9580415 9570168 9559516 9541786 9611963 Very active health conscious person started having blood work that came back abnormal in 2017 , started with anemia low iron made diet changes and took supplements to help then in 2018 low thyroid blood work but very borderline low so made diet changes and it helped. I was diagnosed with supra ventricular tachycardia and placed on medication. I made several call backs, no assistance. 9532947 9611600 I had to pee multiple times during the night and always felt thirsty. Dizziness / light headedness all the time, irregular heartbeats, daily exhaustion, beyond normal. Started showing symptoms in 2012. 9614773 Link. No additional information has been received to date. Hence, follow ups for further investigation could not be performed. On 2013 began the onset of several health problems that at the time, i had no idea why or what was creating all of the problems. 9549491 I had an mri conducted with and without contrast and saw an ms specialist who was not concerned that i had ms. (b)(6) checks after each visit every week or two / escalations dept reports that these mds are listed as (b)(6) providers, and i fit criteria for the code she gave me for removal of implant, capsule and revision. I want my breast implants out, as i feel that i may get my life back. I even forgot to take my morning eye drops yesterday because they were moist and didnt hurt. 9538081 Mentor implants have a high patient satisfaction rate, with 94% of RealSelf reviewers saying their results are Worth It. We are not suggesting or implying that any companies or other entities included in the International Medical Devices Database engaged in unlawful conduct or otherwise acted improperly. Link. 3501640/81317001232 I was diagnosed with graves disease and then eventually hashimotos disease. Mentor offers protection for their products such as: Free lifetime replacement if your implant rupture. Same here. 9540917 It has been 1.5 years. 9573300 9582183 I have Mentor implants put in April 2014. January 2020 kidney stones removed, blood work pretty good other than low iron still, then in November 2020 high liver enzymes and 2021 diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. Approx 5-6 years later, i started experiencing health problems that included fatigue and breast pain. a nurse since (b)(6), i find this deeply disturbing. I have been dangerously ill for five years now after getting the implants. 9591673 Right had capsular contracture. Starting in (b)(6) 2014, i started having alopecia areata. Please do something. My youngest adult son of three children told me there are many women reporting these issues. Brain fog and decreased concentration and memory also took hold. Premature aging, vision disturbances, digestive issues. 9559883 Immediately, my breathing was cured! 9608064 Upon follow-up, it was confirmed by the patient that the symptoms were experienced three months after the implantation and they are slowing going away after the explantation. Do you think that made a difference in the muscle deformity? Lot Numbers: 9538573 On 1998 experienced cfs, brain fog and was disabled. The affected consignees were notified via customer letter on 7/1/16, and a follow-up with respective sales representative via visit. 9569247 9584310 9541784 3502475/81317001461 Link. I have mental fog, inability to regulate my body heat, poor skin coloration from bad circulation. I have had numerous disabilities and health issues ever since ranging from thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, muscle pains and weaknesses. they are able to live again? 9568916 I believe i have bii (breast implant illness). My quality of life is very poor. Link. 10 Year Implant coverage for capsular contracture (Baker grade III/IV . Link. The patient underwent explantation procedure on (b)(6) 2016. Joint pain, lethargic, slow to heal, sensitive to heat, cold extremities. 9619996 9562724 9540920 I also did genetic testing and i am now 4 times fold for celiac, cancer and 90% likely to have breast cancer. Bedridden 9 years and on narcotics for pain. Breast Implant Ingredients. 9567889 In (b)(6) 2014, i had a 2 week occurrence of vertigo. I dont want to be sick, but what can I do? 9576296 I, also, started having an itching on the left breast. I ended up having to leave my job due to these disabilities. I had them removed (b)(6) 2017 and have experienced major healing. Link. 9535132 Further on March 22, 2021 in Philadelphia, the law firm Berger Montague announced that many claims for injuries arising from the recall of Allergan's Biocell textured implants will now proceed to Discovery, read more here. Hypo/hyper adrenal symptoms, estrogen/progesterone imbalance or diminishing hormones, low libido, slow healing of cuts, and scrapes, easy bruising, throat clearing, cough, difficulty swallowing, choking, reflux, metallic tastes, vertigo, gastrointestinal, and digestive issues. MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Implant 350-3190/00081317001577. 9587067 9583792 I have had these implants for 6 years (smooth round high profile gel) I have literally been sick with a lot of these symptoms since a month after having them put in..I recently have been put through test after test and they cant seem to find anything Ive told them its the implants but no luck.Finally a plastic surgeon agreed to remove them on dec.19th .thank you I will continue to follow this page .. Cassandra , have u improved since ur implants was removed? This is real, its time these money making selfish companies know responsible for their greed. 9606470 Lot Number: I had my breast implants removed with muscle repair on (b)(6) 2017 and all my symptoms are gone. Labs show inflammation in my body, which is likely due to the implants. According to the company, "a small number of devices, due to an issue involving specific . 3501635/81317001225 9530517 Mechanical testing (i.e., fatigue rupture and shelf-life) to collect additional data. 9537339 9620460 Two prescriptions later and the symptoms never went away. In (b)(6) 2018, i came across a website about breast implant illness. 9546471 It resolved with detoxing and i have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd. My hormones are completely of whack. 9596800 9603190 Subsided after 7 months of treatment. So many BII symptoms, this isnt living. Feeling off-brain/ nervous system / sensory system similar to how you feel after multiple nights of no sleep. I had the mentor saline implants 14 years ago. They all said it was most likely lupus and left it at that. 9573064 I have had years of extensive testing done. Link. 9535387 We expect these manufacturers to meet the pre-specified study requirements in order to ensure the collection of long-term data that can be used to inform long-term patient safety. In (b)(6) 2009, i had a rupture of the left breast implant and (b)(6) 2009 had both replaced with mentor smooth saline moderate profile. Link. I had hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hair loss raynauds disease. More than 10 numbers, contact manufacturer. Anyone, who enters my world must be fragrance free or i get an automatic headache. Is there a recall on any Mentor implants? This sickens me. 9580876 I have a weak immune system, i get cold sores now, recently had an anaphylactic reaction, the list is endless. 9629900 9616933 9576454 About 23 years ago i was implanted with (b)(4) saline breast implants. 3503210/81317001584 9617100 I have right breast fullness, burning, right arm feels heavy, and my armpit lymph node like always when Im sick is swollen. 9571295 Product Code/UDI GTIN Code: 9559517 9529112 Received mentor silicone breast implants on (b)(6) 2013. Didnt feel as strong at the gym wrote it off as low iron. 9550165 9565271 Not only do implants cause immune system cancer as recently released by your administration, but it begins with a snowfall effect of damage to the immune system. Link. 5 years after receiving mentor saline siltex textured implants in (b)(6) of 1999, i started to display many symptoms of autoimmune disorders among other strange symptoms. not to mention the numerous times i have attempted suicide. The only diagnosis i was able to receive was that i had anxiety. I know something is going on, but because doctors have deemed me a mystery, I dont want to see anyone. Link. 3502400/81317001430 9608402 9529385 Lot Numbers: I want to share it with the world so no one else has to endure the pain and suffering the implants have caused to me and my family. 9608405 9607486 9559142 This included all body hair (underarms, pubic, legs) as well as any head hair. Link. I hope your explant was successful. I have just started having symptoms of burning & stinging in the right breast to the point that it wakes me up at night. 9561864 9555927 My left implant ruptured 2 weeks ago. 9596397 9533839 9527187 9554349 The destruction they cause is not ok. 9559881 No contact information was provided in mw report, therefore no further information has been made available. Allergan Natrelle Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants. 9590027 9541227 I was given chiropractic and physical therapy treatments that did not help. Mentors failure to address these concerns and comply with its post-approval study requirements is a violation of the firms pre-market approval order. My breasts were so deformed from the explantation (muscle had attached to the breast tissue and every time i flexed it pulled my breasts inward) that i decided to have new implants put in to see if it would help the deformity and improve my self confidence. 3502425/81317001447 Im going in this month for toxins testing. 9594297 I think my immune system started deteriorating in 2010, however, being so physically fit, the symptoms were masked until 2013. Chronic fatigue, inflammation, insomnia, cognitive dysfunction, skin rashes, headaches, sore and aching joints of shoulders, hips, backbone, hands and feet. On my own i called mentor, ((b)(6) 2018) inquired about the texturized implant findings. There was no previous history of autoimmune disease. Which I was not asked to participate in, nor aware of. The box of 300cc memorygel breast implant was labeled with null manufacturing and expiration dates. 9559141 Any non-affected product and any product returned after the dat. Is saline considered a gel? Link. What i know now to be breast implant illness began 5-6 months after i had augmentation with smooth saline implants. Any news on this condition and I still didnt know if the cause of my health problems was the implants, but it was like looking into a mirror. 9574052 A search has been done in the FDA post-approval study database for P990075 but no search results appeared. 9563098 I had many headaches and so much brain fog that it was difficult to do my job as an actor who is supposed to memorize lines. I would not have been able to stand on my feet for that long before, when i had implants. I am desperately trying to get funds together to have them removed. Mentor Saline implants. 9616495 9531109 9552229 I have an abscess filled with pus on left breast and told him i felt right really had changed he wanted money up front and also stayed along with dr. (b)(6) that capsule did not need to come out. 9597481 I have actually been sick since 2004, but your calendar only goes back to 2007. I cant even believe what I am reading. Many of having symptoms even much worse then i. I have mentor smooth saline implants that were placed about 14 years ago. 9534031 I have extremely low libido, shortness of breath, skin rashes, insomnia, hormone imbalance, tingling and/or numbness in the arms and legs. 9587066 While the FDA had concluded after reviewing several interim study reports submitted by Mentor that progress on the post-approval study appeared adequate at that time, the agency advised Mentor of concerns about patient enrollment, follow-up rates and data inconsistencies. 9611045 I ultimately explanted in (b)(6) of 2016. 9565272 In 2015, doctor found lump in right breast, mano shows calcification on left, right has 2 cyst at 10 oclock, had biopsy ductal plasia on right breast, had breast mri last week. Functioning in life is difficult and painful. And continue to get sick today. I became bedridden and only made attempts to get up to see another doctor to just get no answers to my sudden health decline that felt like i was dying some days. 3503460/81317001676 3. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: See reference section below for a Black Box Warning for breast implants and important safety information. After surgeon removed the implants, my health has improved by at least 90 percent. Re-do surgery done on (b)(6) 1993. No relief after surgery. 9608795 This felt like something physical. 9546778 It is a dirty little secret, i had a wound culture, a cvc, wbc count is high, but no md saw me! I see your post about having the explant. Shortness of breath, frequent urination, numbness/tingling sensations in upper and lower limbs, ear ringing, sudden food intolerance and allergies, vertigo. 9576297 I will explant next week to get my life back. This past year developed severe eczema on both nipples and surrounding tissue. 9532948 I could not concentrate. Candida albicans are very antibiotic resistant and the proper diagnosis by cultures of the blood and antibiotic therapy has to be done the proper way. 9570167 I met with two surgeons which confirmed breast implant illness for me and i then scheduled my surgery for (b)(6) 2018. The FDA welcomes public dialogue about breast implant safety and risk at the upcoming public meeting of the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel at the FDAs headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland on March 25-26, 2019, which will also be available via webcast. I started having serious difficulty breathing at all times, and especially when laying down at night. 9530727 The customer kept the product. Over the years i tried countless different medications, one that actually caused me to have a seizure. Lot Numbers: Recall Monitor is not endorsed by, or is an official product of the Government of Canada. I had saline breast implants in 2007. By 2004 i found it impossible to work at all, i was only (b)(6). Link. I was healthy prior to 5 years ago, currently show autoimmune symptoms with neg blood work. Mentor smooth saline almost killed me, Ive explanted two weeks ago and Im getting my life back. Lot Numbers: I am scheduled for an explant June 2022. 1. Severe gut pains, bone pains, swelling in hands, stiffness in legs. 9547974 I continue to work, but have such horrible brain fog that it worries me. I found out after much research that all women receiving any silicone implants were to be included in an approved fda trial. 9592613 Mentor saline breast implants that i got in 2003. 9544817 Any time i used any joint, whether it was my wrist on my shoulder, it would hurt for the next 5 days. Lot Numbers: 300NACL. 9563941 5. When they were implanted, the surgeon stressed that my case and the implants would be registered in a registry with the mfr which was mentor. Not just that, but i hope women can know how severe it can be and how often it is occurring. 5. I had 3 healthy boys regular delivery. 9566958 9543357 9529874 Post-approval studies (PAS) are conditions of device approval. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company. 9543989 This is not ok!!!!! It was reported that there were brown flakes on the implant that were noted out of box. 9556177 9586122 9592614 People are dying, others are struggling to survive. I know it was the implants pushing on my chest, probably due to the capsular contraction. 9602766 9608404 Link. I was healthy before these implants. Link. I thought maybe an expander that would be placed between the muscle and tissue to push the muscle back down to the chest wall or maybe stitches to stick the muscle back down so that its not pulling the breast tissue when i flex. 9546178 9585573 This is real!!!! Since your post was 2020 did you get your explant? This needs to be recognized by the FDA and the only way for something to be done is for everyone to report it. Hi I had Saline, Round I believe implants in Crystal Lake, IL May 8, 2001. Post-approval studies, along with other surveillance tools such as adverse event reports, registries, and scientific literature, allow the FDA to help ensure the safety of medical devices and protect patients.. 9565712 9602497 Some patients have died from BIA-ALCL. 9617814 I was tested for a multitude of disease such as lyme, eb, anemia, ms, als, etc. Absolutely no auto immune issues in my blood relatives. Mentor Texas LP. The FDAs warning letter to Mentor Worldwide LLC (Mentor) noted several serious deficiencies in the manufacturers post-approval study for its MemoryShape breast implant, first approved in 2013, including that the manufacturer had failed to enroll the required number of patients in the study. I have paid so much money to deductibles, medicine, out of pocket, you name it. No patient contact information was provided. Implantation of the MENTORBreast Implants, as well as any subsequent procedures, must be in accordance with current Mentor Product literature and accepted plastic surgical procedures by appropriately qualified licensed physicians for product to qualify for replacement under the Mentor Product Replacement Policy. Four months later, the patient underwent additional revision augmentation with unknown implant brand, texture, and fill. All of my joints and muscles hurt so bad. 9590273 I found great difficulty concentrating and working fast as i became easily fatigued, but was still working. The patient is fine now. Get personalized SMS or Email notifications about recall alerts that matter by subscribing to Recall Monitor. Do you have any suggestions as I look for a doc and how to prepare for this surgery? Some symptoms have already gone away and some have gotten better. No extended hospitalization was required. This request has not been addressed as i am on medicaid. I was diagnosed in 2006 with sle (lupus). Immediately and every day since my surgery 3 weeks ago, ive had all of the same symptoms reappeared but even worse. 3502700/81317001515 I cant take it anymore. I had fever and chills a lot toward the end, and night sweats. 9540916 9599497 9596091 Breast implants have been associated with the development of a cancer of the immune system called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). 1. We want to hear from you. 9539276 my first ones were removed via the area incision and now i have an incision in the inframammary location. In early 2017 i decided to remove the implants as i was having pain in the right breast and limitation of arm range of motion. Some days I feel like I am laterally dying! How is your recovery going? On (b)(6) 2017, i had the mentor implants removed and no implant replacement. I did research what i could find previous to getting my implants and found no negative reports at that time. The International Medical Devices Database is licensed under the Open Database License and its contents under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Over the course of the next year i also suffered from anxiety, hair loss, dry skin, rashes, acne, tight chest and trouble breathing, rib pain, brain fog, memory loss, headaches, temperature intolerance and the list goes on; 29 total symptoms in all. The FDAs actions today are part of the agencys ongoing commitment to its public health mission of ensuring patient access to safe and effective medical devices. The only test that ever came back positive was an ana test which my dr said could have been from having mono years ago. I was healthy, more than healthy. Never was i contacted for any f/u. Thank you for your time. I have no family history of auto-immune disease. Please take them off the market and help us to save our future generations. 9565714 PLEASE everyone file your reports to the FDA. Lot Numbers: 9558223 Extreme fatigue and the inability to make it through my daily tasks without hours of napping. 9614478 9556604 I have widespread pain, heart palpitations, extreme hair loss, rashes, insomnia, chronic fatigue, migraines, edema all over, etc. I have been feeling terrible for at least the last ten years or more. 9614479 How do I tell? So i am reporting my situation. The FDA advises women with BIA-ALCL to have their implants removed. Brain fog terrible, delay in processing any info, writing / reading / speaking have to be very well thought out, before i can take any action. There is hope!!!!! My eyes were extremely sensitive to light and i had to wear sunglasses at my daughters basketball game. 9553340 9584309 9584308 9615898 3501645/81317001249 9529386 They are getting better? Distributed in the states of NY, WI, CA, TX, CO, NC, NJ, OH, TN, RI, and IL. Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Prosthesis, breast, inflatable, internal, saline, PMAs with Product Code = FWM and Original Applicant = MENTOR WORLDWIDE LLC, Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players, Class 2 Device Recall Smooth Round Saline Diaphragm Valve (DV) Breast Implants, MENTOR Saline-Filled Breast Implants are constructed from room temperature, Saline DV Breast Implant Codes with lots manufactured impacted by the Recall Up to 1000, financial assistance to cover part of your surgical expenses should your implant rupture. Patient had implants in for 10 yrs. 9590029 No patient consequence was reported. This cancer occurs more commonly in patients with textured breast implants than smooth Implants, although rates are not well defined. Sientras failure to address these concerns and comply with its post-approval study requirements is a violation of the firms pre-market approval order. 9541465 9536101 The physician had to put tissue expanders instead and schedule an additional surgery. 9528841 All patients enrolled in the premarket Saline Prospective Study (SPS) will be asked to enroll in this post-approval study. 9595693 By this time, i had eliminated all caffeine, alcohol, and non-organic cosmetics to lower my overall toxic load. 9539275 Lot Numbers: 9568918 The fda allowed their pma with the conditions to add the (b)(6) into the post-approval study which was a 10 year f/u mentor stated to the fda that they attempted to contact and mail enrollment packets to these women but couldnt locate the majority despite the data base they had and was part of the fda rules to save each device and the person receiving them. 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