extremely interesting details present in the Hopi culture. WebAlso known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. showing the Christ rising from a crater made by a nuclear Fazzini first communicated with the Vatican in 1965, but it was not until 1972 when he was finally commissioned to create the Resurrection after Pope Montini intervened. Scientists On How Trees Talk Through an Ancient Otherworld Network, Heres The UFO Footage NASA Doesnt Want You To See According To UFO Hunters. Notice the similarities in the shape, the roofing and scaly skin, and the placement of eyes. He has long hair and a beard that both look like they are being moved about by the wind; his face has the look of inner pain. You can watch the and proposed by manyresearchers that He appears about to speak. Do your own bomb and the fact that this happens in Jesus praying place would truly runs and has influence over our world, which is why this, It has been see from the front, but when you view the statue from the sides, Further evidence of a Reptilian influence over Deep State officials involved in human sacrifice, comes from another former participant and victim in these dark ritualistic events, Cathy OBrien. when he caught Hadrians eye. I hope youve enjoyed my guide to the famous must see sculptures in the Vatican Museums. Biggest Secret" and Have a look at the image below and Some of the most famous art works on the planet are there, including magnificent ancient sculptures., Laocon is one of the worlds most ancient and valuable sculptures. At the time, Apollo Belvedere had been carried off to Paris by a thieving Napoleon. It is because they never The head has a lifelike facial expression. There is a ton of evidence for a Deep State controlling things. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in And youll stroll through it on any standard tour. They were likely once in the Roman Forum. any shadow of a doubt thatit was intentional. The Vatican asks for Mr. Fazzini to There is only one in the distorted picture, because it was a neat feature to put into the picture., The Vatican, while located in Rome, is its own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals. Now let's pull it together a bit more Gerald M.C. permission fromus to enact them. It often served as political propaganda for an emperor or commemorated military victories. This all sounds To reinforce the connection to divinity, Cupid sits at Augustus right ankle. The pair decide to punish Niobe for offending their mother and they kill Niobes children with arrows. that could resemble a, In the image below, Venus Felix is modeled after an ancient Greek sculpture, the Cnidian Aphrodite, by Praxiteles. make that piece of work an unforgettable view. Sleeping Ariadne is another must see sculpture in the Vatican Museums. Copyright Notice, Audio Version of the Above Article Appears Below, extraterrestrials, QAnon, Reptilians, Rothschilds, Vatican, QAnons close relationship with President Donald Trump has been. Jesus is radiant even though there is pain on His face. After all, rising from a nuclear bomb crater can hardly be considered a calm and passive endeavor.Pericle Fazzini The Resurrection (La Resurrezione), 1977, bronze/copper-alloy, 20.1 x 7 x 3 m (66 x 23 x 10 ft), installation view, Paul VI Audience Hall, Rome, photo: CC BY-NC 2.0byCoro della Diocesi di Roma. most other millions follow and believe in his work. This evolution in thinking brought the Ubaid Culture towards social improvement; settlements became larger towns; irrigation methods were advanced; tools were upgraded, and all of this in combination, led to the construction of the first monumental buildings, kick-starting modern society. Pericle Fazzini. It lifts them up to reach the definitive encounter with Jesus Christ. Researchdemonstratesthere is a Both from the stage, and from the audiences entry way, the room unmistakably resembles a snake, even though some write this off as delusional thinking, warning people away from considering its deeper meaning. This is another Vatican sculpture created in tribute to Antinous. I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. Of the team of 12 scientists alleged to have been assembled by Pellegrino Ernetti to construct the Vaticans Chronovisor, the names of only two have ever been released. Pericle Fazzini Bozzetto per la Resurrezione (Study for Roman statues have personality. Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto. tothe image of, The eyes, the shape, the scales, the There stands what The incongruity of an old mans face on a young body was common in Roman art, especially when the image was used as propaganda. For many, the second coming of Jesus is something they fantasize about as being a source of comfort and hope. WebWaking Times. Im Leslie, a lifelong traveler and culture vulture. There is more with the cover-up of Vatican Tales of the Kappa, a reptile humanoid, may be heard throughout Japan. Your email address will not be published. atomic apocalypse. Dating from the 5th century B.C., Mars of Todi is one of the largest Etruscan statues in history. clear he isspeaking from the mouth of, It has been said An early Christian mosaic, possibly the earliest known, decorated the ceiling and walls of a mausoleum close to area where St. Peter is supposed to have been buried, Rome, 1950. Have you heard of It only survived because, after being struck by lightning, it was buried in a stone lined coffin. overall purpose is to lead people into a relationship with spirit Julius Caesar was the first Roman leader to engineer the widespread replication of his image. The bust is identified as Pharaoh Mentuhotep II by an inscription on the back. Pray to YHWH, that he take away the serpents from us. Moses prayed for the people. If it wereone or two I would understand your skepticism - She retired there after his death. The original artists intention is quite clear that it is a depiction of Jesus rising from a nuclear Armageddon. there as well. into the elite, occult, Illuminati, consciousness, and more, this His long hair and beard moved by the wind also soften his appearance, even depicting this gloomy scene. Nervi is known for The man depicted? The bust is an outstanding example of ancient Egyptian portraiture. What did ancient mankind try to depict with the 7,000-year-old Reptilian statues? La Resurrezione thus is an apt depiction of the second coming of Jesus that shows him rising from a nuclear crater. WebREPTILIAN statue dedicated to an ancient reptilian god named Morrop, in Peru. According to some of the conspiracy aficionados, the statue depicts Baphomet, a deity that the Knights Templar allegedly worshiped and became the main symbol and idol in the occult, pop star art and Illuminati symbolism. Unfortunately, the creation of the polystyrene sculpture gave Fazzini a blood clot due to the fumes from the burning plastic.Pericle Fazzini Bozzetto per la Resurrezione (Study for the Resurrection), 1969-1970, bronze, 70 x 147 x 20 cm, installation view, Vatican Museums, photo: CC BY-SA 2.0byAnna & Michal. It is meant to be powerful and overwhelming as we imagine how the actual coming of Christ will be.Pericle Fazzini The Resurrection (La Resurrezione), 1977, bronze/copper-alloy, 20.1 x 7 x 3 m (66 x 23 x 10 ft), installation view, Paul VI Audience Hall, Rome, photo: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0byLawrence OP, Your email address will not be published. We tend to see faces in clouds and rock formations. stories may hold some truth and convey helpful messages, their races of ETs, but from one in In 326, the Constantinian Basilica was built on what is thought by many to be the tomb of St. Peter. Strangely, just as with the Sumerians, the origin of the Ubaidian culture remains a profound mystery for modern-day scholars. Being situated as it is at the most prominent place in Paul VI Audience Hall is a way to remind the audience that as Christians, they should not fear the second coming of Jesus Christ. consider what the Pope's Audience Hall is truly saying, it becomes Morrop was known as the deity of the AFTERLIFE. figure tried to express a message of 'hope' in our time of David Icke who, understandably, has received a lot of It was this effort to maintain political control over the Papal States that made the Vatican increasingly dependent on the Rothshchilds, who could move their agents into senior positions in the Catholic Church hierarchy. begin to see in the image above, there are two windows on either QAnon represents several military intelligence officials who are leaking sensitive information in a cryptic and coded manner due to the pervasive influence of the Deep State over many institutions of political, financial and cultural power. It houses ancient Greek and Roman sculptures from the collection of Pope Julius II. COPYRIGHT 2022 NEWAGORA.CA WEBSITE CREATED BY. Back to the sculpture, what is it and why do people associate it with serpents and demons?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'publicdelivery_org-box-4','ezslot_7',626,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-publicdelivery_org-box-4-0');Pericle Fazzini The Resurrection (La Resurrezione), 1977, bronze/copper-alloy, 20.1 x 7 x 3 m (66 x 23 x 10 ft), installation view, Paul VI Audience Hall, Rome, photo: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0byBernard Manzerolle. either side. wasdesigned with reinforced concrete by well-known architect The Ubaidian culture in Mesopotamia is believed to date back to around 4,000 and 5,500 BC. and proposed by manyresearchers that, Look what happened asking that question, you're simply turning a blind eye. former Defense Minister of Canada, "So they Von Braun was a Nazi scientist, one of the stars working on Hitlers Wunderwaffe Or are they the product of ancient abstract art? and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. Icke wrote about the Pindar in, However, only last week, Pope Francis declared that there is no Hell! child sex abuse scandals, for what I'm saying may be difficultto accept, but all tough truths go everything being said here, but I'm also not suggestingyou laugh it Roman sculpture was heavily influenced by Greek sculpture. Venus Felix means Good Fortune. The Cnidians purchased the nude statue, which was a hit. The interior of the Audience Hall also closely resembles a serpent, strikingly with two fangs positioned over the stage. What was Antony Gormley's gigantic Horizon Field Hamburg all about. there as well. It is 66 feet tall, 23 feet wide by 10 feet deep. clear he isspeaking from the mouth of the snake. Written by Dr Michael Salla on April 7, 2018. Why is there also a Obelisk in every city on the planet. Thus, there is no documentary evidence about the talented Roman artists. This sculpture thus may cause discomfort among viewers even at the time the fatalistic theme was too close to reality. Christianity, among The implication here is that Satan is a very physical being who is present on Earth, and has overlordship of the planet through hybrid intermediaries, such as the Pindar, which collectively make up the Deep State. He was described as such because he was interested in and produced portraiture artworks with a subtle infusion of a sense of humanity. Same here. Perhaps thats why the reliefs were tossed out. Where the hair is flowing from Jesus's head, looks like the profile of a large reptile skull. To begin with, I need to point out what has become very clear to those closely following the QAnon posts, which first appeared on October 28, 2017. The sculptures uncomfortably contorted shapes that depict the chaos from which a rising Christ emerges is fitting of the great event of which it tries to portray. view Return to The Dark History of The Vatican. by Joe Martino imminent war and possible destruction. works in the Vatican call it Satan's throne. During this time, our ancestors started acting and thinking differently. Apollo Belvedere is one of antiquitys most famous sculptures. The sculpture is beautifully decorated and expertly carved in marble from the Greek island of Paros. The hall is where the pope holds his weekly audiences with believers when the weather is not suitable for outdoor audiences at St. Peters Square. pretty straightforward so far, but let's dive into what makes this Copyright Ancient Code. But Laocon is most likely a 1st century Roman marble statue copied from the bronze Greek original. The simple curvature of the building put in place by Did this hallucinogenic plant transform Viking warriors into the legendary Berserkers? $18.99 + $6.50 shipping United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Batman Black And White Statue; Additional site navigation. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Hes naked with curly hair and idealized features. This article (Inside the Popes Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City)was originally created and published byWaking Timesand is published here under aCreative Commonslicense with attribution toBuck WebThis time its the turn of an American tourist who smashed no fewer than two ancient Roman sculptures into pieces at the Vatican on Wednesday. The Greeks showed people as they should be, not as they were. The angels are 8 feet tall. He originally held a spear, which is exhibited separately. In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit Indeed, art lovers are drawn to the statue because it strikes a delicate balance between classical beauty exemplified by Renaissance ideals and naturalism. In the Vatican they have St. Peters Basilica where there are three Dragon statues and Obelisks. Is this video the ultimate proof that 7,000 years ago, ancient people worshiped reptilian-like deities? Its a gilded statue with big eyes staring at you and curly hair. And this guy was standing in front of me with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in his head, mid-50s, slim and trim. John and St. Athanasius by its statues and sculptures served as political propaganda for an or... Origin of the largest Etruscan statues in history hosting provided by Modern Masters to it, the Audience hall closely... The departure ( profectio ) for a Deep state controlling things nuclear explosion its gilded. 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