[42], Shortly, Bane and his associates, including the newly freed Aurra Sing, put their plans into action. Vader replied in the affirmative, looking upon the field of corpses that had been caused by his experiment. and yet another question at the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi that he can teach him a way to communicate with Qui gon, his old master. "[99] This similarity led some to conclude that Padm's own surname, Naberrie, appears to be a homonym, considering that she eventually gives birth to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. As the trio stepped off the ship, Padm warned her handmaidens to be ready for anything. [76] Before he died, as he shared moment with his son and was slowly losing his remaining strength, Anakin's final thought had been of his late wife Amidala; he affirmed her right, almost as if she was able to hear him, trying to tell her that their son had come to save him, and he apologized to her for all he had done, dying as the thought was finished. As the attack got underway, Ahsoka escorted Amidala and the other delegates to safety. Though the Jedi Code forbade personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi, the two gradually became closer as their feelings for each other grew. That night, Amidala, Satine, and one of the Ducal guards infiltrated the pier in question and witnessed the shipment's arrival and the complicity of a customs officer. The handmaidens pledged themselves to Amidala and decided to change their names for anonymity and to confuse others. This tore the waistband and up of her clothing, and Amidala screamed and sobbed in pain as tears trickled down her cheek. She and C-3PO then escaped from General Grievous into the bowels of the Malevolence. These droids blew up the Senate District's central power distribution grid, creating a massive power outage that coincided with the Senate's hearing on the Separatist peace proposal. He then left for the planet Mustafar to put an end to the leaders of the Separatist Alliance. With thunderous applause. When Padm later confronted Anakin, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choked her in a fit of rage. Stin then ordered the medical droid caring for him to go and take care of Motee, who had non-life-threatening injuries, knowing that he would die soon. Born I think Padme died from an underlying undiagnosed Takatsubo cardiomyopathy as a result of her being force choked. The Jedi freed the queen and her entourage from the clutches of the Federation's battle droids, and the group fled the blockaded Naboo aboard Queen Amidala's royal starship. While carrying Amidala back to her ship, Skywalker and Clovis were cornered by Lott Dod and his men. [67], After her death, her most loyal handmaiden and friend, Sab, vowed to find out what happened to Amidala. For years, many Utilizing the Force, the Engine was destroyed and the energies of the Bright Star began to begin the slow process of restoring the planet to its former state. She shrugged, still tracing the pieces of Anakin in his daughter. [30], Shortly after the Battle of Teth, Amidala spoke with the Chancellor about Naboo's new security measures due to several new battles in the Outer Rim. 19 BBY,[4] Polis Massa[5] (2 days after Empire Day)[6] Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Is Not The Ending Of George Lucas' Story, references to the original trilogy withnods to the prequels, The prophecy of the Chosen One has finally been defined, Star Wars: How Disney Has Improved The Phantom Menace, Flash Can Only Unlock His Full Speed Under One Condition, Star Trek Just Made Worf's Son The New Villain of Its Epic War, Rogue One Secretly Included 1 Weapon as Powerful as a Lightsaber. Padm replied that she wished to see an end to the Clone Wars and a galaxy where systems weren't being forced to choose sides out of fear. Dorm warned Padm that the assassin was inside the building. Right then, they entered the room where Stin was on his deathbed. With the consent of Skywalker, Tano traveled to Pantora with Senator Riyo Chuchi and succeeded in rescuing the girls and exposing the Trade Federation's links to the Separatists. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. Master Jinn promptly accepted the offer, but Amidala criticized his actions; although she did like Skywalker, she thought it was unwise to place the fate of Naboo in the hands of a nine-year-old boy. [83], The gowns owned by Amidala were kept on Naboo for many years after her death. She climbed back up her pillar but thanks to Anakin and the reek, she was saved, as Anakin rammed the reek into the nexu. Amidala took a BARC speeder to a cantina. Additionally, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed during his duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. I know better [73], A statue of Amidala was kept in gardens of the Royal Palace of Alderaan. The prophecy of the Chosen One has finally been defined, the concept of "balance" has been explored, and the relationships between the various Jedi have been detailed. Before Leia and Queen Daln left Panaka's chalet, Panaka told Leia he would speak to Emperor Palpatine about her saying that he should know that the Organas 'adopted a daughter of such distinction'. Padm explained that even though she was a politician, she was not there for her own personal gain. Leia told Panaka that she had been told that her biological father died in one of the last battles of the Clone Wars and her birth mother was badly injured and lived only long enough to deliver her. Despite trying to use makeup to conceal it, they were forced to allow Sab to double her again so Harli would not recognize her from the concert. Kenobi and Skywalker, after a chase through the Coruscant skylanes, were able to capture Zam Wesell. Chronological and political information Because Organa only knew Amidala from the things she owned and the stories told to her by people who had known her, the gowns meant a lot to her, and she stored them in a safe location. However, she held on long enough to give birth to twins, whom she named Luke and Leia. Padm Amidala was first mentioned in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. 2) Bail Organa's first wife, who adopted Leia but died for some reason when Leia was very young. [5] Publicly, Amidala's death was blamed on the supposed Jedi Rebellion that had sparked Order 66. Vader then destroyed the portal. Amidala was aware of the fact that her friend was in love with her. However, their rescue was a failure and they were captured. [19] When in danger, Amidala would disguise herself as one of her staff of five loyal handmaidens and would introduce herself using her birth name of Padm Naberrie, while her decoy Sab assumed the persona of Queen Amidala. Highlights of the Saga: The Empire Strikes Back! He later attempted to apologize to Amidala, but Amidala was greatly upset by Anakin's actions and the fact he didn't appear to trust her. While Skywalker and R2-D2 stayed on the ship to await further instructions, Amidala spied on Clovis, Dod, and the Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser, who were meeting in the garden. Amidala was then sent on a mission by Palpatine to negotiate with a representative of the Banking Clan about withdrawing from the war. Unfortunately, Amidala knew that more evidence would be needed to warrant action by the Senate or the Jedi. During the conference, Tano's fears proved founded when Aurra Sing shot Amidala while she was about to open her speech. That had been a good days work. That evening, Amidala met with Kenobi and Skywalker in her penthouse apartment. Skywalker cut the shuttle in half, releasing himself, Amidala and the droids onto the sloped roof of the Senate building. Amidala counseled Palpatine, advising him to have the Council send two Jedi to confirm the validity of Hondo Ohnaka's claims before sending diplomats to deliver the ransom that he demanded. Amidala was injured while attending the conference on Alderaan. She and Representative Koss left Krystar with Kenobi and the prisoners. Palps saves Anakin but tells him Padme fell in the lava and died. When Chancellor Palpatine asked if any senators objected to the Republic intervention on Mandalore, Amidala took the opportunity to present Jerec's real recording before the Galactic Senate. However, the blockade was merely a shadow play by Count Dooku to force the Pantorans to join the Separatist Alliance. [19], At the end of the week, the official coronation had arrived. [10] At the same age, she started a two-year mandate as supervisor of Theed, the capital city of Naboo.[3]. Amidala sneaked back into his palace, where she overheard Ziro speaking with Count Dooku, promising that Rotta, Skywalker, and his apprentice would be eliminated, that the Jedi would bring Jabba to justice and Ziro would become head of the Hutt Clan. During his meeting with Leia and Queen Daln Panaka asked Leia questions about her adoption and her birth parents. Despite various attempts, Vader was unable to access the artifact beneath his feet until the arrival of a smuggler who was captured in orbit above Mustafar. As they cautiously made their way to the door, Padm spotted a shadow. 46 BBY,[2] Naboo[3] The ship did indeed explode with the general aboard, taking several battle droids with it, but he survived. She could tell from the wounds to Duja's body that she had been murdered despite the bartender telling her that she was killed in a speeder bike accident. The plan was successful. [19], The next day, Amidala met Panaka's first recruit, Tsabin. He then left, but later followed Amidala into her starship as she left Coruscant for Mustafar to meet Skywalker. When everyone split up, the Naboo senator and Binks found the droid. However, Skywalker managed to win the race, beating the reigning champion Sebulba against all odds, and Amidala joined the scenes of jubilation that followed the boy's victory in the Grand Arena of Mos Espa. Due to the shortage of goods, smuggling had become a problem on that planet. [29] Amidala and Anakin confessed their love to each other during their stay at Naboo and before the Battle of Geonosis. When Palpatine refused, Bane retaliated by locking down the entire building and severing all communications with the outside world. Meanwhile, Clovis realized that Amidala was a spy after discovering that his holodisc was missing. Amidala was unable to view their holographic blueprints since the Separatists had taken precautions to shut it down. As part of her mission, Amidala befriended Clovis and agreed to accompany him on a trip to Cato Neimoidia to negotiate with the Trade Federation. How is it possible?" By the time Amidala finished with Palpatine, Panaka alerted her that the Trade Federation fleet had blockaded the planet. Following her reign, Amidala joined the Senate and struggled to resolve the Separatist Crisis through diplomacy, becoming a leading voice in the Loyalist Committee by 22 BBY. "Amidala" also said to be an existing name with Italian origins meaning "beautiful flower". [64], After that, they had Tarmin (who was disguised as Padm) walk outside with Padm's handmaidens seemingly unprotected to trick the assassin, but Padm would ambush the assassin and shoot her. [18] In 19 BBY, Clovis manipulated Amidala to expose the corruption of the InterGalactic Banking Clan so he could be selected as head, but all went wrong. After the battle, Skywalker and Amidala returned to Naboo, where they were secretly married. I Padme Amidala died after giving birth to Anakins children, Luke and Leia. She spoke her mind to the Senate and was able to convince the Gungans to unite against the Trade Federation. After returning to Alderaan Princess Leia discussed her and Panaka's meeting with her adoptive mother Queen Breha causing Breha to tremble and look as though she'd aged years in a minute. Organa was injured, so Amidala made an impassioned speech against taking away any more credits from social services in his stead, which was broadcast on the HoloNet. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. Soon after, the Republic fleet commanded by Anakin Skywalker arrived and started attacking Dooku's forces. The group later arrived at the detention block, defeated the droid guards and found the Chiss and Jedi Knight inside. [19], Being blockaded made Amidala tense and fretful. During this time, Amidala became a member of the Chancellor's Loyalist Committee and was regarded as the leader of the opposition to the Military Creation Act.[10]. However, the two droids were captured by the bounty hunter Cad Bane, who was working for the Separatists. Marvel Comics and Peach Momoko Reveal New, Bounty Hunting Highlights: 5 of Our Favorite Moments from, Rebels Recon: Inside "The Siege of Lothal", Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode II, Padme's Original Fate In 'Star Wars' Was Much More Badass, The Star Wars Archives: Episodes IIII, 19992005, StarWars.com Fan Spotlight: Momo Naberrie, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [57], Amidala encountered the duke, who wore clone trooper armor covered with cortosis, who protected him from his husband's lightsaber, he then told her that by using the factory he was going to build his name in the Confederacy. Their subsequent interactions were limited throughout the Clone Wars, with Amidala continuing to advocate peaceful solutions in the Senate while Skywalker served on the front lines as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. [10], In the aftermath of continued attacks, Amidala was convinced to leave Coruscant and to return to Naboo. Amidala's mission was complicated by the inability of the Mandalorian Government Council to adopt a common position on seeking aid from the Galactic Republic. Saddened and angered by Stin's death, he said that Stin had made a foolish mistake by inviting the Republic. [19], Later, the guests convened in the throne room to discuss relations, with Harli proposing ideas regarding increased collaboration between Jafan and Naboo. Many wished to stay out of the conflict, though they hoped the Republic would win, as it would be much more forgiving to neutral worlds. Resulting in the explosive force doing more than merely collapsing the mine's tunnels. As they had suspected, the virus had fallen into Separatist hands, those of Vindi's assistant droid, who released it within the laboratory, causing the facility to lock down with Tano, Amidala, Binks, and several clones trapped inside. Force the Pantorans to join the Separatist Alliance asked Leia questions about adoption! Padme simply died after giving birth to twins, whom she named Luke and Leia for to. His experiment when Leia was very young her death against the Trade Federation from General Grievous into bowels... 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