City means the City of Mequon.2. Discharging a firearm or bow and arrow while hunting is prohibited within the corporate limits of the city. Chapter 9 PEACE AND ORDER Nashotah, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances9.02 THROWING OR SHOOTING OF MISSILES PROHIBITED. (c) Shooting Into City Limits. OFFENSES INVOLVING PERSONAL INJURY OR DANGER Brown Deer, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. ALERT: Should Obama Have More Control Over Guns? (2) No person shall have in his possession or under his control, within the city, any type of crossbow or bow and arrow unless such crossbow or bow is unstrung, enclosed within a carrying case, or stored within a dwelling, except as provided for in this section. The provisions of this section shall not prevent the discharge of firearms, rifles, spring guns, air guns or pneumatic guns of any description, or bows and arrows, within a conservancy-1 zoning district within the city limits, if the land upon which such activities are occurring is permitted as a shooting range under a valid conditional use permit. FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES AND HUNTING Birchwood, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (e) Hunting prohibited. (Prior code 11-2-1)(Ord. (c) Shooting Into Village Limits. Penalty.Except as otherwise provided, any person found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made under this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in section 1-3 in lieu of all other penalties. (a) No person, except a sheriff, police officer or their deputies, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring or air gun of any description, or tipped arrow, within the village or have any firearm, compound or strung bow, rifle, spring or air gun in his possession or under his control unless it is unloaded and enclosed or encased within a carrying case or other suitable container. Firearms and Hunting. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Greenwood, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. O2006-12, 7-11-2006) Filer, IDAHO - AIR GUN LAWS 99-103, 11-2-1, 11-8-1999), DIVISION 2. Rules and regulations governing. Justice Ann Walsh-Bradley wrote for the court's 5-2 majority, asserting Leevan Roundtree's challenge to the state's ban on felons owning guns . A pellet gun is not a firearm, and that's why it is popular amongst felons. A shotgun, muzzle loader, bow or crossbow, or other like weapon or instrument may be discharged within the boundaries of the City, but only under the following conditions and regulations:(a) Shotguns, muzzle loaders, or like weapons or instruments designed and used to propel a single slug, multiple pellets or shot may only be discharged in the City where not prohibited by this ordinance, and then according to the following regulations. Regulation of firearms, explosives, and other missiles. It is intended that this provision be consistent with 941.2965, Wis. Stats. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Firearm means any instrumentality from or with which a shot, bullet or pellet may be discharged or expelled, regardless of whether the propelling force is provided by air, spring or other similar mechanical device, or gunpowder. (Cr. (2) Definitions. (f) Possesses or uses a bow and arrow or knife while legally hunting in a school forest if the school board has decided that hunting may be allowed in the school forest under s. 120.13 (38). Fires, fireworks, firearms, missiles. (e) In or on school grounds or within 1,000 feet from the grounds of a school, which is similar to 948.605, Wis. Sec. It is intended that this provision be consistent with 948.605, Wis. Stats.6. A BB gun is not the right hunting equipment, but a pellet gun is a right option. (2) Outdoor ranges:a. 30-21. No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow of any description in his possession or under his control within the village, unless it is unloaded and lawfully enclosed in a proper carrying case, provided that this section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries authorized by the village board, or the firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over 16 years or under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. (Am. Specifically, the use of firearms, air guns, paint guns, bow and arrow, slingshots, knives, swords, explosives, fireworks and weapons of every character, except in areas authorized by the chief of police and the director of community services or designees thereof. (a) Discharge and possession of firearms regulated. CHAPTER 14 PARKS AND RECREATION Pepin County, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances14.15 FIREARMS AND FIREWORKS. (2) PERMITTED. #09-06)(a) No person except in the exercise of lawful authority shall fire or discharge any firearm, spring gun or air gun of any description within the City. Both are pneumatic weapons, but they use slightly different ammunition. Use of Firearms and Fireworks; Hunting with Bow and Arrow; Trapping. (2) The Chief of Police shall inspect any target range within the City, upon request of a prospective user thereof, to determine whether such range is so constructed and designed as to reasonably protect the person and property of the users of such range and of the public from danger of injury to person and property. It is intended that this provision be consistent with NR 20.05(2), Wis. Adm. Code.3. No person shall discharge any pistol, gun, air gun, air rifle, BB gun, or other firearm within the city limits, except in self-defense or in the lawful discharge of official duty, or in accordance with written permission which may be granted by the chief of police. Any instrumentality from or with which a shot, bullet or pellet may be discharged or expelled, regardless of whether the propelling force is provided by air, spring or other similar mechanical device, or gun powder. No person shall in the territory adjacent to the village discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the Village of Little Chute. This subsection shall be deemed to prohibit hunting in Wausau parks. #2113). Shooting Into City Limits. This is because of the distinct speed of firing. 29, Wis. Here you go! Rules Felons Are Required to Follow Concerning Guns. (a) No person, except a sheriff, police officer or their deputies, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring or air gun of any description or other dangerous apparatus, within the city or have any firearm, rifle, bow, spring or air gun in his possession or under his control unless it is unloaded and knocked down or enclosed within a carrying case or other suitable container or be unstrung or in the case of a bow. Browse related questions 2 attorney answers Posted on Aug 11, 2016 22-31. (Cr. No. (e) Drives a motor vehicle in which a dangerous weapon is located onto school premises for school-sanctioned purposes or for the purpose of delivering or picking up passengers or property. (b) Shooting into city limits. Can a convicted felon own a gun after 10 years in Wisconsin? (b) Discharge and possession of firearms. (h) Definitions. (e) This ordinance shall be deemed to prohibit hunting within the City limits, except that the Chief of Police may issue written permits to owners or occupants of private premises to hunt or shoot on such premises if he finds such privileges necessary for the protection of life or property and subject to such safeguards as he may impose for the safety of the lives and property of other persons within the City. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Cleveland, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. The Common Council therefore directs the Chief of Police as provided in this section, to charge the owners of such premises the costs associated with abating the violations at premises at which nuisance activities chronically occur. (b) No person shall shoot, throw or propel in any other manner by hand or by any other means any pellet, BB, arrow or any other missile or projectile within the village, except upon licensed target ranges under subsection (c) to the extent of projectiles as specified in the permit for such range. Regulation of firearms, explosives, and other missiles. WEAPONS Schofield, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1975, 26-33). (Code 1989, 11-2-1(a)), Sec. 50-1. (g) Discharge prohibited. This section shall not apply to the following:(1) A sheriff, deputy sheriff, warden, constable, U.S. marshal, state trooper, police officer or other law enforcement officer while engaged in official duties;(2) The maintenance and use of city-approved supervised rifle or pistol ranges, shooting galleries or firearm, rifle air gun or handgun safety courses;(3) The firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over 16 years or persons under such age under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian;(4) Display of unloaded firearms, rifles, air guns or handguns in public premises;(5) Display or possession of unloaded or loaded firearms, rifles or guns on private premises;(6) A licensed or certified security agency, while actively engaged in the handling or transporting of money, security or other items of value and only as previously authorized by the chief of police or county sheriff. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:e. The use of all fireworks, air guns, paintball guns, firearms, projectile devices or archery equipment is prohibited within the boundaries of the Ozaukee Interurban Trail. Areas on the Ozaukee Interurban Trail, authorized by Ozaukee County or participating municipalities and designated by appropriate signage, where pedestrians, motor vehicles, or other vehicles may enter and cross the Ozaukee Interurban Trail. 62-87. Hunting within the City is prohibited. No. PARK REGULATIONS Pittsville, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. The Land Conservation Committee may establish conditions for issuance of the permit, including reasonable security for costs which may result due to such use. (c) Shooting into city limits. 16-44. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Little Chute, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (3) By any police officer in the lawful performance of his duties. A rifle of any caliber, spring powered rifle, air rifle, shotgun of any gauge, pistol or revolver of any caliber. However if you live in a more gun friendly state like say, Tennessee, then the answer is yes in fact you might be able to buy some types of firearms . CHAPTER 19 PARKS AND RECREATION Rib Mountain, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances19.06 FIRES, FIREWORKS, FIREARMS AND MISSILES. Permission of Land Owner. (c) No person may fish with or leave any fish line(s) unattended in any waters, or take any fish by snagging or fouling, or fish with the aid or use of any firearm or pellet gun, or by any means other than angling or trolling. The term park as used in this chapter means and includes all grounds, structures and watercourses which are or may be located within any area dedicated to the public use as a park, parkway, recreation facility, play ground, swimming pool or conservancy area in the village. IN GENERAL Pewaukee, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. Designated crossing areas. This subsection shall be deemed to prohibit hunting within Town parks. WEAPONS Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesWeapons means and includes all instruments and devices used for the purpose of propelling bullets, shot, arrows or other missiles, either by explosion, compression, tension, gas, spring or any other means, and shall include, without limitation for lack of specific enumeration, all forms of guns, rifles, air rifles and air guns, revolvers, bows and arrows, slingshots and other similar type of equipment or device capable of propelling such bullets, shot, arrows or missiles through the air by reason of discharge therefrom. Chapter 7.72 FIREARMS AND WEAPONS* Whitewater, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances7.72.010 Sale of loaded firearms prohibited.No person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation shall display for sale, offer for sale, or sell any loaded pistol, gun, shotgun, air gun, air rifle, or other firearm within the city limits.(Ord. WAUSAU CITY PARKS Marathon County, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (h) If the firearm is a facsimile firearm, no person may openly possess, carry, or display any facsimile firearm under circumstances that could reasonably be expected to alarm, intimidate, threaten or terrify another person, which is similar to 941.2965, Wis. Stats. (g) Definitions. GENERALLY Clark County, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. Under federal law, felons may not possess firearms. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Cashton, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. ARTICLE II. It is provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent shooting on duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges, duly supervised shooting galleries and shooting of bows of less than 15 pounds pull, which activities are specifically hereby exempted from the restrictions of this section. I've had several questions about BB guns, pellet guns, and airsoft guns, and whether certain criminal offenses can be predicated on the use or possession. (a) Weapon. CHAPTER 2. (Code 1977, 8.02). (b) Discharge and possession of firearms regulated. No person, except a law enforcement officer, shall fire or discharge any firearm, air gun or similar weapon of any description within the village unless the discharge is justified pursuant to Wis. Stats. No person shall have a firearm in his or her possession or under his or her control on any land located in City parks, unless the firearm is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case. Discharge of a firearm or any other related firearm or dangerous weapons offense, state or municipal, including carrying a concealed weapon, air gun, pellet gun, or paint ball gun. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Dangerous weapon means any device, excluding firearms, designed as a weapon and capable of producing death or great bodily harm, or any other device or instrumentality which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm.Firearm means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, including a spring or air gun. (d) Within any premises for which a Class B or Class B license or permit has been issued by the City pursuant to Ch. No person except a sheriff, police officer or other law officers or state licensed detective, security guard or commercial guard who is properly attired in the uniform of his/her employer shall discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun or air gun or shoot any bow and arrow within the village except at established target ranges or on game farms and hunting reserves duly licensed as such by the state. (a) No person or club shall use or permit to be used any property as a gun range, shooting gallery or place to practice target shooting where firearms are discharged, without a license therefor, except that no license shall be required for any range in a school or law enforcement facility which was in use on or before January 4, 1984, and each such range shall be considered to be in compliance with this article except for the requirements of range supervisors (section 22-505) and range procedures (section 22-506). DIVISION 2. Since pellet guns are not considered firearms under federal law, felons can own them without facing repercussions. (d) Shooting Ranges. 50-81. No. O12-02-84, 12-18-1994; Ord. (f) This ordinance shall not be construed to prevent nor prohibit otherwise lawful activities conducted within the following premises: 1. Discharge of firearms, explosives, and other missiles within city limits. (2)Any person who knowingly possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon on school premises is guilty of: (b) A Class I felony, if the violation is the persons 2nd or subsequent violation of this section within a 5-year period, as measured from the dates the violations occurred. Released convicted felons may obtain a hunting license in Texas, but are currently restricted as to what types of weapons they may use. (3) No person shall discharge any fireworks, as defined in 167.10(1), Wis. Shooting or throwing of arrows, pellets and other missiles or projectiles prohibited. Proper trained adult supervision must be on site while the range is open.d. Possessing or discharging of any air gun, sling shot, explosive, firearm or weapon of any kind is prohibited in all Village parks. (a) No person other than a sheriff, constable, police officer or deputy shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring or air gun of any description or shoot any bow and arrows in any park of the county. (c) Air-guns, Slingshots, Spring Guns and Throwing Stones or Missiles. It is hereby determined and declared necessary in the interest of public health, public safety and public welfare of the Town that the discharge of firearms be regulated within the Town. (1) No person shall carry or have under his control any air rifle, pellet gun, BB gun, slingshot or other weapon other than a firearm as defined above, that projects any type of missile in public while such weapon is loaded or uncased or uncovered. DIVISION 1. These restrictions shall not apply to persons participating in a board approved deer management program under subsection (e) of this section. 9.44.020 Regulation of firearms, explosives and other missiles.A. Sec. (a) Prohibitions; exceptions. Possession and use of firearms and other dangerous weapons.Other dangerous weapon includes bow and arrow, crossbow, sling shot, blow gun, air guns and BB guns, and other similar weapons. WEAPONS Chetek, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Ammunition means any single slug, single ball, scatter shot, fine shot, pellet, or BB.Dwelling means any house, apartment, business building, cottage, or mobile home.Firearm means any rifle, shotgun, muzzle loader, handgun, or air gun.(Ord. As the Penal Code only states that possessing a firearm . Under Texas law, if you have a Class A or Class B misdemeanor conviction, you are ineligible to get a concealed handgun license for five years. No. GENERALLYNewRichmond, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (b) Hunting. The statute that you referred to makes it is illegal for any minor under the age of 16 to use an air gun (bbs or pellets) unless they are in direct supervision of an adult who is the child's parent or guardian, or if the supervising adult is acting with the permission of the child's parent or guardian. Discharging and carrying firearms and guns prohibited. No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow of any description in his possession or under his control within the city. (b) Possession or control of weapon. ARTICLE VI. #2011-18)(1) DISCHARGE. (b) Persons alleged to be in violation of this article who are under the age of 18 years shall have their cases handled in accordance with Wis. Stats. ARTICLE V. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Spooner, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (d) Hunting in city limits prohibited. 609.165 (2014) .". No person shall in the territory adjacent to the city discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the city. Possession and use of weapons restricted. (3)This section does not apply to any person who: (a) Uses a weapon solely for school-sanctioned purposes. 54-53. . (Compiled Ords. No person shall in the territory adjacent to the village discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the village.D. Chapter 6.84 WEAPONS Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances6.84.010 Definitions.In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:1. The Common Council finds that any premises that has generated 3 or more calls for police and/or fire department service for nuisance activities has received more than the level of general and adequate police service and has placed an undue and inappropriate burden on the taxpayers of the city. Lawful performance of his duties, Wis. Adm. Code.3 hunting within Town PARKS BB is... C ) Air-guns, Slingshots, spring Guns and THROWING Stones or missiles, 2016 22-31 currently restricted as what. Approved Deer management program under subsection ( e ) of this section range is open.d pellet gun is the! In Wausau PARKS these restrictions shall not apply to any person who (! Posted on Aug 11, 2016 22-31 in Wausau PARKS can a felon own a bb gun in wisconsin be consistent with 941.2965, Wis..! This is because of the distinct speed of firing article V. offenses AGAINST PUBLIC and... Right hunting equipment, but are currently restricted as to what types of weapons they may use (. 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