Tempted to actually TIME each and send in a complaint. Its been WAY out of control for far too long. So freaking stupid. Im pretty sure they have added at least 1.5 mins of commercials this year per hour. A typical TV show is usually approximately 22 minutes for every 1/2 hour of time. Look it up. We were happier without the darn crap on TV anyhow. I dont watch any commercials if I had to I would not be able to have TV. FYI my 2014-15 data indicates an average commercial load of 29.54% commercials*. Yes, I have to agree with you. Better quality with clearer reception and sound. I also mute all commercials. I simply cant sit through a half hour sitcom for example, and watch 10-11 minutes of commercials. Hey..I could either pay for watching a show with my time (and AGGRAVATION) by putting up with all those annoying commercials, or simply pay directly for the dvds themselves, and enjoy them later, completely commercial free !!! One-hour shows, both cable and broadcast, now typically have 43 minutes of the actual program compared with 48 minutes in the late '80sa 9 percent commercial creep. Its getting to the point I dont even want to watch regular TV, and one person that did suggest to DVR it, theyre not letting you skip through the commercials on the DVR now. Its horrible and disgusting. It is getting to the point where we watch a lot less tv about ready to drop cable. UNTIL, we Boycott TV all together. These greedy bastards better wake up, streaming subscriptions are surpassing cable satillite. too many commercials, I remember the day when I looked forward to turning on the TV to relax now I just stare at a black screen trying to decide if I want to deal with all crap advertisers think I need. In some cases they play the same commercials several times in one spot. Really!! I spend my spare time with YouTube now. Same with ASPCA, UNICEF, CARE, wasteful charities. Yep, I cant watch the Golf Channel live any more. In my eyes youre asking for it and you blindly go through life thinking you have a day or your voices matter but you never seem to understand that your money is the only voice they hear. In other words, they expand the viewing time by almost half for your commercial enjoyment. I counted 14 commercial at one time. So now LETS ALL SPREAD THE WORD AND SHOW OUR UNITED POWER BY BEGINNING THE BOYCOTT OF CABLE TV THIS COMING THURSDAY OF JULY 1ST TO HELP SHOW THOSE JUST HOW SERIOUS AND DISSATISFIED WE THE PAYING PUBLIC HAVE BECOME AND HOW FIRM WE STAND AND PLAN TO MAKE OURSELVES HEARD ON THIS NEXT UPCOMING INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! They are useless annoyances. Fox news is just as bad, as in MSNBC. Its because Disney owns all the channels. of commercials. GMA and other shows are guilty of pouring over 10 minutes of commercials continuously! Best Answer. I subscribe to Sling for sports, but will be cutting that as well,in a day or two. Manipulative political porn. Just what are commercial ratings? I would be curious to know if the reason for more and more commercials is that operating costs keep going up or if its going into profits for the cable companies and their executives. Upon your return you should have a decent amount of news with the ability fast forward through all the adds and guff this news opperater wishes to chuck at you..Nuff said. I usually just keep switching channels, then after an hour or two, I just put some music on, something relaxing to bring down my ire from all of those terrible advertisements. There are so many repeats within their 3 to 5 minute commercial that its very annoying. I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. oversight agencies and they are on a path to kill the golden goose. She also switches to another channel because she will have forgotten the show she was watching. These days, I find myself watching General Hospital less and less. I sure have not!) Most hour-long television series episodes will consist of a Teaser scene, followed by Act One, Act Two, Act Three, Act Dont they realize theyre alienating their customer base? I give it 3-4 minutes and switch back. My hunch is that the 13-minute figure is way low! How much does it pay? Oh, I dont get any money. I rarely look at We will only have just so many days, so many hours and only so many minutes. I will mute the TV & go do something else or program the flashback button to TCM, where Im not subjected to mindless insurance, prescription drug and acne ads. Now look at you tube, talk about commercial driven they are the example for others to mimick, but of course people put up with it and that sends the message that its OK to do whatever companies want and make gazillions off you. Your imagination comes back you may even start to question things which is a long lost art. For profit, pro-corporate news will never deliver anything approaching the truth. 1995 Dollars. NO COMMERCIALS NEEDED. 13 to 14 minutes of commercials per hour!? We not only are paying for cable, but also giving them 20-25 minutes of our time. I rarely watch TV now because frankly, its far too damned annoying. The FCC has COMPLETE and TOTAL authority over them, so which do you think would be more effective at handling your complaints? The actual program is about 7 minutes the rest is commercials and Well be right back, In our next segment, See what happens when, Dont go away, you have to see why (so-n-so), Blah-blah and Yada-yada. True Roy. Netflix & Acorn as my streaming shows. 13 commercials in a row on cbs channel 4 on Wednesday 10/13/21. The first commercial comes in just a couple of minutes. Not only is most programming very repetitive and out dated is the constant same commercials and infomercials. I would expect that advertisers will only throw so much support behind the rising costs of program licensing and production, so stations/networks need to increase sales opportunities in order to maintain (and/or grow) the return on investment. When they offer a discount, tell them you do want the discount and you want it to be retroactive and be applied to your service that you have already paid for up to this point. Last year, the average was 15 minutes and 38 seconds, up from 14 minutes and 27 seconds in 2009, according to the report. THERE IS A SOLUTION SUPPORT AND WATCH PBS! a good 300 here ,but some not opened I always liked to watch internet movies In the old days (mid 60s) it used to be around 6 minutes per half hour and about 11 minutes per hour. Whats worse is they play the same commercial several times a slot! In fact the entire ad biz irks me greatly. These commercial messages account for 36% of Once they get your money they could give a fuck if you even exist (until the next bill is due)! OK we all HATE commercials but what can we do about it? They would be very surprised to see these being young viewers since they have known those people where never part of the cable users base. I guess we all should encourage the commercials . So for a 60-minute show, there would (on average) be a little over 15 minutes of commercials. AARP lies & spends millions on its ads which flood the screen time after time, day in, day out. Well some of them at least. I have a method to this madness, I watch these stations and flip during the commercials: ABC News, CNN News, and HLN News. Not to mention that they are now speeding up the regular programming ever so slightly so they can squeeze in another mindless ad. No telling how long the news will actually last. they are totally stupid, they encourage people to think they can drive like idiots with there cell phones stuck in there ear and cars sliding all over the place. Allow me to reply to myself. Then Comcast will be forced once again to treat their customers with respect as they used to. Dear sirs, I m assuming by your beautifully scripted reply that I do not understand, I may have caused great offence. I hit the mute first, then click back to blue blank off air channeltheyre right though, tooooo many commercials and Ive noticed within the last 60 days, its getting worsegrowl!!! Why is it that when the program Cheaters comes on at 4am each morning, they may limit their commercials to around 2 and then its back to the show. account for about 50% of all commercials. I am 69 years old and handicapped, my only entertainment is television..well, I can only hope the greedy corporate heads will have nothing but commercials run thru their heads as they try to sleep plus end up with television as their only source of entertainment because of the same health issues I have. May they get the payback they so richly deserve. Even sports broadcasts are unwatchable due to the sheer volume of ads shoved at the viewer. (Other services) 1.1.2(B) (a) The total amount of spot advertising in any one day must not exceed an average of nine minutes per hour (15 per cent) of broadcasting. The content lasting 15 seconds followed by 2.3 to 3.1 minutes of commercials. (b) This may be increased by a further three minutes per hour (5 per cent) devoted to NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOURSELVES HEARD AS ONE UNITED VOICE! So I checked what was happening by turning the same show on through Comcast online through the computer, and could see the 10-30 seconds of the show that was missing as presented on the On Demand through the cable. We go to the least expensive product that has the safest ingredients. So cable gets paid from us and through commercials, and nobody is getting off cheap! Our local SF Bay Area news programs are horrid. We the public get it. OXYGEN CHANNEL IS THE WORST- ABSOLUTE WORST PROGRAMMING TOO!! That is a good plan, Walter. If it's a show on a non bbc channel, then a So if an episode is 24-26 minutes without comercials then air the epispde in its entirety first then take the remaining 4-6 minutes for comercials and repeat. As soon as a commercial comes on, most of which are about side effects from prescription medicine, I mute it and catch up on my reading or do small chores. May 13, 2014 If you arent watching their every move they takes advantage of you. Thats the good old american way. In one hour, 33-40% of the time is devoted to commercials. If half of the time is news would be it. It is laughable the ridiculous amount of money blown on insurance advertising trying to convince all that their insurance is the least expensive. Is your bathroom closer to the TV? Their news is factual. Stan. I pride myself on having this information. We are not getting the product, for which were paying for. Zero stories about how insurance companies rob citizens, then penalize them because their credit scores go down (huh?) For shorter TV show episodes like Cobra Kai and Naruto, there were three ad breaks: one 30-second spot before the show started and two in the middle that lasted for 60 seconds. Ever since the :betamax, technology has only gotten better. I always mute them, I will come back into the room just to mute them. But Ive had too much of advertising on TV. You trying to blind us? I can understand if it was free. It was never my intention to offend anyone other than news broadcasters that consider their viewers required 15 or 16 minutes of advertisements during their single hour of veiwing. What a joke $$$$ all that money spent and these idiots , that is all you can do? Can forget HGTV and a number of other stations. Ill bet you every penny I have that Google has already copied and filed this post Im going to post and might even try to block me from getting it posted by not allowing my catpcha to work or simply error the page and clear the screen . Webwithout Ofcoms prior permission, exceed an average of eight minutes an hour on any one day. Disney/ABCs THE VIEW is 34 minutes (not hourlong as proported); then they have 6 minutes inside the program (a la QVC or HSN) dedicated to View Your Deal peddling more products. I am almost off my blood pressure meds. Streaming services are similar to what cable used to in the beginning. One more thing I noticed was the posts tend to be written by older people, mostly women. Cable companies are thieves and there is no bigger thief than Comcast. As I recall almost of the commercials in the 1960s were one minute long. They have like 25 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of programming. I know Shaw Staff gave me my e-mail That never worked from day one So Sea-Side Computers I say God bless TMC which runs entire classic movies without commercial interruption. I mostly watch Netflix and get my news streamed on the Internet. WebAnswer (1 of 2): As time has gone by, television has created more ways to get advertising in front of more eyeballs. We refuse to pay $100 a month anymore for TV broadcasting full of ads that mostly insult our intellegence. When respectable visit your local tattooist. An entirely new business model is needed for TV. No unsightly antenna on the roof or tower to maintain. And we get more commercial ads then ever. I only use the TV for DVD movies where I can fast forward over the name promoting actors, director, etc. WebFor the 22 minute comedy sitcoms, they're usually structured to have 2 acts. On two of those three networks, the start time for the show is like 3:06PM and ends at 3:36PM. Best solution. There is an insidiousness about this. About 25-30% of the tv show is not what we want to see. I do not have a DVR or any way of recording..just a normal size t.v. I can go the bathroom, make a sandwich, and finish it, and the commercials are still not over. 90% of funds go into execs pockets, almost NOTHING goes to benefit the cause the charity was created to help. I too have never nor will I ever purchase any product that interrupts a show Im watching with their stupid advertising. What can be done to set new regulations on advertising interruption time of network programs. Im tired of being brainwashed with all the stupidity of the ads being shown. There are some news stations that literally show a story for 30 seconds, cut to commercials, show another 30 second story and then have more commercials again. I mean, if they can reject a Politicians commercial because they dont like their politics, they should be able to reject some Noisy commercial selling something no one wants. Ive taken to muting commercials. I find traditional cable simply unwatchable bad shows loaded with ads and it offends me that cable companies charge a premium for access to this garbage. Whether it happens or not depends. That is why I have gone to Netflix and antenna TV only I know other people will continue watching the cable and Dish and all the other ways out there. Theres a far better world in Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. To pound in more commercials, why else! But the thing that I cant understand is the fact that customers think that posting their complaints will actually have any impact on anything. I get so sick and tired of seeing nothing but commercials that I promised myself that I would not buy ANYTHING that was advertised by these stations. My Mom called me, concerned about my financial situation and I told her that I had just started work as a Commercial Dishwasher. I have 30 second jump on my remote. Old shows that ran 22 minutes per 1/2 hour are so cut up its almost unrecognizable. Im proud to say that I dont recognise a single advert on TV when I see one played wherever I might be. I will start keeping a list of advertised merchandise and at least I can refuse to purchase the items interrupting my programs. To many commercials.across the board no matter what channel you are watching. Now end credits are zapped SO FAST one cannot see who did what or who was who on the screen. I can on occasion listen to radio shows and hear the news. I either watch DVDs or stream commercial free from Netflix or Hulu. Our obsession with money is at a disgusting level. And the best part is. I say that tv channels should air the comercials the same way radio station do it. IM GONE. Now you need a box so Comcast and like companies can not only control content but quality and up-charge for both. ", i was watching a cable channel program and there was a commercial break every 6 minutes, makes me want to stop watching tv. And we can still watch 10 minutes of Good Morning America at 7AM CST, and have the next TWENTY MINUTES of commercials to make our lunches for work. This situation has grown steadily worse every month and year. Thats the only way to force the cable company to modify their commercials policies. Copy. BOYCOTT YOUR LOCAL CABLE PROVIDER THIS COMING JULY 1ST. For 1 hour shows same format. The sad thing is I cant change channels fast enough or mute the damn things fast enough to prevent me from going into a rage screaming at the TV ( cause I dont want to hurt anyones feelings?) Its a shame what it has come to..Pathetic A.F. The moment I saw Google bought you tube I knew it was not going to be a useful tool anymore. TvLand is the worst. If waiters and waitresses live on 15% tips the so can TV advertisers. gave me a G-mail Address, they even got that spelled wrong But it worked. Thats why I have a dozen old remotes with worn out mute buttons. Maybe the liberty guy hopes to get those 2 woman to pull over so he can pork them and cut them up with his unshaven face. So did it run 1:15 or 1:30 total. The broadcast lasted three hours and 15 minutes, but it included 18 separate commercial breaks that in total lasted 43 minutes not including the halftime break. Zimadude. Im just waiting until wireless internet gets up to speed and bye-bye Comcast altogether. local news. Why are we one of them? On the other network with the normal start and end times, Ive noticed scenes from the show that were chopped out in order to insert more commercials! Why cant all advertising be put on a special advertising channel and not on regular tv? The number of commercials shown in a typical hour of television has increased steadily over the past five years, the Los Angeles Times Company Town reports, citing a study from Nielsen. WE ARE RETIRED, TV IS GETTING WORSE. The commercials FINALLY ended! (A DVR just makes the viewer go back and forth too much) Im a retired senior and watch too much TV but Im going to the library more often and gradually watching less. Its past time to turn it off! Better yet watch Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any of the other pay services. It is totally stupid to waste money on commercials that are longer than Remember when a cable subscription meant no commercials? By spending so much on ads, they have in essence bought the media. She at Shaw told me it was mailed June 01,2021, I never opened it because I got a notice on my computer over due, That is a insult to me .Thank You in Advance ,But we both know the outcome. Pretty soon there will be more commercial and show.. Some of the crew had their name and job listed. Ill copy and save it and try again if it does. I use to like watching CBS this morning but by the time they finish their 15 minutes of ads I was forgetting what they were going to show next. Like all other TV distributors RCN also interrupt their shows every 3-4 minutes with the most stupid unintelligent add programs. Perhaps Im wrong but my recollection is that there was actually a limit on the amount of time for commercials back in the 50s and 60s but it was removed by a suit claiming restraint of yrade. GET A GRIP ADVERTISERS, SPONSORS AND TV CHANNELSWE DO NOT WANT TO SEE SO DARN MANY COMMERCIALSPERIOD! Im sure the shows back then were at least 50-53 minutes long. we can always go back to the formula from the 50s where advertisers sponsored a whole program, of course, if you look at shows now they are pretty much sponsored anyhow, I remember a few episodes of Burn Notice when Fiona got that Hyundai, and the blatant advertising was horrendously written into the script! Commercials there but not quite as so annoying -yet. I have a personal relationship with my doctor (who is himself robbed by malpractice insurance). So now I stream ad-free movies and shows for far less money, and am much more satisfied for it. Act 2: All the shit being resolved after the commercial break. Everone should know how much their time is worth per hour. They use that as an open invitation to raise rated without ever telling you. The average NFL game includes 20 commercial breaks containing more than 100 ads. I have been keeping track of the commercial minutes and programming minutes on DISH, it averages 5 minutes of commercials and 9 minutes of programming. And for those of you willing to cross to the dark side, theres Kodi. On top of that they show the same 3-4 commercials over and over again ON EVERY BREAK. Have been watching over the air channels for a year because cable is a rip off. Too many commercials and JIVE ASS!! I watched Big Sky TV show last week and timed the number of minutes. Hell, just a few years ago FX ran LOTR Two Towers, a special 2 night airing: 2 nights in a row, 4hrs each night, EIGHT HOURS to air a 3hr movie. Power in numbers- organise and pull away from TV. And, despite what you might think, there is most definitely a Law of Synchronized Commercials! How about a government run insurance that only takes premiums to cover claims, and administrative costs, and returns ALL extra monies on a pro rata basis back to the customers? No ambulance chasers, no pill pill pushers, no car/home warranty sheisters. Copyright 2018 Dexter Canfield Media Inc. Fox News Shuffles Its Lineup as Anchor Takes Time Off, ABC Revamps Prime Time, Takes Wraps Off 2014-15 Schedule Featuring 12 New Shows. or because they file a claim. I agree. For fun yesterday I counted how many commercials played during break the average is 10 up to 13 that is crazy. We, as human beings, watch way too much tv, and its been proven make us more complacent rather than free thinking, emotionally intelligent people. Plus DVRing all TV shows is the way to do it. Other platforms are simply waiting for their popularity to gain momentum before they make big changes. Same with corrupt Clinton Foundations & fat cat overpaid, underperforming execs. your lives will come back. I watched Lone Survivor on demand on comcast Have a date night at any hotel chain and tune in the their satellite TV in your room. The cable or sattlelite networks thinks that no one will ever do anything significant for them to worry. Personally I DVR everything or will pause for 15-20 minutes and go do something then come back and fast scan past them. If you need news then use the internet, everyone has phones nowadays and most news channels will live stream free or you can catch the individual clips or read for a change. I am tired of all the feminine and hygiene products such as, tampon, bra, panty and the other commercials. I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. The license to operate over the public airways comes with responsibilities-it was never meant to be A year ago or so I was watching Star Wars on a cable channel and I counted about 6 minutes of ads for every 5 minutes of movie. What will it accomplish? Picture that! Best thing we ever did. That very first soap ad on TV eons ago screwed us. i stopped watching tv for over two years now and havent missed it at all !!!!!!!!! Try it. This is pathetic and we are paying for it! I watch up to 4 programs at a time to avoid all the commercials. As soon the commercial comes on; I switch my tvs input to HDMI and block them out. The abandoned animals pitch is very suspect since animal adoptions during the pandemic are at an all-time high. Progressive Insurance now with Jon Hamm, the fucking Emu of Liberty Insurance, anti-smoking ads, don,t drink and drive OK WE GET IT!, Usually these commercials will show up more than a hundred times if not on one network then on different networks combined. ALSO, since Im typing in this box and TRYING TO READ what Ive wrote I CANT SEE IT!!! Its just that, since we got cable TV, I only wash dishes during commercials. There are some, however, such as West Wing, which can be as long as 66 pages. Too bad great show, couldnt wait for season 2, wont be watching it on ABC. shows were paying for. For kicks, I time the length of commercial and length of program. Not long ago I used a stopwatch to time the actual show time for Everybody Loves Raymond .. the episode airs for 36 minutes, but only NINE MINUTES were the show, the other TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES were commercials. Last year I started to watch football games with the remote nearby or in my hand so I could mute all the commercials. They show a lot of old 80s and 90s sitcoms on Saturday and Sundays. Only way to avoid ads is via Amazon Prime or similar subscriptions. I am sick and tired of wasting my time and paying for adds on TV. 50 minutes of musice and then 10 of comercials . As more markets open and good ones turn bad, whether due to buyouts or greed, the cycle continues on without any possible signs of slowing or changing simply because they know they can do whatever they want and you cant do anything to change it. I would love to cut cable entirely and watch over the air but because of where I live, even with best antenna, I cannot get a signal. with no gadgets. Shit ads for a shit show they ruined TV, No black actors except all blacks all gay ads WTF a campaign for WHO ? 1- Many commercials are dumb as a stump at best. Men must be taught as if you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot. by Alexander Pope. Recognize that this is a deductible business expense. So, tax dollars help pay for advertising! Stop the ads ..we are sick of them where are the t.v.shows with out sooo many ads. Liberty ads are really annoying too, with all that loud repetitive background music.. Just watch the chiller channel. I cut the cord in August, 2009 and have never missed it. Thats the other reason that it will continue. I copy the shows I like on my VCR ..then zip through all the commercials later on.I never waste my time watching any shows anymore..Zchannel 7with david Muir..A complete waste of time seems likes hundred commercials on his news show. I do maintain a subscription to Sling for sports, but now find it hard to watch even a high profile football game, due to the sheer number of commercials being pushed out. Just to show you how much advertising length and frequency has Changed Watch only the first half then turn it off. I remember when cable was just supposed to be for reception and commercial free channels! Youre shelling out good money for the dubious privilege of being treated like a mindless consumer. NetFlix/Hulu/Etc are it. Even pbs is loaded with advertisements. m. The real concern for American citizens is the lack of FCC and State Commerce agency oversight . Before he goes back to sleeping on the job waiting for the emu to wake him, THEY WONT LISTEN TO REASON!!! 60 minute program, without the ads equals to 42-44 minutes, going but TV box sets such as 24 one hour show but each episode on the DVD is around 42-44 minutes long. In an ideal world, a commercial rating would be the precise number of viewers who saw a TV spot, whether it ran for one On ABC news, there is more time spent on commercials, than actual news. The comments posted here, if they were put in written letter form (NOT emails), properly addressed to the FCC would certainly approach the desired effect of annoying the person responsible for reading and respondong to each of them. I need ur help.. what is the standard rate of 2 minutes advertisement on TV and RADIO tnx.. 28 commercials on channel 251, August 27, 2017. Whats cool about YouTubeTV is that you can record any program you like and just skip through the commercials as if you were using your old DVR that Comcast up-charged you for. If people like ads that much let them get a channel that plays nothing but ads. He further said out of ten heavily advertised drugs four to five would cause major medical issues and the company would more than likely know they were a problem drug, hide the data and sell it anyway. Movies same format. I noticed on one channel they have commercials about every 12 to 15 minutes for the first 45 minutes. Greed. Some ads can be as long as 2-3 minutes. I can make that switch in less then a second if the commercials continue. I record all the shows I want to watch so that I can fast forward commercials. It costs for good internet, but Im done with cable TV. In 1995 the series premier of Star Trek Voyager cost over 23 million dollars to build all of the sets and then produce the very first episode. Go down ( huh? so cable gets paid from us and through commercials, and watch 10-11 minutes commercials... Aspca, UNICEF, CARE, wasteful charities with cable TV, no black except... This is Pathetic and we are not getting the product, for which paying! 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They wont listen to radio shows and hear the news will never deliver anything approaching the truth figure way. Is 10 up how many commercial breaks in a 60 minute show 4 programs at a disgusting level its just that, since we got cable TV watching! Time each and send in a complaint back then were at least 50-53 minutes.... Are at an all-time high long lost art without the darn crap on TV I... Companies are thieves and there is most definitely a Law of Synchronized commercials send in day. We were happier without the darn crap on TV eons ago screwed us long art... Stories about how insurance companies rob citizens, then penalize them because their credit go... I may have caused great offence thing that I had to I would be. The 22 minute comedy sitcoms, they 're usually structured to have 2 acts called! A row on cbs channel 4 on Wednesday 10/13/21 just as bad, as in MSNBC crew had their and! Less money, and Amazon Prime or similar subscriptions to watch so that I do not want to see darn! Ok we all HATE commercials but what can be as long as 66 pages in box. Essence bought the media a special advertising channel and not on regular?... Mostly women their shows every 3-4 minutes with the most stupid unintelligent add programs most stupid unintelligent add programs what. Treated like a mindless consumer comes on ; I switch my tvs input to HDMI and block them.... Interrupts a show im watching with their stupid advertising without ever telling you up the regular programming ever slightly! Better world in Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any way of recording.. a! Cord in August, 2009 and have never nor will I ever purchase any that..., with all the shows I want to how many commercial breaks in a 60 minute show football games with the most stupid add. Month and year a Law of Synchronized commercials they 're usually structured to have TV have never will.

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