And thus, all of us humans are nothing more than stardust. Wise parents do not take away all the struggles their children face. No two leaves of a tree are exactly alike. Thus, we see how internal motivation is more reliable than external motivation. : Darling, she said, I thought I heard a burglar in the living room. The husband stumbled out of his bed and rubbing his eyes, tottered to the living room. They were delighted. Since the days of Einstein and the quantum physicists, scientists have been in search of a Unified Field Theory that would tie all forces, masses and energies in one equation. Life is full of surprises if you dont have right kind of wisdom at right time it can be very hard to keep balance and live peacefully. After the shift, he would walk back and reach home by 1 a.m. Hence, it is temporary. But the mamas heart does not melt on seeing the pain of her child. King Midas had no dearth of gold, but his greed knew no bounds. First, let us understand the cause for the waxing and waning of enthusiasm in devotion. : Hence, good leaders are always those who excel in their aptitude to handle difficult situations. Information is readily available to the masses. Galileo did retract his statements as he was ordained, but the scientific community had already latched on to his ideas. He checked the patient, prescribed medicine and asked the pharmacist to dispense it. Initially i used to listen lectures of guru ji merely to enhance my english skills but gradually with the passage of time i revealed slightest transformation in my life in day today, s behaviour in my attitude amd subsequently an enormous change in my throughout life now i listen regularly guru g, s lecutures on utube and now i have bought this book consequently my listening and spekaing skills are improving ans my attitude as well. Really thnx guru g, The spiritual content which is mentioned inside is richer than richest and the way of articulation is simply amazing. Internal vs External Motivation People get inspired in contrasting ways. In other words, the hand does not have to fend for itself. She was astonished to find everything clean. They prefer to see the same glass as half-full, which the pessimists find half-empty. Next day, he took the ring to a goldsmith, and said, Sir, can you please value this ring for me? The goldsmith checked it out with his touchstone, and said, This is 24-carat gold. . Their views are not what decides our self-worth. Aaah what are you doing? screamed the wood. Such an attitude brought out the best in them. Let us discuss this next. He picked it up hesitatingly, and thought, This is probably artificial jewellery. It seems these two statements can only be reconciled if there is an I separate from these atoms and molecules, which is guiding their motion in accordance with laws of nature. If He were the doer of our actions, He would make us all behave equally. They asked her the reason for it. Around the year 1675, Sir Isaac Newton presented his Laws of Motion. The pure at heart are the ones who attain Me. Similarly, the Bible states: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.(Matthew 5:8) In conclusion, a successful life requires the satisfaction of three points: 1) To become the best we can be 2) To do the best we can in the work we undertake 3) To experience happiness and satisfaction in life All these three points can be summarised in the following manner: Success in life means to be good, to do good and to feel good. We do no such thing in our life. Its dharma is to serve the body, of which it is an integral part. Each mindset is being the step. Unable to add item to List. Peace of mind, replied the astute neighbour. Next, the instrument with zero emissions was moved around on the patients jaws. If something suits them, they feel justified in doing it; and it matters little that it could be harmful to others. The conclusion of the study was that about half the time people were feeling some desire, and another quarter of the time they had experienced a desire just a few minutes back. If we have developed the pernicious habit of blaming everyone and everything but ourselves, we need to relook our paradigm. 4. They blame destiny for it. A sage asked the first worker, What are you doing? He retorted, Can you not see? The Ramayan states: karama pradhna visva kari rkh, jo jasa karai so tasa phalu chkh. Mindset shifts. Therefore, they now need the hundredth gold coin to be happy. Lets ponder over the message conveyed by the above story. These little efforts for self-discipline help us in facing challenges that are more important like sticking to a wholesome diet or following a healthy exercise regimen. When we first act from lack of self-control, it seems like so much fun. He realised that he was in deep trouble, with no help or support. CHAPTER 4 THE MINDSET OF PURITY OF INTENTION I n the last chapter, we discussed the importance of enthusiasm, the power source within us with the potential energy to propel us to tremendous action. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. It is from such unlimited abundance that we all have emerged. Every time he passed it, he would look at it and chastise his mind. In the next chapter, we will discuss this vital ingredient that will help us in enriching our personality. By the grace of God, we will find our guru later along the journey. Waiting for the jackpot is behaving like a crackpot. Birbal then proceeded to get a goat and take it home. The above observation is akin to the famous Hawthorne Effect in industrial engineering. Poor Mr Honda did not even have fuel for his car. The transmission of knowledge is typically purchased by paying the teachers fees. He could not compete in the 1980 Olympics because of the US boycott of the Moscow Olympics. If, by the mercy of the true guru, egotism vanishes, then God is seen in His full glory. They all got answered by swami Mukundanands wisdom. Let us now understand the science of motivation. By the turn of the millennium, availability of information had also become commonplace. They are afflicted by the phenomenon of paralysis by analysis. The topics transition seamlessly from one chapter to another like the flow of water and the concepts are built layer by layer .The thing I loved the most about this book is the drawing of Vedic scriptural references throughout and effortless mixing of rational & logical thinking & spiritual insights. The guards grabbed them by their arms and propelled them to King Janak. This principle was well understood by Aristotle, the wise man from Greece. Thus, the ultimate goal of the yogic system is to connect with God. ka as k in kite kha as kh in Eckhart ga as g in goat gha as gh in dighard as n in finger cha as ch in chanel chha as chh in staunchheart ja as j in jar jha as dgeh in hedgehog as n in lunch a as t in tub ha as th in hothead a as d in divine ha as dh in redhead a as n in burnt ta as t in French word matron tha as th in ether da as th in either dha as dh in Buddha na as n in no pa as p in pink pha as ph in uphill ba as b in boy bha as bh in abhor ma as m in man ya as y in yes ra as r in remember la as l in light va as v in vine, as w in swan ha as sh in shape sa as s in sin ha as sh in show ha as h in hut kha as ksh in freakshow ja as gy in bigyoung a There is no sign in English to represent the sound . As tiny parts of God, our potential for growth is also infinite, because our source is infinite in every way. The man showed him the ring and inquired, Uncle, what do you estimate as the worth of this ring and the stone in it? The uncle took the ring in his hands and exclaimed, My child, where did you get this? To make ends meet, he would collect soda bottles and sell them for money. We forget that God is the centre of the universe, not us, and the entire creation is for His sake. I beg for alms not because I have a need, but because it gives me the opportunity to meet people in household life, share words of wisdom with them and provide them with opportunities to serve a sadhu. A man reaps what he sows. They go about their daily chores with an impure mind immersed in desire, attachment, greed, pride and anxiety. Do we have to choose between being scientific and spiritual? But the problem is that in bitterness, the mind gets fixated with negativity towards the object of hatred. Consider the game of chess. Bring two catsone white and one black and keep them in your backyard. Again, the devotee abided by my guidance. Let me apply myself to discipline, sadhana and devotion. However, after a while, the mind becomes rjasic. I will toil so hard that I will show them what I am made of. I was publicly humiliated. The children who managed to hold on for the entire twenty minutes went on to score an average of 210 points higher on the SAT scores than the ones who succumbed in the first minute. You interact with thousands of people and manage scores of congregational centres and dozens of ashrams. However, drivers keep cutting you off. Edwin Moses, a former American athlete, holds the all-time record for the maximum consecutive victories in a track event. A job that does not have glitches to resolve is no job at all. The difference is that they improve from their experiences and grow. He studied world-class performers in music, sports and dance, to understand what led to their immense talent. No Import Fees Deposit & $13.35 Shipping to Hungary. In fact, he was quite the reverse. However, even with all the advancement of scientific theory, these questions remain unanswered. Social media has enhanced this even further. This means that in our past lifetimes, we performed actions by exercising our free will. Let us also see problems in their proper perspective, before we feel overwhelmed by them. The consequence is that the knowledge generated by researchers in one field is instantaneously available to scientists in other fields. Spiritualists who say, Material knowledge is useless, are mistaken. Just as knowledge about the self is provided by spirituality, knowledge about God is also provided by it. Yet, it hops long distances on the ground, enabling it to run at a speed of eighty kilometres an hour, which is faster than even world champion sprinters. This book focuses on 7 principles that will lead us to develop mindsets that we need to fulfill our desires. The infant calf cringes in agony and, rolling over on the ground, it gets up. I detest him, he thought. The first reference point for it are the Vedas. He was anticipating the kings moves and parrying them easily. He has established the Jagadguru Kripalu Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital in Odisha (, which is the largest of its kind in Eastern India. Miller discovered that when people are given pieces of information, each piece containing two to three bits of data, their brain processes them well, up to a limit of seven pieces. With an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physic can be of much use. Some examples of poor attitudes are: The disease of thinking in terms of I or me: People affected by this disease are so full of themselves that they do not realise they are obnoxious to others. The Way to Spiritual Knowledge Having discussed different aspects of knowledge, we will now discuss the one remaining question: How can we acquire divine knowledge? The reason is that a fast bowlers ball takes less than half a second to cross the twenty-two yards of the pitch. Why, then, do we see such intricate order prevailing in the universe? Swami Jis unique and profound approach to self-improvement Blends scientific theories and perfect logic with his decades-long mastery of Vedic scriptures.Swami Ji has explained in a simplified manner that key to accomplishment, happiness and fulfillment is mastery over our emotions. Why did the good Lord do something like this? Make sure you follow the logic all the way through. Founder of JKYog. Nowadays, most people try to provide the best education to their children. Their reactions were observed through a small window. The other was from Indore, Madhya Pradesh. As children, we were taught: My child, you should always speak the truth, Son, you should obey and respect your elders, My daughter, you should never steal from anyone, etc. I am now sufficiently well. But if they are overstretched, they snap. Similarly, we too must tighten the body, but not so much that it gets destroyed. I just wanted you to see it in the proper perspective. She responded: asti kahchit vgviheha. Humans possess one faculty that even celestial gods do not have. Children who have been Ferberised are more likely to settle down at night within ten minutes. I do not understand why you are crying, replied the man. Rather, the environmental adjustments led the workers to believe that they were being cared for. Adrenaline gets pumped into the blood, making the heart race. The individuals who powered the economy were the ones who combined all these hard assets to create products and services for the marketplace. Write down the various benefits that you will accrue from regular exercise. They all got answered by swami Mukundanands wisdom. According to the Bhagavad Gita, all souls in existence are eternal parts of the Supreme Soul. Sometimes, a single idea changes peoples careers or an entire industry. We can shift our mind from being insipid to fervent in just a moment. If we succeed, we will find victory, acceptance and pleasure. Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. It is in facing them that we grow from within. The pleasant is enjoyable in the beginning but it ends in pain. 5. This engendered humankind into the Information Age. This brings us to the mindset of acquiring the proper knowledge for accomplishing success, happiness and fulfilment. But what if a situation or a person evokes negativity in us? Now they were dissatisfied. This leads us to an obvious question that is of interest to all of us, and we will discuss it next. It is within His ability to remove them allHe could do so in an instant. This attitudinal difference becomes strikingly visible in marriage counselling. But sadly, this simple truth is ignored by millions. He resigned to the idea of spending the night there, waiting for some passerby to discover him the next morning. He has a God-gifted ability to keep all kinds of audiences enthralled and entertained through wisdom-filled anecdotes, humorous stories, and irrefutable logic. Patients with these afflictions have experienced that at any given time, their current emotional state can affect the intensity of their disease. I have to watch them all the time so that they remain inside the house. Do not worry, I said. He was super excited. By itself, material science is devoid of values. They create inspiring thoughts, values, beliefs and goals within themselves. He was astounded at the drastic change. Yet, in the laws of nature known today, there is no scope for free will. One person is a saint, like Prahlad, while another is a demon, like Hiranyakashipu. You will get a feast of rasgullas, gulab jamuns and jalebis that get thrown outside the sweet shops. The village dog thought it was an excellent idea. They believe everyone deserves equal success, regardless of their abilities, output or interpersonal skills. But without cultivating beautiful and noble sentiments, empty ceremonies serve no purpose. It was a feat that required utmost courage, determination and physical endurance. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second naturea mindset. Many of the biggest enterprises dominating the world today were instituted by people who started with nothing. Rather, let us master our emotions through the techniques in this book, and then we will discover a million reasons to be happy. Now, whom would you blame for your negative emotions? If this is not so, then the doubt remains whether the knowledge he bestows is merely his personal viewpoint. But due to ignorance we hold responsible the circumstances and people around us for our misery and considerable time is wasted in playing the blame game. Our mind will become dirty with hatred, anger and irritation. There are always losses in life. They may lie in the borrowers ability to think and create or add value. Spiritualists look upon material science as evil that should be shunned, while materialists look upon spirituality as unnecessary superstition that should be done away with. Even if it did focus for a few moments, the intellect would jerk it away, There is no happiness here. Keep an Attitude of Learning In the process of growing and evolving, it is natural that we will sometimes fail. Compare this to living week-to-week on your paycheck versus investing a portion of your earnings for the future. And yet, even inspiration is not sufficient. Nations fought wars to gain control over assets. Instead, if we develop the right attitude, we can convert the unavoidable opposition into opportunity for growth from within. How to Inspire Ourselves on the Spiritual Path People often express their lack of motivation as a problem to me. The fourth mindset is purity of intention. The release of these hormones causes the liver to produce more glucose. Of course, the temptations are different for all. Their implementation requires self-control, abstinence and self-abnegation. To quote a few: Vedas are the most rewarding and the most elevating book which can be possible in the world. The Infinite God is bountiful in every aspect of His creation. This is the art of positive thinking, which is the first mindset for success, happiness and fulfilment. They declare that we are all looking for bliss because God is an ocean of bliss. The pandits had a score to settle with a princess. Prepare for Problems When we know that here will be problems, how should we prepare for them? If these brilliant luminaries who blazed the earth had brooded over the list of items that God did not bestow upon them, they would have died in bitterness. This mindset is about holding yourself accountable. Half an hour later, a friend came and said, Your son is unwell, and you are not worried? Tilak replied, How will worrying help me? What is the solution? As the day progresses, willpower and concentration diminish. Since we all view the world differently, our personal realities are also different. And if we do finally achieve our cherished goal, there is still no guarantee it will satisfy us. Those who have not learnt to deny the tugging of their mind always have a problem with seeking stimulation. Hence, defeating him would be childs play. The famous Urdu poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, put it very aptly: khud ko karbuland itan ki har takadr se pahale khud khud bande se pchhe bat ter raz ky hai Make your exertions so strong, that before giving you the results of your fate, God Himself asks, What do you want? The Time to Act Is Now! This leads us to believe that with further advancement in science, theories accepted as the Truth today may be disbanded tomorrow. Obviously, there must be something more to the puzzle of motivation. We have also heard of galvanisation of steel. There are different theories regarding how long it takes to create a strong habit. Every other person nowadays owns a laptop or a desktop computer with the ability to multitask at amazing speeds and with much ease. We can compare the above technique with the game of cricket. Surprising as it may seem, love for God also grows with divine knowledge. Even more miraculous than the amazing body is the subtle machine that is the mind. There were very few temptations besides smoking hookah, drinking alcohol, indulging in sexual gratification and sleeping. That is how this was created. The teacher said, What rubbish are you talking? Sir, I live in Navaniti Apartments. You must be kidding, said the senior. In fact, the moment we were born, the first thing we did was to express, I have come into the world, and I want happiness. We did not say it in words since we could not speak, but we cried with all our might. My Lord dwells in my eyes and mind. In this way, saints with purified attitudes see God everywhere in creation. His unique and profound approach to self-improvement blends scientific theories and perfect logic with his decades-long mastery of Vedic scriptures. Understand this through the example of a human hand. They do not care whether they have been rightly or wrongly written. There is a similar story about the ancient Greek ascetic, Diogenes, who lived in a barrel outside Athens. Get help and learn more about the design. This book focuses on 7 principles that will lead us to develop mindsets that we need to fulfill our desires. We need to get out of the business of creating gloom. Whom will they hold responsible for the waning of their love? What makes us rivet our mind on the deficiencies and shortfalls in our life? The better the quality of our knowledge, the more effective we are at any task. These 7 mindsets are "the mindset of positive thinking", "the mindset of taking the responsibility for our emotions", "the mindset of inspiration", "the mindset of purity of intention", "the mindset of cultivating knowledge", "the mindset of discipline", "the mindset of growth in the face of the problem". In conclusion, what stresses us is not hard work but attachment to the results. When they returned from a hard days work in the fields, they did not have many options for indulging their senses. The third mindset is inspiration. Sweat glands function overtime to cool the muscles. If you carefully consider what you want to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success. Winston Churchill stated, Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Billionaire Richard Branson says, The more you are actively and practically engaged, the more successful you will feel. All the above definitions help us get whiffs of the meaning of success, but they do not present a comprehensive concept of it. Their disease it away, there must be something more to the Bhagavad Gita, all of us are! We have to choose between being scientific and spiritual this leads us to an obvious question that is interest..., I thought I heard a burglar in the proper perspective mindsets that we need to relook our.! Pride and anxiety of ashrams in marriage counselling the teacher said, what stresses us is not hard work attachment. 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